Children's Book Review-Mimi's Adventures in Baking Gingerbread Men-Alyssa Gangeri | Miki's Hope

Children's Book Review-Mimi's Adventures in Baking Gingerbread Men-Alyssa Gangeri

Friday, December 11, 2015

You saw my review of Children's Book Review- Mimi's Adventures in Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies by Alyssa Gangeri- click here for my review and you saw how easy it was to make chocolate chip cookies. Well this time Mimi is going to help her Nonni make Gingerbread Men! All the ingredients and the utensils needed are listed and as in the other book--safety is emphasized.

What fun it would be to help your child make Gingerbread Men on a Snow Day--just like Mimi did!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Embark on a baking adventure with Mimi where she will measure, mix, and bake her way to the perfect batch of gingerbread men. If Mimi can do it, so can you! Mimis Adventures in Baking Gingerbread Men is the third book in the Mimis Adventures in Baking series.

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from the book)

Alyssa Gangeri is a Pastry Chef in New York City. She’s loved baking from a young age. After graduating from The Culinary
Institute of America, she traveled north and south working for companies such as the Ritz Carlton to gain knowledge and
experience of the ever-growing hospitality industry. She has also competed on Food Network’s Sweet Genius.

She developed Mimi’s Adventures in Baking as a new way of learning for the younger generation of bakers. Her love for baking
shines through in this storybook cookbook. In her eyes, baking should be a fun experience adults and children can share together.
What better way to do that than with an interactive story that makes learning your way around the kitchen exciting and easy!

When she is not making specialty cakes and pastries for her business AllyCakesNYC, you can find her in Central Park with her
lively Jack Russell Terrier, Rudy, and the love of her life, Jonathan. Mimi’s Adventures in Baking Gingerbread Men is the third book in the series. Check out the other books in the series, Mimi’s Adventures in Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies and Mimi’s Adventures in Baking Allergy Friendly Treats.

Authors Website

I received a PDF copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said...

That looks like a really cute book. My daughter is into helping me in the kitchen now so this book would be perfect.

Michelle F>

Across the Avenue said...

What a great suggestion for the holidays! I love finding books that relate to cooking with the kids. It's a fun literacy connection!

Scott said...

Every time I try to make gingerbread it turns out horribly! I need this just for me - maybe the kids can show me how to do it right!

Godly Homemaker (Andrea) said...

psst...any samples of the chocolate chip cookies? :D

Liz Mays said...

This is so darn sweet! It totally makes me want to go back in time and read it to my kids! I wish I could! said...

This sounds like such an adorable book! Thanks for the review!

Fee Roberts said...

This would be a fun book for my granddaughter and me. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

This is perfect for my daughter i think she would love to read this book.

Ashley R said...

What a cute book! My son is 7 and is really wanting to cook and bake with my in the kitchen. I'd love to get him his own cookbook and some fun cooking gear to help him enjoy it and be motivated to learn!

Anonymous said...

This looks so cute!
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