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I am a big fan of attempting to find foods that will solve minor problems--I try very hard not to resort to medicine type products whether over the counter or by prescription. Yes, there are times that it is necessary and only your doctor can tell you when that is the case. Before I resort to going to the doctor----
Constipation can be very uncomfortable--and unfortunately I do get that way frequently. Various health practitioners have told me I don't get enough fiber in my diet and tell me to buy some of the over the counter stuff that is sold--none of them really help me. My Mom finally told me to drink prune juice (not refrigerated)-and that does help. I have also bought various boxed prunes-cut up a couple and added it to cereal.
Just the other day as I was shopping I noticed Sunsweet D'Noir Prunes where all the other bags of dried fruit was. I didn't see the usual ones I buy so I decided to try them.
Unbelievable--they are moist-not dried out--and really delicious! Yes, once you open the package you have to refrigerate them--but no problem there. And for me, at least, they worked and relatively quickly. And I only ate two of them--I was so tempted to eat more of them they tasted so good but decided that might be overkill.
Please always talk with your doctor before trying this--
But then--if you really like and eat prunes all the time--this is a brand you really have to try!!

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I have this issue too and have never had any luck with fiber supplements either. I will definitely be getting some of these the next time I go shopping, thank you so much for sharing!
I can get constipated at times too, and it is not fun. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. Thanks for sharing!
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