Book Review-The Girl From Saint Petersburg (An Industrial Historical Fiction Series Book 1)-Joyana Peters | Miki's Hope

Book Review-The Girl From Saint Petersburg (An Industrial Historical Fiction Series Book 1)-Joyana Peters

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Back in 1905 Russia the Czar was a tyrant-he could change his mind on a whim--and he often did!! When Ruth's father, fiance and brother had to leave quickly they left Ruth, her Mom and younger sister to fend for thenselves. They made it to America and did try to send money back home-but it was not easy!!

Ruth did everything iaginable to keep food on the table. When her sister got really sick Ruth did something she never thought she was capable of--and now she was wanted by the authorites! She contacted a smuggler--finally got the money to pay him.

Did he manage to get the three woman out of Russia so they could get a boat to America?

This one will have you shocked and sometimes in tears---is there a happy ending to this tragic tale?

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Russia, 1905: Thirteen-year-old Ruth dreams of growing up to marry the boy next door and living peacefully ever after. But when he and her father are forced to flee to America after the Bloody Sunday Massacre, Ruth and the other female members of the family are left behind amid the violence and chaos of revolutionary Russia. Overcoming violence and hunger with a strength she never knew she possessed, Ruth resolves to do what it takes to keep her mother and sister alive—whether it be work, beg or steal.

Then she lands herself in a predicament that threatens to put her own neck in a noose. This time she may not be able to keep them all safe, at least not without sacrificing their love for her and all that makes life worth living.

In this prequel to the award-winning novel, The Girl in the Triangle, author, Joyana Peters, portrays a tight-knit family fighting to endure at a precarious and crucial time in Jewish history. Join the countless readers who can’t get enough of Ruth and her story. Click here to buy today!

Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

JOYANA PETERS grew up in New York and loves exploring—this led to her discovery of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and the stories it holds. She currently lives in the DC area and continues to write narratives that shine a light on empowering women and moments in history.

Author's Website





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