Let's see--what am I behind on--
First and foremost--entering all my own transactions in Quicken--I definitely am going to have to shortcut some of the stuff--I have 8 plus months to enter--but everything has been so haywire around here--well there went my New Year's resolution to keep up with all this--nothing unusual there!
I do try to get at least one book review up a day (not including weekends)--I'm lucky if I get 4 up in a week--so much else going on. If I'm not heading off to a client to keep their records up to date--I'm fielding questions from them on the phone! Did you ever attempt to read or write a review while on the phone? Trust me--it can not be done--I've tried!!
My Mom has decided that this is the month for her to go visit all her doctors--she is fine-but wants to keep it that way! She does not drive anymore-so guess who has to drive her and then take her shopping etc etc etc. By the time I get home my Cat, Baby decides she has been alone much too long and INSISTS on getting petted for a prolonged period of time. Try typing with a cat hitting the keys on your keyboard--or standing in front of the computer so you can not read what is on the screen in front of you! Besides-I'm usually so tired I end up taking a 2 hour nap (after Baby sitting on me so I will pet her until I fall asleep)!!
One thing I REALLY have to work on:
I have a cataract in my eye which needs to be removed--Big problem--I am the only one I know who drives-I seem to be driving everyone else around lately-and the doctor insists that someone drive me there and back again. I offered to take a taxi--but that does not work for him--Maybe by November-my next appointment-he will realize I am not kidding and let me take a taxi? Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
There is something else going on but I will tell you all about it closer to the time it is happening--and that something is going to be taking up a lot of my precious time!

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