Book Review-All Hallows in Middleham JP Reedman | Miki's Hope

Book Review-All Hallows in Middleham JP Reedman

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Having read The Mistletoe Bride of Minster Lowell as well as many other books by this amazing author--I knew that this one would be perfect for Halloween!! It certainly was. I can well imagine telling this tale around a campfire deep in the woods. It may well leave you with chills running up and down your spine.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

All Hallows Eve comes to the town of Middleham in a swirl of autumnal leaves and bonfire smoke. Young Edward, the son of Duke Richard of Gloucester, wants to join in with the traditional festivities--the turnip lanterns, the Soul Caking, the storytelling in the churchyard. Richard agrees, despite the reluctance of his wife, Duchess Anne, and the frail little boy and his half-sister, Katherine, go to join the festivities. Old Gatty tells traditional, haunting tales of the Yorkshire dales--the man-eating Water Horse of the Ure, the witch of the hazelnut tree, the evil giant of Penhill with his spiked club.

A merry night is had by all, but after the fires go out, young Edward is still restless and slips away into the darkness. And what might a lone young lad meet upon the road?


Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

Born to a Canadian soldier and English war bride, J.P. grew up in Victoria, British Columbia. but has lived in the U.K. for almost a quarter of a century.

Interests include anthropology, archaeology, folklore, fantasy, the Wars of the Roses era (Richard III in particular), Robin Hood, medieval life in general, Stonehenge and the megalithic culture.

Works include two novels set at the time of Stonehenge, Stone Lord and Moon Lord, and two popular works on Richard III (I, Richard Plantagenet parts 1 and 2) written from his first person point of view. Other works include a dystopian novel My Name is Not Midnight, which takes place in a post-Apocalyptic Canada, and a historical fantasy Sacred King which is about Richard III's 'return' in a Leicester carpark. Many short stories and collections are also available, the subjects ranging from high fantasy and horror to pure historical fiction.

Upcoming projects are a Complete Edition of I, Richard Plantagenet (revised, with new details), a novel on Eleanor Provence, Queen of Henry III, and a mystical version of the Robin Hood legend.

Author's Website

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