Picture from Pixabay
Having been born on a 13th I have a love hate relationship with that number when it falls on a Friday!! Thankfully this year it is not my birthday!! I am really not superstitious. Black cats can cross my path whenever they want and if they stop I will pet them if they allow it. For practical reasons I will not walk under a ladder--it really could fall and I probably would bump into it causing it to fall--no matter what day it is!
Both good and bad things have happened to me associated with the number 13. As a result I kind of stay at home as much as possible wondering if I should hide under the bed. There are years I probably should have!
Do you have a day or a number that seems to make you either want to hide or go out and party? This year I'll be taking it easy and go out food shopping then come home and read a book while cuddling with my white and black cat who has been sincerely trying to break my computer! I hope today is not the day she succeeds!

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Hopefully today will be okay. Your cat is very cute!
That's a good day for me... reading with the cat!
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