A woman scorned is a very dangerous entity! Edlin wanted to get married--eventually--but she knew the type of man she wanted and was not going to be swayed. After her father died he left it up to her two brothers to make sure she got married. No easy feat. Then they thought of the young man her father had promised her sister to-but her sister had died very young---They contacted him and he came across the river to make her acquaintance--he was not going to be forced into anything either! It was love at first sight--and they pledged to each other. He even left her a bride gift, Then he returned home only to find that his father was dying----Given no choice he was forced to marry his father's widow.
Meanwhile Edlin was pregnant and in total disgrace--the clouds covered the sun--the crops were not growing--and first her babe then she got the blame---Well she did what any woman would do--she vowed vengeance--and used her bridal gift to get up an army to cross the river and make sure that no good man who had pledged his everlasting love then deserted her came to an untimely and gruesome end. What did she use for money? Her bride gift of course!
Luckily one of her brothers came with her and was able to ascertain what had really happened and alls well that ends well--not so much for the widow--but then women back then were merely chattel to be used in which ever way would strengthen the men!
This is a definite stand alone novel and one you will enjoy reading. One comment--I'm glad I didn't live back then!!
About the Book: (from Amazon)
Among the mysteries of the sixth century, discover Procopius’s Island Girl – Britain’s greatest unsung heroine!
The Girl from Brittia – As a high ranking Wolf Child of Wotan, Edlin sets high standards in her expectations of a husband. Her dismissal of all possible suitors has her family in despair.
A Varni Prince – Radigis and his family live in fear of their powerful Frank neighbours over the River Rhine. He is desperate to make an alliance that will keep his people safe.
When Edlin and Radigis meet on the shores of Suffolk, it is love at first sight and their future seems bright. But as Radigis returns home to prepare for his bride’s arrival, he finds sinister events are afoot. The might of the Frank King Theudebert and his beautiful sister Theodechilde forces him into a heart-breaking decision.
Back in Brittia, Edlin must survive disgrace and danger greater than she has ever known. And as an environmental catastrophe spreads disaster across both lands, she reaches a fateful decision of her own. With the support of her devoted brother Wehha, she raises an army to fight for the happiness she deserves.
Read a Chapter or Two Here
Purchase the Book Here
About the Author: (from Amazon)
Anna was born in Essex in 1974. She loved reading from an early age, enjoying books such as the Chronicles of Narnia and Watership Down. She discovered historical fiction in her teens and this soon became a favourite genre, with 'Katherine' by Anya Seton one of her most read books.
After a completing a degree in history, Anna lived in Germany for a year before training as a teacher. She currently lives in Devon with her husband and three sons.
Anna has always enjoyed writing and has experimented over the years with various genres including thrillers, children's and science fiction. In 2015 she started work on a book inspired by her love of history and her Scots ancestry. The result was 'Kenneth's Queen', a tale of the forgotten wife of Kenneth mac Alpin, his rise to power and the birth of Scotland.
Anna has fallen in love with the Dark Ages and the part played by the often unrecorded and uncelebrated women who lived through these tumultuous events. She plans to tell the stories of as many as possible!
Author's Website

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sounds like a very interesting book
I hadn't seen this book yet but will be adding it to my list. Thank you for sharing!
this looks geat, it's on my list!
Looks like a book I would like to add to my winter stash.
Once you go Brittia, it'll befit ya.
Wow! This book does sure sound good to me, The Girl from Brittia should be a awesome read for me.
Looks like an interesting book.
Sounds intriguing, I put on my list of must reads.
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