Sabre O. Brown, Attorney takes on mostly cases involving children and works closely with Child Protection Services. There are three cases she is working on at one time--boys who have been taken away from their Mom--and the Dad--well--I sure would not want to live with him. She has to try and find a family member where these 2 boys will be safe. Then there is the child bride. Her father is the pastor of a church and married her off to a much older man--the father says that only the church can sanction a marriage--no need for the state--the 14 year old runs away-who is helping her and who will win--the father or the state? Meanwhile her Mom is dating someone she met on line--Sabre and her brother have to make sure he isn't a con artist! Then she and her friend go to a magic show where things go very wrong--who is behind trying to murder Sabre?
This book will have you guessing at every turn. There are so many twists it is sometimes hard to keep up with them all. Definitely a book I suggest reading--especially if you are interested in child protection.
About the Book: (from Amazon)
Attorney Sabre O. Brown takes on three disconcerting new cases, each with its own illusion: a woman claiming she's been impregnated by a ghost, a threatening parent prone to violence, and a child bride with a heart-breaking First Amendment issue. At the same time, Sabre tries to protect her mother who is dating a suspicious widower she met online. In Sabre’s search for justice, she is found near death after a magician’s illusion deviously goes wrong.
Read a Chapter or Two Here
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About the Author: (from Amazon)
Books in order of publication:
The Advocate Series:
The Advocate
The Advocate's Betrayal
The Advocate's Conviction
The Advocate's Dilemma
The Advocate's Ex Parte
The Advocate's Felony
The Advocate's Geocache
The Advocate's Homicides
The Tuper Mystery Series:
The Advocate's Felony
Mason's Missing
Teresa Burrell has dedicated her life to helping children and their families in both the courtroom and the classroom.
As an attorney in San Diego, Burrell maintained a private law practice for twelve years, which specialized in domestic, criminal, and civil cases. Her work in juvenile court focused on representing abused minors and juvenile delinquents. Burrell has received several awards and special recognition from the San Diego Volunteer Lawyers for her countless hours of pro bono work with children and their families.
Burrell has also enjoyed a satisfying career as a teacher. She has taught children of all ages with diverse backgrounds and special needs. After creating an after-school program that kept kids off the street, she received a community service award.
Now in semi-retirement in California, Burrell continues to educate groups about social issues impacting children and write novels, many of which are inspired by actual legal cases. She is the author of The Advocate Series which now contains eight novels: The Advocate, The Advocate's Betrayal, The Advocate's Conviction, The Advocate's Dilemma, The Advocate's Ex Parte, The Advocate's Felony, The Advocate's Geocache, and The Advocate's Homicides. Teresa has recently started a new series with a character from The Advocate's Felony called Mason's Missing.
Burrell also has two children's books that are fun for the whole family--Gaspar, the Flatulating Ghost, and Gaspar Meets a Bully.
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