Everyone is different-whether it is their skin color or the religion they practice. It is up to us to teach our kids so they will understand and accept these differences.
Alex really wanted a puppy for Christmas and he got his wish! When the pup spotted an open front door he raced out! Alex and his Mom raced out to go find him and bring him home! While they were searching they passed several of their neighbors homes--all of whom celebrated or were celebrating other religious practices. This was quite a diverse neigborhood! Alex's Mom and sometimes with the help of the neighbor explained each of the different celebrations that occur at this time of the year by the different groups.
The pup was found and they made their way home. And Alex learned a very important lesson along the way!
There is a glossary at the end that will wxplain some of the words that your child will not know and will help you explain! I definitely think all children and their parents should read this short, well illustrated book!!

"Kelly Darmofal takes her readers on an unexpected Christmas journey that leads her readers to discover the beauty of our diverse winter holidays! Holidays with a Tail: A Tale of Winter Celebrations is a book to read aloud to all!" -- Debbie McIntyre, Principal of Jefferson Elementary School
"With warmth and cheer, Darmofal captures Christmas Day in Holidays with a Tail. A day of adventure for a boy becomes a day of learning and connecting with others for a deeper understanding of cultures and traditions that differ from his own. A great holiday read!" -- Emily M. Cagle, Media Specialist at Meadowlark Elementary School
"With vibrant illustrations and easy-to-understand language, the author introduces us to five holiday celebrations enjoyed by families of different cultures. This book is non-judgmental and depicts appreciation for the differences among us. While it is intended for children, parents might also learn something new. Holidays with a Tail is a valuable resource if we plan to raise our children with an acceptance of diversity."
-- Dr. Laurie Zelinger, Child Psychologist, Author of Please Explain Vaccines to Me Because I HATE SHOTS!
Learn more at www.ImLostInMyMind.com
Another empowering book from Loving Healing Press www.LHPress.com

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Enjoy these excerpts!

Amanda's Fall, with charming illustrations by Bijan Samaddar, depicts an event common in schools today. Young Amanda gets a concussion after falling and hitting her head during recess. While she can hear people talking, she cannot respond. Amanda is taken to a doctor for evaluation. Wisely, her parents ask for a prognosis, which in Amanda's case, is a good one. Author Kelly Darmofal offers readers her third book on TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), encouraging parents and caretakers to alert schools and, hopefully, doctors when any child is concussed; side effects can then be ameliorated.
Studies show that Traumatic Brain Injuries represent the leading cause of death and disability in young adults in industrialized countries. According to the CDC, at least 564,000 children are seen each year for brain injury in hospital emergency departments and released.
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Lost in My Mind: Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) (Reflections of America)

Lost in My Mind is a stunning memoir describing Kelly Bouldin Darmofal's journey from adolescent girl to special education teacher, wife and mother -- despite severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Spanning three decades, Kelly's journey is unique in its focus on TBI education in America (or lack thereof). Kelly also abridges her mother's journals to describe forgotten experiences. She continues the narrative in her own humorous, poetic voice, describing a victim's relentless search for success, love, and acceptance -- while combating bureaucratic red tape, aphasia, bilateral hand impairment, and loss of memory. Readers will:
- Learn why TBI is a "silent illness" for students as well as soldiers and athletes.
- Discover coping strategies which enable TBI survivors to hope and achieve.
- Experience what it's like to be a caregiver for someone with TBI.
- Realize that the majority of teachers are sadly unprepared to teach victims of TBI.
- Find out how relearning ordinary tasks, like walking, writing, and driving require intense determination.
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101 Tips for Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury: Practical Advice for TBI Survivors, Caregivers, and Teachers

Kelly Bouldin Darmofal suffered a severe TBI in 1992; currently she holds a Masters in Special Education from Salem College, NC. Her memoir Lost In My Mind: Recovering From Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) tells her story of tragedy and triumph. Kelly will be teaching "TBI: An Overview for Educators" at Salem College. Kelly’s "tips" were learned during two decades of recovery and perseverance; they include:
- Ways to avoid isolation and culture shock post-TBI
- Tips for staying organized in the face of instant chaos
- Strategies for caretakers and teachers of TBI survivors
- Life philosophies that reject despair
- How to relearn that shoes must match
- Why one alarm clock is never enough, and
- A breath of humor for a growing population with a "silent illness"--TBI
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About the Author

Her article on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and education was published in English Journal in 2005; "Our Teachers Are Not Prepared" won an Edwin M. Hopkins award in 2006 (NCTE). She is a feature contributor to Lost Treasure magazine, and has been a speaker on the subject of TBI at Wake Forest, Salem College, and the Summit School. With the publication of online articles related to TBI in addition to her memoir, Kelly continues to advocate for the TBI of America - especially students. "No teacher in high school or college was trained to work with students like me," says Kelly, the first TBI-certified student in her high school. She admits the American military and sports organizations are now attempting to address the TBI issue. However, IDEA, or the Individual with Disabilities Education Act, has made TBI a certifiable disability category (in 1990) without assuring appropriate teacher training. She remarks on this "black hole" in education whenever possible, and relates her early TBI experiences with hopes of affecting change.
Kelly has found canine care and rescue to be both a rewarding and healing hobby. Currently she owns two rescue mutts - Mitzy and Buddie.
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Cute book cover and a great read for the kids.
Each year we celebrate the holidays differently.
This year will be different in a sad way because of the loss of my mother this year.
I will have some family over and enjoy their company.
We celebrate the festive holiday with gatherings and activities with family and finds.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I usually spend the holidays with my mother & our 2 dogs
We celebrate with family and friends but no large gatherings last year or this year.
With family, friends good food and decorations!
I'll be celebrating Christmas at my parents' house this year.
I celebrate with family.
I always celebrate with my kids and family!
I celebrate the holidays with family, friends and pets.
I celebrate with my family on Christmas Eve.
We celebrate on Dec. 24, with Christmas dinner for our whole family--kids, and grandkids. Then we open presents.
Family celebrates with festive music and good food.
I celebrate the Holidays with my husband and cat.
We decorate for the season, bake cookies, attend mass on Christmas morning and open Christmas gifts!
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