Captain Robert Yardley is a retired pirate with a boat and a loyal crew. He has amassed a fortune over the years but is now ready to settle down--besides they were hanging pirates in London these days-so he knew to find a small secluded place. He found out about Castle Hart and decided to see if it was a good place to settle down. The owner was Lady Mary Alice MacLean whose husband had recently had their marriage annulled because she was barren. Luckily all that was hers originally reverted to her--but not before he stole and took what he could.
When the Captain came to view the property-he loved it--perfect harbor for his boat--plenty of room for his men--and then there was Mary Alioe--he fell for her immediately and wanted to marry her. Understandably she was kind of leery of men after her prior husband but after much wooing etc--he won her over!
They both had secrets from the past that they were afraid to tell each other--They ultimately married. Her prior husband showed up saying that she was his wife--luckily the priest was there and set him straight--and do you really think a pirate couldn't best this bounder?
Off to London they went to not only see about the Captain's family home but for another reason altogether. The Captain's secret was out---you know that old saying "a woman in every port"? Well there were 8 of them and they each had a child by him who he was supporting.
Instead of getting angry--Mary Alice convinced him to try and bring all the children to live with them--and the story ends--CLIFFHANGER!!
I really enjoyed this novel--and that cliffhanger has me wanting to read all the rest of the books in this series!! I really want to know how many of the children take the Captain up on his offer!!
About the Book: (from Amazon)
Captain Robert Yardley has spent half his life at sea, manning merchant cargo ships and acting as a Privateer in the Queen's service. When he returns to England to retire he is rich but lonely. The younger son of an English Lord, he wants a castle of his own and to finally wed.
Lady Mary Alice MacLean holds court in the old Castle Hart on the Isle of Mull. At twenty-six, she is barren, and after stealing all of her wealth and chasing off most of the workers, her husband leaves her alone with her cold castle.
When Robert is shown the property, he likes its view of the sea and the safe harbor where he can anchor his ship. The ship holds the treasure he has garnered as privateer and the dozen of his loyal crew who agreed to follow their Captain.But the thing that catches Robert's eye is not the strong stone walls, or many tapestries, but the trim, full-figured beauty who leads the way, discussing the castle's history.
Robert sets Mary’s blood humming but also frightens her and his rush to find a home and wife make her reject his first offer. After a brief chase, there is soon an understanding but she fears he will never want her when he learns she is barren.
Later, after they are wed, she learns he is sending money to eight different women who have born him children. Instead of flying into a murderous rage, both are shocked when she insists Robert bring his scattered seeds to Castle Hart, so they can help launch them into society and a successful future.
Later books will follow each child's story.
Read a Chapter or Two Here
Purchase the Book Here
About the Author: (from Amazon)
J.R. Biery has written for years and is finally publishing some of her more recent work. She wrote and sold fiction and nonfiction to magazines while a stay-at home mom. Loved entering writing contests and won several awards. After she began her career as a teacher, she found it was more satisfying just to continue writing but not worry about marketing. She did have one novel, Potter's Field, accepted and published by Advance Books, a small publisher no longer in business.
"I prefer stories about ordinary people who are slapped by adversity and discover who they really are as they overcome the challenge. An avid reader, I began writing my own books in my twenties. I found writing, escaping into fantasy, to be a great source of comfort and relief from the stress of real life. No matter how big the problem, in fiction you can always write a satisfying solution."
Since retiring, she has written twenty-eight new books and several shorter works and published them on Kindle and Create Space.
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This sounds like an intersting book I will have to check it out.
this sounds awesome
Sounds interesting, definitely checking it out!
This sounds like such an interesting book, definitely putting this one on my list!
I love a good cliffhanger in a story too. This sounds like an interesting read!
Looks like an interesting book.
Thanks for the review.
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