Book Review- Hurricane Hole: #2 in a Romantic Sailing Mystery-RP Dahlke | Miki's Hope

Book Review- Hurricane Hole: #2 in a Romantic Sailing Mystery-RP Dahlke

Friday, July 30, 2021

This will really having you wondering how these two survived all that goes on! This is a very clean read by the way! There is lots of action--but who is after who and will the secrets that each of the main characters have ever come to light. I loved the character Gabe--trouble incorporated but he really means well and when push comes to shove--he is right there--but not always. I think you will enjoy this fast paced mystery-I certainly did.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

A Deadly Baja Thrill Ride

An immediate attraction between a U.S. bound oil rig diver and a beautiful TV soap queen on holiday in Mexico seems like a dream come true.

But the lovers are about to become pawns in a scheme to recover priceless treasure at the bottom of the Sea of Cortez.

They’d better hurry! A monster hurricane is bearing down on Baja!

Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

My protagonist for the Dead Red Mystery series is a tall, blond ex-model turned crop-duster who, to quote Lalla Bains, has "been married so many times they oughta revoke my license."

Lalla is no Danielle Steele character & she's not afraid of chipping her manicure. Scratch that, the girl doesn't have time for a manicure. The first three books are based in the Central Valley of California. Beginning with A Dead Red Alibi, Lalla and family move to South East Arizona where she and cousin, Pearlie Bains, will continue to their unearth killers as Wishbone, Arizona's newest P.I.s.

A Dead Red Cadillac A Dead Red Heart A Dead Red Oleander A Dead Red Alibi A Dead Red Miracle A Dead Red Gamble A Dead Red Horse Thief

My romantic suspense books are also on Kindle: A Dangerous Harbor, and Hurricane Hole. If you liked my Lalla Bains series, I know you'll love these books: More romance, more suspense, and in an exotic location with nastier bad guys and a bald parrot!

Sisters in Crime, National and Tucson Chapter AZ chapter of Sisters in Crime.

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Melissa Meyers said... 1

I like romantic suspense books. This sounds like a good one!

Lauryn R said... 2

This sounds like an exciting romantic suspense book! I will have to check out book one since this is the second.

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