I Don't Have Time To Read-But Wish I Did | Miki's Hope

I Don't Have Time To Read-But Wish I Did

Friday, September 18, 2015

As all or most of you know I do a LOT of book reviews. I generally receive these books in either paperback, Mobi or PDF form and occasionally even a hardcover! I am a reader and always have been. I think I will always prefer the paperback edition of any book but since I now have Drusin (which affects my peripheral vision) and I'm getting older-I am finding it easier to read on my Kindle (the free version I have on my computer). With age night blindness is also setting in which means I need a lot of light to read that paperback!! I definitely need a better bedside lamp!! But that is not why I am writing this. I am going to address a comment I see time and time again on my reviews. "I Don't Have Time To Read-But Wish I Did"--I can't tell you how many people write this--and I get it-I totally understand. Not everyone has the time to actually sit down and read a book, even though they may want to. I have a suggestion----

AUDIO BOOKS--so many authors are now offering their books in this form. It used to be that audio books were mostly self help books-but no longer!! So now--when you are vacuuming or exercising, or running on that treadmill or working in your garden you can be listening to your favorite author's book. I personally do not recommend listening when you are driving--it might get too distracting!! Quite a few of the author's who I have reviewed now have audio books. More and more are getting on the band wagon even as I type in all probability.

I have yet to try one mainly because I still have not attached my speakers to my computer!! But with my eyes I will in all likelihood start listening to them and reviewing that way as well. Which reminds me--do you have an elderly friend or relative who loves to read but can no longer do so? Get them set up with audio books and bring a twinkle to their eyes and a smile to their face as they listen to a story and allow their imaginations to soar.

To see if your favorite author or one you really are interested in trying out for the first time has any of their books in audio book form just go to either their web page or to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or to where ever you purchase books and check it out and let your imaginations fly away as you do all those chores that stop you from sitting down and reading. There are also places that I have seen that offer audio books for free-but you will have to research for that!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Sonya Cocherell said...

I like the idea of audio books but I HONESTLY wish (and it could be available) that I could listen to books via blutooth.

Unknown said...

For me, not having the opportunity to read is because of my lifestyle. I used to enjoy reading, then I read so much during college that reading for fun got pushed aside. I guess you can say I even became sick of reading. I started work, and found myself reading all day at work. Now that I only work occasionally, I find my day is full of caring for my children. If I do get a few minutes to myself, someone is usually crawling on me. The books I read these days are children's books that I read out loud to my kids. Sometimes I read the same book 10 times in a row (per their request). When I do get a chance to listen to music (very very rare) it's usually in our van...and typically a kid's movie is going to keep everyone happy when I drive. I know some day I'll have time for naps, and baths and reading and tending to my garden like I want to. However, that will also mean that my children are grown up and my role as Mom has changed drastically which also saddens me. Oh how things change over the years!!

Jenn @ EngineerMommy said...

I can totally relate to this! Wish I had more time to read!

Beck Valley Books said...

I would love the chance to read more, I do read now but not as much as I would like. Your definitely right, a lot of the authors now are going down the audiobook path so they can relate to all story lovers, I know my hubbie often mentions starting to get audiobooks so he can sit and listen to it while he does his crosswords etc, although he still has a very high pile of books to read too.

Unknown said...

I really wish I had more time to read! I've never really tried or been interested in audiobooks i feel there's to many benefits of reading books I just need to find some time again!

Scott said...

I'm the same way. I only get 2-4 pages done per day, but I do make sure I get them in. Wish there was more time to read.

Unknown said...

Every time I have a longer drive than normal, I download and audio book and do some listening. Passes the time, and makes me feel productive, too!

Ourfamilyworld said...

My husband loves to read, but had to stop because of his glaucoma. Audiobooks are a great idea.

I am Harriet said...

I use to love listening to audio books in my car when I had a long commute to work. It's such a great idea.

Elizabeth Leiro said...

Audio books are a great way to get a lit fix :) I've listened to my first audio book this year and I was surprised with how easy it was to follow along and get immersed despite not reading it from the page myself.

Angelic Sinova said...

I'm also a HUGE reader but haven't had the time to settle in with a good book in a while due to my schedule. I think audio books would be awesome during my commute or just when I'm out and about <3

Alli Smith said...

I love to read, but I have never listened to an audio book. I'm more of a visual person and I think I would get easily distracted, plus I read really, really fast. I need to try it and see if I like it or not.

Heather Jones said...

