I was at a clients the other day (Monday) and as I got out of my car to go in---a bunch of birds, appox 5) started flying around. I did not think a thing about it until one of them stood on the steps leading up to the front door. It took me a few to realize what I was looking at--a Robin Red Breast? I stood and watched him for a few minutes as he stood and watched me. I did not use those stairs-I used the downstairs door instead. Around here Robins herald the start of Spring--why were these birds still here? If anything shouts that there is a problem with our climate is seeing a Robin at the start of winter!!
Well I did a little research and was surprised to see that not all Robins migrate-although most do. Click here for a study that is being conducted by the Columbia Climate School titled American Robins Now Migrate 12 Days Earlier Than in 1994.
As to whether it is unusual to see Robins in winter--not really acording to the article by the Cornell Lab Is it unusual to see American Robins in the middle of winter?
I generally think of birds as mini dinosaurs--they sure have the body shape. I am content to just stand and watch them-all in their own way are beautiful--but Robins will always be my favorite-even though they don't necessarily herald the beginning of spring.

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