Book Review-Purrfect Fitness-Nic Saint | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Purrfect Fitness-Nic Saint

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Cats and Dogs all have their own personalities. Some are ultra curious, some ultra friendly, some are not that smart and some are really smart!! Dooley is not all that smart and had to be told over and over again about almost everything--he tended to be obsessive and could not get it out of his head that Marge was not going to marry and move both him and her out!!

Then there is Brutus--super friendly-he actually makes friends with a turtle and attempts to help this turtle's friends out of the pond. He gets in a bit of trouble. Luckily his friends help him out.

Little Randy (not so little avtually) gets along with all the cats--Hw has no idea his human is playing dirty tricks!!

This is a light read which I am sure you will enjoy--

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Go for the burn…

I don’t know if you’ve ever shared your home with a fitness fanatic? Well, I have, and I must say it is a most disturbing experience. Both my humans are fitness nuts, you see, and like nothing more than to contort themselves into strange positions, then jump up and down while sweating profusely. Things didn’t improve when fitness celebrity Randy Hancock came to stay with us. He told us he’d recently been injected with a slow-acting toxin and only had four more days to live. So he asked Odelia to save him. It was the beginning of a troubling time, more so because he’d brought along his dog Little Randy.

Meanwhile Brutus had struck up an unlikely friendship with a turtle, and Gran an even unlikelier one with Wilbur Vickery, going so far as to actually start dating the man. Soon rumors of an upcoming wedding were doing the rounds, prompting Dooley to fear he’d have to move out along with Gran to go and live with her new husband and Wilbur’s cat Kingman. And then of course there was The Affair: Marge being caught in the arms of Randy, creating a second rumor mill that predicted divorce. It was all cause for great concern, and one of my most perspiratory mysteries yet.

>Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

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Nic has a background in political science and before being struck by the writing bug worked odd jobs around the world (including but not limited to massage therapist in Mexico, gardener in Italy, restaurant manager in India, and Berlitz teacher in Belgium).

When he’s not writing he enjoys curling up with a good (comic) book, watching British crime dramas, French comedies or Nancy Meyers movies, sampling pastry (apple cake!), pasta and chocolate (preferably the dark variety), twisting himself into a pretzel doing morning yoga, going for a run, and spoiling his big red tomcat Tommy.

He lives with his wife (and aforementioned cat) in a small village smack dab in the middle of absolutely nowhere and is probably writing his next ‘Mysteries of Max’ book right now.

Author's Website





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