2020 has been the absolute craziest year I have ever experienced in my 70 years on earth!
I keep wearing a mask even though I have trouble breathing with it on. Between my allergies and prior asthma attacks I guess that is what is causing the problem. But I keep on wearing it--for my sake and everyone else's. As a result I go out as infrequently as possible. I wash my hands frequently with soap and water or if outside use the wipes. Most places that I have been to have some sort of hand sanitizer wipes or liquid that people can use as they are walking in. But not all!! So I have wipes stashed in my pocketbook!!
I keep getting robo calls about the craziest things. I have a landline so at least I am able to slam the phone down-HARD! There are a couple that really get to me. A car sealershop where I bought a car years ago keeps calling me to tell me that my car's extended warrenty is over and I should renew it? UH--that car has been gone for a long time now. Then there is the person that keeps telling me that one of my health professionals has recommended that I get one of those medic alerts----none of my doctor's has ever mentioned that to me! Besides if I want one I will call them myself! The worst one is actually a live call from supposedly my health insurance company. They are trying to get me to have a health checkup over the internet? Thankfully I am able to tell them that yes, I have Zoom--but they can't see me-only I can see them. And that I do go see my doctor at his office! How in the world can someone tell how your lungs (or heart or anything else for that matter) are without seeing you in person? I have no idea how to fix that and I am actually glad that it does not work correctly at this point! Strangely enough I have not received many political calls YET! That maybe because I installed NOMOROBO--so at least some calls do not get through!
I have to keep explaing to my Mom (she will be 98 in Novembe) that we can't do everything she wants to do. Yes, we do go out for lunch quite often actually. She moans and groans but wears her mask. She wants to go into stores and then realizes they are not actually open. She still lives by herself and does have an aide in 5 days a week for approx 10 hours a day-thus if we go out during the week I have to take both of them. I am VERY grateful for that aide!!
I am very disturbed about what is happening in our country--it is certainly not the world I was brought up in! I can see that the climate is changing. I definitely trust scientists and medical people before I will ever trust a politician! I will be early voting in person! I am beginning not to trust much of anything anymore--sad but true.
Meanwhile I keep reading books and reviewing them. Also keep working at clients wearing a mask (I am semi retired). I seem to be holding it together--I just keep hoping that things will get better in my lifetime!

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I understand totally - I am beyond overwhelmed. Its so hard to believe that this is our realitY!
I so get it. It has been very stressful for us all. Hang in there!
2020 will be a year to remember! Thanks for posting!
(((Michelle))) You're rocking this!
I think we all have been through craziness for awhile now! I pray that it gets better and we can all have some kind of happiness!
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