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I normally purchase Rye bread in the store but was finding myself throwing a good portion of it out. As a type 2 Diabetic I really should not be eating too much bread--carbs are not my friend!
I came upon Joseph's Flax Oat Bran and Whole Wheat Pita Bread Reduced Carb while shopping one day. The ingredients are really healthy and 1 Pita after subtracting the fiber is only 6!! And there is only 60 calories in one Pita. They are tasty and delicious!!
What I have been doing is putting turkey or whatever on the pita--fold it over--and eat! I have even spread cream cheese on it as a breakfast treat. It completely satisfies my hunger and since there are not that many Pitas in each there is no throwing them out.
I haven't tried it yet but I would bet that you could freeze the packages if you get more then one.
If you are like me and don't eat a lot of bread and/or are diabetic this product is for you-you have to read the package to see what I mean!

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