Book Review-The Dog's Code of Honor-Absolute Loyalty-Lawrence Gold | Miki's Hope

Book Review-The Dog's Code of Honor-Absolute Loyalty-Lawrence Gold

Friday, July 7, 2023

What a really good book with a happy ending! Dogs really are Men's and Women's best friends. Some dogs are so intelligent as the dog in this book is it is hard to believe. But they are out there---You will definitely fall in love with this dog--even as you worry about his handler. This is one of those books not to be missed.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

The Dog’s Code of Honor is a thriller/drama about a reluctant warrior (BEN) and his war dog (ZEKE) who after being severely injured in Afghanistan suffer from PTSD. Both veterans strive for normalcy through therapy and develop an unexpected special relationship, the ability to read each other’s mind. They discover that civilian life has its own stresses and tragedies that compromise their ability to heal. They struggle for a cure from this difficult psychological quagmire yet when called upon to assist the police in the murder of Ben’s student (ANGELA), they revert to the values that good men and dogs share when dealing with adversity in a cruel and indifferent world.

Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

I was born in the Bensonhurst section of Brooklyn, moved to Queens, and then, as New Yorkers say, we ascended to the Island.

After graduating from Valley Stream Central High School, I went to Adelphi, a college then, a university now, and then to medical school in Chicago.

The war in Vietnam interrupted my postgraduate training with a year in Colorado Springs and another as a Battalion Surgeon in Vietnam. I spent seven months in the Central Highlands with the 4th Infantry and five months in an evacuation hospital in Long Binh outside Saigon where I ran the emergency room.

I returned intact in 1968 to complete my training in internal medicine and diseases of the kidney, nephrology.

I worked for twenty-three years in Berkeley, California in a hospital-based practice caring for patients with complicated illnesses often in ICU and served as Chief of Medicine.

My wife Dorlis and I retired in October 1995 and sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge for a life at sea in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean.

Four years later, exhausted from repairing everything on board, (often many times) we sold the sailboat and within a year took the lazy man's out; we bought a Nordic Tug, a trawler. We motored around Florida, the Bahamas, the entire East Coast and completed two 'Circle trips' to Canada and back, eight months, the first time, five months, the second.

I wrote professionally as a physician to inform but rarely to entertain, at least not on purpose.

First, Do No Harm was published in April 2007. No Cure for Murder was released in August 2011. For the Love of God was published in January 2012 and The Sixth Sense in July 2012.

In the last two years, I've written three screenplays based on my novels and hope to see one or more produced for the screen. I submitted my screenplay, Rage to the 80th Annual Writer's Digest contest and won honorable mention (57 out of 11,000).

We live in beautiful Grass Valley with 7 year old Wesely, a terrier mix and Billie the Kid, a 6 year old seven pound purebred Yorkie who thinks he's a Pit-bull.

Author's Website





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