Jenks, Hetta's boyfriend, was on a job in Dubai--He made her promise that she would not take her boat out until he returned. Trob managed to get her a job in a mining operation. It seems money was missing and he wanted Hetta to ferret out who was doing what. Safe and simple? Not with Hetta around!! She is befriended by a guy in charge and other then nearly getting killed while being driven to the job site--things seemed normal. Because of the maniac driver she decided to go get her car and stay on her boat for the weekend. There was an intruder--and he had stolen her Velveeta Cheese! She calls her BFF Jan and they capture the thief-turns out he is supposedly dead? The good news is Hetta is able to rescue "po Thang" (a Golden Retriever-once they got him cleaned up) from the side of the treacherous highway!
The thief starts giving Hetta clues and help on who is stealing funds--Jan is a CPA and a really good number cruncher--
There are many many many twists and turns in this one--What Hetta manages to do to get back to her boat is ingenious!
And all this with Earthquakes disseminating the job site! Are the culprits found --were they really all culprits? Read this book to find out and have a million laughs along the way!
About the Book: (from Amazon)
Hetta Coffey is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it!
As a self-employed engineering consultant with a penchant for oddball—read: shady—projects, Hetta Coffey has a history of inviting trouble. But now that she's been hired for a legitimate mining project in Mexico's Baja, it looks like smooth sailing ahead...until she discovers that people and pesos are disappearing faster than you can say, "This job is the pits!"
And Hetta Coffey as sleuth? Goodness knows she's nosy enough, but her detective skills leave a lot to be desired. Luckily for her she gets help from her best friend, Jan, and a mysterious Velveeta thief.
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About the Author: (from Amazon)
Jinx Schwartz is the author of eleven books, including eight in the award-winning Hetta Coffey series. Hetta is a sassy Texan with a snazzy yacht, and she's not afraid to use it!
A ninth-generation Texan, Jinx has lived and worked all over the globe, and much like the protagonist in her Hetta Coffey mystery series, she's a woman with a yacht and not afraid to use it.
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