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Baby suddenly has an upset tummy AND she is being very particular about what she eats! She kind of waits for me to eat before even looking at her cat food. Well she is 10+ years old so I guess she has the right to be finicky!
When I went to the store I picked up a pre made package of Maple Honey turkey. Normally I get it at the Deli counter but they were kind of busy and I just wanted to get back home. It was not Boars Head but I figured what the heck--wrong move!!
I got home and tore one slice into small pieces and placed it on her plate. She ate some of it-then stopped. I decided I would make a sandwich out of it for myself. Uh--it tasted more like Honey Maple HAM then turkey to me, and the slices were definitely thicker then when I get it at the Deli counter. A while later I heard poor Baby throwing up! I guess I will be eating that what ever it is up!!
That evening I gave her her normal dinner of Sheba which she usually loves--no dice. I had made myself a salad for dinner and she was quite annoyed. I just had to keep putting more of her Temptation treats down which she did eat.
This morning I decided to give her one of the tubes of the Delectables Squeeze Up Lickable Wet Cat Treats (chicken). She licked it up immediately but still hasn't finished her Sheba that I put down this morning.
I REALLY hope that Baby does not expect me to cook every night!

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