This is the second book in this series. I suggest you read the Chainmaker's Daughter which is the first. This is the continuation of how women's rights were attained way back when. Women were no more then slaves back then--in more ways then one! It took couragous women to stand up and fight for the right to vote and for equal pay for equal work (In my opinion we are still trying for that!!)
This novel which is based on history will grip you like no other when you realize how woman were treated back then with no real recourse. There are a couple of real woman in here (the auhtor will let you know who they are at the end). You will smile when you read how our fictional heroine deals with it all!
Please don't miss reading this series. There is a third and you know I will be getting it and reading it!!
About the Book: (from Amazon)
England 1911: following the successful strike by women chainmakers for the legal minimum wage, and the death of the chain master, Matthew Joshua, Jack and Rosie find themselves on the other side of the fence when they are thrust into running the chain factory for Matthew's widow, Marion. Along with their new responsibilities, Jack and Rosie have to contend with national strikes, riots, and shortages. Ever the activist, Rosie defies Jack and is gaoled when fighting for women's suffrage, while Marion plots to write Jack out of Rosie's life and steal Rosie’s daughter Emma. Jack's attempt to keep Rosie safe at home by betraying her trust in the most underhand way backfires spectacularly. Can they find forgiveness, yet again? The outbreak of war brings new challenges to an already fraught relationship, and both determine to do their bit for the war effort with potentially devastating consequences.
Read a Chapter or Two Here
Purchase the Book Here
About the Author: (from Amazon)
Rebecca lives near Britain's smallest city, St Davids, in the far west of Wales with her rescue dog, rescue husband and twenty very sheepish sheep. Surrounded by stunning coastal and moorland scenery, she also loves to paint. She inherited her love of stories from her grandfather, who told stories with his hands: stories with colourful characters and unexpected endings. Her fascination with what makes people who they are, and the belief that life is many shades of grey, informs her writing. A Native American Indian proverb reads, 'Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.' Rebecca has based her life on this tenet: it is certainly core to her writing. 'We may not condone what a person does, but sometimes we can understand and maybe come to forgive.' In 2019, she won the IAN Fiction Book of the Year prize, the IAN Outstanding Historical Fiction prize, and the Readers' Favorite Gold Medal for Historical era/event Fiction.
All her books have been awarded Readers' Favorite 5-star reviews, and previews of her books can be read at
Sign up for her monthly newsletter for free short stories, recommended reading, and news at
Author's Website

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