$25 Amazon/PP-1-WW-Fall is in the Air Hop-Ends 10/15 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP-1-WW-Fall is in the Air Hop-Ends 10/15

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Here we go again--another marvelous hop put together by LeahSay's Views and Planet Weidknecht where every participant has to have a prize worth at least $25.00. So please don't forget and visit all who appear in the linky list below the Rafflecopter after entering my giveaway!

Miki's Hope will be giving away either a $25.00 Amazon GC or $25.00 PayPal to one lucky winner World Wide who is at least 18 years of age. No surprise there--but I just found out my nieces have started a business making jewelry and I just want to get the word out--the pieces are unique and beautiful and I am so proud of them!

Next level and one of a kind

My Mom was so excited--she could not wait for me to see the jewelry my niece's wife creates and is now selling on her brand new website-Pieces by Paloma. I do tend to love simple pieces of jewelry which are also eye catching. I also love how this website is set up. At first glance it will have you wondering--what kind of stones are these? Is that Gold or ?--Well if you click on the pictures (all taken by Ace-my niece) it will tell you. It will also tell you what properties the stones might impart towards your well being. It states on the website that "All pieces are one of a kind and made to order. Your piece will be a variation of what you see here."

There are three main sections: La Claridad Style Necklaces La Roca Style Necklaces and Earrings & Bracelets

Aren't they pretty and simple? That is just a sampling of what she has to offer. To see more just click into the website.

To learn a little bit more and for contact information click here. Remember this is a brand new website and at the moment they are only on Instagram. I just went in there--they have the cutest chihuahua-I didn't know they had a dog (hey they live in California-I'm in New York and my Mom always forgets to tell me the most important information)!!

And now for the Giveaway--don't forget to check out all the other participants!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said... 1

I couldn't get the page to load for Pieces by Paloma.

Nikolina said... 2

Website is ok, easy to navigate. I really loe this piece: http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/j7dpkfqp2lyqt0kcpz3c2pwnx6x2xh

MikiHope said... 3

If the url in the Rafflecopter does not work (although it just did for me)then use the one just under the pictures (where it says click here) Thank you!! Michele aka MikiHope

Lulu said... 4

Beautiful jewelry, I live earrings the mist, esoecially this pair: http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/ghu5dq66jov83vwln9ggdm8c8xn91n
The site is really easy to navigate!

Shelly Peterson said... 5

These are nice pieces. I like the first necklace best. The website is easy to navigate.

AmySd said... 6

The website is easy to navigate. I like the green earrings best.

Beck Valley Books said... 7

I liked the LA CLARIDAD STYLE NECKLACES and the site was fine to work around xx

Janet W. said... 8

My favorite is the La Roca Style Necklace with the raw aqua blue quartz and polished titanium coated with raw quartz on the 18" gold chain. Absolutely beautiful! Yes, I found this very easy to navigate and look around!

Michelle J. said... 9

I like the last pair of earrings, and I didn't notice a change in the website.

Unknown said... 10

I like the earrings the best or the la claridad necklaces. Website seems just fine.

Donna Jacoby said... 11

My favorite piece is the Pyrite Necklace. I like this site and it's easy to navigate. Thank you for the giveaway!

Melissa Storms said... 12

I really like the pyrate bracelets and the quartz geode necklace the most. I think the new website is very easy to navigate, which I think is the most important thing. If navigating a site is impossible content is unimportant.

Susie's Reviews said... 13

I am in love with the Polished titanium coated raw quartz and raw green quartz. I am thinking about buying it for my sister in memory of our Dad.

FrangiePani said... 14

The crystal jewelry is beautiful. I like the green crystal earrings. The site was simple to navigate.

Unknown said... 15

One of my favorite pieces is the La Roca Style necklace with Fuschia Quartz. I love the color. The website is simple.

Danielle Papsis

Sara said... 16

I love the new website my favorite piece of jewelry ishttp://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/bk8fzpwey3nysb1aglm3fg2tdzz678

Anne said... 17

I like the green quartz/pyrite earrings. The site is very easy to navigate.

Unknown said... 18

All the crystal piece are stunning! I love the new layout of the website.

Natalie said... 19

I really like this necklace: http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/yskanozg1024nkzaz3kzlot82egf2a and I think that the website is very user friendly.

