Book Review-Purrfect Deceit-Nic Saint | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Purrfect Deceit-Nic Saint

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Odelia took on a client even though she is a reporter and not a PI! She really thought the client was telling the truth. She began to investigate and began to wonder-Her grandmother and her friend decided to help. You will probably laugh at their antics.

Poor unassuming and not so smart Dooley is positive that a stork is going to deliver a baby to Ophelia and her new husband-----and cat choir has a whole bunch of problems!!

Lots to keep up with along with a couple of laughs---Thank heavens Max is one smart cat!!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Max to the Rescue Ideally reporters aren’t supposed to take on paying clients. It’s against the reporter’s code—if there is such a thing as a reporter’s code. I may be thinking of doctors. At any rate, when Joshua Curtis showed up in Odelia’s office, asking her to catch a person in the act of being unfaithful, it’s only understandable that my human balked at the request. But then she took comfort in the fact that a juicy article might come out of this, and so she took the case. Little did she know this would lead to a triple homicide, which would put her on a collision course with her uncle, our local Chief of Police. Meanwhile the buzz surrounding Odelia’s shotgun wedding still hadn’t died down, with many members of the citizenry upset and giving my human the stink eye. And then of course there was Dooley, on the lookout for the stork which he was sure would soon be delivering Odelia and Chase’s baby. And since trouble always comes in threes, there was the rift that threatened to rip cat choir apart, Gran acting like a loose cannon again, and yours truly being relied upon to fix all of the above. Okay, so maybe trouble comes in fours—or even fives! Such is life in Hampton Cove.

Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

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Nic has a background in political science and before being struck by the writing bug worked odd jobs around the world (including but not limited to massage therapist in Mexico, gardener in Italy, restaurant manager in India, and Berlitz teacher in Belgium).

When he’s not writing he enjoys curling up with a good (comic) book, watching British crime dramas, French comedies or Nancy Meyers movies, sampling pastry (apple cake!), pasta and chocolate (preferably the dark variety), twisting himself into a pretzel doing morning yoga, going for a run, and spoiling his big red tomcat Tommy.

He lives with his wife (and aforementioned cat) in a small village smack dab in the middle of absolutely nowhere and is probably writing his next ‘Mysteries of Max’ book right now.

Author's Website





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