The above is what I have been doing every chance I get! This week has been nothing but driving, driving and more driving. It started with a phone call from my Mom last Saturday. Her stove top would not light and she wanted a cup of coffee--and she could not find any matches. Her super was on vacation so I told her NOT to keep trying (remember she is 97) I would get there as soon as I could. Well--I got there--she had found matches and managed to get one of the burners lit-------I tried lighting the other 3--they would not light. Now this stove has been in her apartment since she moved in-I was 8 then I am 69 now--you do the math! I told her to use her microwave or toaster oven until we could find and purchase a new stove. Off we drove to three or four stores--one was not open--another was closing as I parked. She did not like the ones at the other 2 very large stores I drove her to. We drove and/or looked for four hours---I dropped her off at home. I told her I would come and pick her and her aide up on Tuesday--(I work at a client on Monday) and would take her out to look again.
Tuesday came and I was informed that one of her friends had told her about a place--it happened to be the place that was closing as we pulled up on Saturday. OK-off we all drove. We got there and with some hemming and hawing she actually liked one and the price was right--AMD they would bring the new one-install it and take away the old one-PERFECT--Until it came time to pay. I went up with her credit card in hand and was informed that they only took checks or debit cards--if we used a credit card it would be $30 more. Her debit card had expired a couple of months ago and I kept telling her to call and renew it---of course not--So I took out my debit card and luckily it took the whole price--kind of--turns out it used every penny in my account plus all the overdraft I had!! Off to her bank we drove to get me reimbursed--UH-her bank requires an appointment to get in!! I even tried a different branch--same thing--By now I was not feeling very nice but kept my cool--as I drove her back to her apartment-to get one of her checks and to make sure she renewed that debit card!! Back in the car---
I drove to one of my banks branches--there were tellers in there but there was a line to get in--so I used the ATM. She wanted to eat and in that open shopping center was a place she would be able to get something she likes--the aide did not want to eat so she grabbed one of the outside tables for us. The cashier did not exactly get the order correct-the aide was nice enough to go in twice to get what the cashier forgot but we paid for! I was then informed that she needed something from the grocery store---okay I stopped there---then I dropped them both off--4 hours of mostly driving later!
Then just when I thought I would be able to finish a book that I was really enjoying on Wednesday (I put it up on Friday) my Mom called. The aide could not come in--okay--off I went to pick her up and do a few errands then we ate in a restaurant where we hadn't been for months--I had a corned beef and pastrami combo sandwich on rye with a diet Dr Brown creme soda--that tasted sooo good!! I took her home and drove myself home. I fell asleep almost immediately after I hit my bed!
Who knows what next week will bring--I will be working at clients 3 out of 5 days and taking a friend to a Dr appt on another day. I am going to attempt to have books read and reviewed for next week-but if I don't you will know why!
Slight change from above--they could not install the new stove (Friday)--will write all about it soon!!!

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Aww, that sounds like a really bad week. I really hope next week is better for you. If I had my way, you would get an award for all the things you do for other people and an extra gold star for all the care you give your mother. Glad you had a special treat of cream soda and the sandwich.
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