Ashley Chassereau Parks said... 20

I really love the earrings shown here: http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/ghu5dq66jov83vwln9ggdm8c8xn91n
I thought the website was easy to navigate and I loved how large the pictures are.. it made it really easy to see the items!

Julie Lynn Bickham said... 21

I like the Raw rose quartz necklace. The new website is very easy to use.

Elisabeth said... 22

The website was definitely easy to navigate and I appreciate the large photos of the jewelry!
I thought this necklace was especially beautiful- http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/yskanozg1024nkzaz3kzlot82egf2a

Cali W. said... 23

Thanks for the giveaway! The website was easy and I like this one:

cjabdelnour said... 24

I like the Aqua blue quartz La Roca necklace. It was easy to hop around the site. http://piecesbypaloma.com/laroca/5tp3lyspq1iqywv8rwgf80hhtwjfw9
Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

Charity Cram said... 25

The website was very easy to navigate. My favorite is this necklace in raw aqua blue: http://piecesbypaloma.com/laroca/5tp3lyspq1iqywv8rwgf80hhtwjfw9

Kristen said... 26

I found it easy to navigate.
I like the double strand necklace with pyrite.

Deb PelletierC said... 27

•Raw green quartz and pyrite earring.
The website works for me.

Unknown said... 28

The piece of jewelry I like the most is the 2 bracelets each with a pyrite stone. Yes, I like the new website and it wasn't at all hard to navigate.

michie2003 said... 29

http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/new This is my favority.

The website navigation was not difficult.

Richard Brandt said... 30

I like the La Claridad Style necklaces. I guess the site is easy enough to navigate but I'm not sure whether I'm seeing all that they have in store.

Fee Roberts said... 31

I like the La Roca Style Necklaces with the Quartz geode with the 20" rose gold chain and rose gold findings. I thought the site was very nice, very clean and really easy to navigate.

KayCee_K said... 32

I like the photo of that pink necklace. I also found the website clean and ran smoothly.

Unknown said... 33

Nice website! I really love the bracelets!!

wigget said... 34

the site seems easy to navigate. I like the Polished titanium coated raw quartz and raw clear quartz necklace because it reminds me of an accordian.

Karen Giasson said... 35

I liked the La Claridad style necklaces. Their site was easy to navigate.

Judy said... 36

I love The LaRoca Style Necklaces the best. All of the jewelry is very unique and I would enjoy wearing any piece.

I really like your new website and did not have any trouble going from site to site.

molli said... 37

the la roca fuschia quartz is gorgeous

trishden said... 38

Hello, the new site is very easy to navigate. I like it. The piece that caught my eye is the Double strand necklace with pyrite. I like that it is a layered piece which is my style and that it promotes grounding and guards against negativity which I surely could use help with. Thanks!

Thinkin' Out Loud said... 39

I like the La Claridad Necklace with the Titanium and Aqua Quartz best. The site was easy to navigate but I think the Pieces need Individual names. I didn't know just what to call the piece I liked best.

Elizabeth said... 40

I think your new website design is really pretty!

I like the Raw clear quartz and pyrite earrings.

Jeanna Massman said... 41

I like the LaRoca necklaces especially the fuchsia one. I think you website is great!

mandala said... 42

The website was easy to navigate. I like the Raw rainbow quartz and pyrite earrings. Thanks!

Laura B said... 43

I didn't have any problems navigating thru the site. Thanks for the chance!

Jillian Too said... 44

I like the La Claridad Style necklace with the polished titanium coated raw quartz and raw aqua aura quartz. The site is easy to navigate and the photos are very clear.

Unknown said... 45

I really like the La Roca Style Necklace with Raw rose quartz and polished titanium coated raw quartz. The new website is easy to navigate.

Isaiahsmom said... 46

I like the Claridad necklace. I think it would look beautiful on my daughter for her wedding coming up.

Bonnylynn said... 47

I love the Raw rainbow quartz and pyrite earrings. also yes the site is very easy to navigate!

Judy Thomas said... 48

I love the earrings! I love them all though. :) It was easy to navigate, thanks.

Karen said... 49

I love this necklace: http://piecesbypaloma.com/laroca/new
Everything is beautiful, I'm new to the site, but it was easy to navigate!