This would help me a lot! See I love to read, I really do, I just do so much of it as a part of my job, that doing it for pleasure after I've already spent so many hours in front of the screen is hard. But I have started going to the gym and I could listen to a book that way!

CourtneyLynne said...

Back when I use to travel all the time I always had an audio book on me! Best entertainment when on a road trip!

Unknown said...

I love audio books! I listen to a bunch of them when I drive, but I love it for the kids, too. Instead of music on our drives, we switch it up with audio books!

Unknown said...

I don't have near as much time to read unless it's reading to my toddler. I have found that podcasts are great to listen to at work. I really should get some audio versions of the paperbacks I can't find time to read.

Unknown said...

I love reading and used to read almost every night but I really need to start making the time for myself!

valmg @ Mom Knows It All said...

I am one of those people that loves to read but doesn't have enough hours in the day. I have tried audio books. They aren't my thing. My Mom loves them though.

Echo aka The Mad Mommy said...

I don't have time to read either and have really been considering checking out audio books that I can listen to with my kids!

Crystal said...

I love audio books for road trips! It makes me feel like I'm on vacation any time I listen to one now.

Anonymous said...

I love reading hardcovers too but have embraced mobile books. Now that I have books on my iPhone I find myself reading every chance I get.

Michelle F.

rika said...

Thats another excuse for me too! I dont have time reading, maybe I should! How about Audio Books?

Deal Match Maker said...

Thats another excuse for me too! I dont have time reading, maybe I should! How about Audio Books?

Unknown said...

That is such a great idea! I really do not have time to read, but I manage to do it. I am currently reading a series of 17 books! I am on number 6 and it has taken me most of the year to get there, but I will do it! lol

NYC Single Mom said...

I wish I had the time to listen to audio books but for better or worse, I have short commute. But I should try again even if it takes me months to get through one book.

Michele D said...

Honestly, I wish my life would slow down just enough so I can pick up a book to read it. I am so super busy for everyone in my family that I don't have time for myself.

Beth@FrugalFroggie said...

I don't have much time to read. I just wish I had more time period.

Briana Carter said...

I just can't get into audio books. I like to listen to podcasts and the news on the radio but there is something about holding a book in your hand...I know many of friends love audio books!

Jaime Nicole said...

I am so sorry to hear about your eyes. Audiobooks are a wonderful option whether your eyes are tired or your partner snores at night and you use them to get to sleep (there are a few that I listen to over and over again at night to drown out the noise while I get to sleep). I love being able to get so many new releases too - almost everything is available on audiobook now.

Eileen said...

I love to read! Anything I can get my hands on, I have to read. For novels, I prefer crime/suspense and true story/light romance. I work a full time job at night and a part time day job so now, I have very little time left to read my books. Audiobooks would be a great idea to catch up on my reading.

Housewife Eclectic said...

I set aside time to read every day! I am not sure what I would do without that time!

Anonymous said...

I prefer paperback books too. I don't have any audio books to read. Maybe I will give it a try someday.

Yona Williams said...

I am so guilty of being one of those people that says I wish I had time to read, but I really should say…I wish I had MORE time to read because I actually do squeeze in moments to get in a few pages here and there. I used to like to listen to Stephen King audiobooks because the reading and sound effects really helped set the mood.

Stephanie said...

I am one of those people that comments and says they don't have time to read. Audiobooks are a great idea, but I assure you that no one in this house wants to listen to it, and I can't just put on headphones and ignore the kids. We all get up and go to bed at the same time, so that's not an option. Hopefully when I retire I'll be able to read (or listen) again.

debdenny said...

Reading is a big part of my life. I love audio books sometimes also. Sometimes chaos reigns and I don't get to read as much. Audio will work great for those times

Maddi'sMommy said...

I used to say the same thing at the start of every semester but now I make a concious effort to read everyday, even if it's just for the 15minutes I'm waiting to pick my daughter up from school in the pick up line.

Ashley said...

I think the issue is more what you make time for! I work outside of the home, form home, homeschool my daughter, and also have my son in school about 45 minutes away from where we live and 30 minutes from where I work. my husband works 80 hours a week, so he sleeps at his first job Monday - Friday, and comes home Saturday morning when he's done with his other job. Reading a chapter for me sometimes means that I don't start until 2am, knowing that I have to get up at 5:30 am /6:00 am, but sometimes that's what I need to wind down. I'm sure there are times that we are checking e-mails or on Facebook that we could be reading if that was our priority!

Samantha said...

my husband likes audio books

Myrah - Coupon Mamacita said...

I'm not an exception! Time is never on my clock! I usually catch up while I travel on airplanes.

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