Christy Maurer said... 50

This is my favorite piece on the site. http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/yskanozg1024nkzaz3kzlot82egf2a

It is easy to navigate, but the pieces should have names :)

Melanie B said... 51

Site is very easy to navigate, I love the fuchsia quartz necklaces, lovely selection of pieces!

Amanda B. said... 52

I love the La Roca style necklace with raw aqua blue quarts. The site isn't hard to navigate and the large pictures are lovely.

Rebecca Orr said... 53

I like the Raw green quartz and pyrite earrings.

Michelle said... 54

I like the website, it's a clean design and easy to navigate.

Michelle said... 55

I like the 2 bracelets each with a pyrite stone!

Unknown said... 56

The website was very easy to navigate and very "web 2.0." I liked the geode necklace with the rose gold chain the best for $88.00. (Items did not have names that I noticed.)

Life's Simple Pleasures said... 57

Very simple website so yay! And the necklaces are really pretty! Especially the second one.

andie said... 58

I think I like the "La Claridad Style Necklace" best. Thanks for the g/a - always make great gifts for the women in the family. abrennan09@hotmail.com

polly said... 59

All the pieces are very pretty but I would love to have one of the bracelets. I like that they are so unique. I like the new website & it is easy to access.

Shannon said... 60

http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/ghu5dq66jov83vwln9ggdm8c8xn91n is my fave and the website is very very easy to find everything. I like it, good work.

Evelyn said... 61

I love the blue necklace. Well, I love anything blue. The page can be navigated easily. Awesome!!! Wish your niece the best!

DespinaV said... 62

I love the pyrite necklace.
The site is easy to navigate, and really beautiful, but it takes a very long time to load at my tablet.

desitheblonde said... 63

wow can i say that the jewelry is great and would love to wear and blog on it and then wear it i love jewelry i lost it all

Lady Milano said... 64

Love the pink one, Pink Lover here ^^
The navigation of your new web is well so far :)

Sherry Compton said... 65

I like the colors and style of the Raw rainbow quartz and pyrite earrings.

Jess Maryy said... 66

I really like the La Claridad style necklaces! Sooo pretty xx

Abigail said... 67

I couldnt get the page to load either =(
But from your pictures I think I would love the La Roca Style Necklaces

CindyWindy2003 said... 68

I was able to see the webiste and navigate easily. I like the http://piecesbypaloma.com/laroca/71facbxfjf5dh4d7k61u8b1f426hu3

Carrie Smith said... 69

The website was easy for me to get through and navigate! I love the La Roca necklaces!

Journeys of The Zoo said... 70

I didn't see the website before but I didn't find it difficult to navigate. The pieces are so creative. This one caught my eye, http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/new

Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo

Unknown said... 71

I the Raw fuchsia quartz the very most.

Debbie said... 72

I love the second necklace the best. And I find the website very easy to navigate.

Jan Lee said... 73

I like the earrings, but I could never afford those prices. The website was easy to navigate.

Mandy said... 74

I like the aqua blue la roca necklace.
The website is OK but taking me to another page to submit a comment is not very smooth.

Happishopr said... 75

I found the website easy to navigate and read. I like the La Roca necklace with the Quartz geode and 20" rose gold chain and rose gold findings.

Unknown said... 76

I like the Fuchsia quartz La Clairdad style necklace the most, I found the website very easy to navigate.

Anonymous said... 77

Bailey dexter I really like the style of the page as well as the Raw clear quartz and pyrite stones

Diane Elizabeth said... 78

I like the raw clear quartz and pyrite La Claridad style necklace. The website was really easy to navigate.

Deb C. said... 79

I really like the website and it was super easy to get around. I love the earrings with the Raw green quartz and pyrite, but all of the jewelry pieces were very nice.

Amanda said... 80

I like the La Claridad necklace with the Raw fuchsia quartz. I think the website is very easy to navigate!

Juana said... 81

My favorite is La Rica style necklaces - Fuchsia.

Juana said... 82

Sorry forgot to mention that I had no problem with the website.

wen budro said... 83

This is one of my favorite pieces http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/jepn6xehmq120czucy4s43dmn3oswm

I found the website super easy to navigate. I love that the pictures of the items are large and clear.

Unknown said... 84

Yes I like the new blog. I love the mint green earrings

Unknown said... 85

it is very easy to navigate i like it and i really like the la claridad style necklaces

Kimberley Meier said... 86

I love this necklace: http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/bk8fzpwey3nysb1aglm3fg2tdzz678
The website is very easy to use!

Natalie B. said... 87

I love their use of raw gemstones! So pretty. My favorite is the green quartz earrings. The website is fine. I like that the pictures are big enough to see the jewelry well. :)

Robin A said... 88

I love the LA CLARIDAD STYLE NECKLACES Raw fuchsia quartz.

LauraJJ said... 89

Oh the website was so easy to navigate! I love the La Claridad style necklaces! The Fuchsia quartz is so beautiful!!! She is very talented!!

Unknown said... 90

The Raw fuchsia quartz necklace is so pretty! The website isn't too bad, for some reason I prefer drop down menus so I can see all of the choices easier.

Unknown said... 91

I like the Raw green quartz and pyrite earrings

Unknown said... 92

I love the green quartz/pyrite earrings. And this site is so simple and easy to use.

Unknown said... 93

Raw Fuchsia Quartz (La Claridad style) FTW! Also, rather easy to navigate, if I do say so myself. :)

God bless,

Danielle Williams said... 94

I love this one http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/yskanozg1024nkzaz3kzlot82egf2a but I have to say not very easy to navigate.

Sherry said... 95

I like the second necklace the best. The website is easy to navigate.

Aisha H said... 96

I really liked the raw quartz and raw green quartz. I think it's beautiful, it just doesn't have a name. I like all the other necklaces too.

Unknown said... 97

The piece I liked the most was 'La Claridad Style Necklace: 2 Polished Titanium coated raw quartz on either side of an Aqua blue quartz. Standard chain $88.00'.
The site was easy to navigate, just wish the jewelry pieces had names.

Unknown said... 98

My favorite piece of jewelry is the pink La Claridad Style Necklace.

Mindy Bel said... 99

Thanks for the great giveaway!
I really liked http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/yskanozg1024nkzaz3kzlot82egf2a and the site was pretty easy to navigate too :)

rajee said... 100

super easy to navigate Love this http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/ghu5dq66jov83vwln9ggdm8c8xn91n

Kelley L. said... 101

I like the website, I'm not having problems. I really liked http://piecesbypaloma.com/laclaridad/fnj46jdcz1unvfv1qjtgklb9c4etgd because I like double necklaces.

Shakeia Rieux said... 102

I like the Raw fuchsia quartz La Roca Style Necklace.The site is easy to navigate

Unknown said... 103

I like the Titanium raw Quartz necklace a lot. The site was easy to navigate. Thanks bunches.

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said... 104

My favorite is the Aqua Blu Quart La Claridad Necklace.
I found the site extremely quick to load and easy to navigate.


Huguette En said... 105

I like the Raw clear quartz and pyrite http://piecesbypaloma.com/earrringsandbracelets/6dkuyzjictw5fetz1a0rl14inkmch1.

I do like the new website, I find it easy.

Betsy Barnes said... 106

I really love the Paloma Earrings & Bracelets. I also love how easy it is to navigate on your website and it loads quickly. :)

Julie Waldron said... 107

The website was easy to navigate. My favorite is the bracelets.

Sheetal said... 108

I love the light weight jewelry nice pieces

rjcqh said... 109

I really liked the La Roca style necklace in the raw aqua blue quartz. The site was easy to navigate.

Heather said... 110

The Website is easy to navigate. None of the pieces they have listed really appeal to me. I make my own jewelry.

Unknown said... 111

I really like the bracelets each with a pyrite stone the most


Jasmine P said... 112

It was really easy to navigate! I like the La Roca necklaces!

Jasmine P

laurie nykaza said... 113

Polished titanium coated raw quartz and raw green quartz La Roca Style Necklace is so beautiful. I do like the site too.

Jerry Marquardt said... 114

I was recommended a Pyrite necklace to is known to wand off negative energy from a friend. I think your website is great now.

Denise Low said... 115

I like the La Roca necklaces and I like this website very much.

Unknown said... 116

I love the earrings! You website seems easy to navigate, very nice. Thank you!

Trish said... 117

I love the Raw aqua blue quartz, raw fuchsia quartz necklace! Very pretty. Your website looks great, love all the pics of your great jewelry.

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