Three woman--who all have the same dream. Although I found myself rather confused at times trying to keep the three main character's separate in my mind. The events that take place I remember well. Although I have never visited Haiti I remember the coup d'etat, the devestating rains and finally just after 9/11--the massive earthquake which hit this tiny country.
Although the story itself and the people are fictitious the author has written a sometimes heart warming and sometimes heart breaking story of the indomitable spirit of the Haitian people--particularly the woman. It is the story of the many groups who went and tried to help--and it tells of the well kept secret of Haiti. One that I hope can be eradicated.
In the Author's Notes it states:
"The net proceeds from When Dreams Touch are donated to support non-profit healthcare and educational initiatives in Haiti."

Pregnant and uneducated, 16-year-old Adelaide trades her dream of escaping the grinding poverty of her rural village for hopes of a better life for her unborn child. Kate, a young American physician, often finds her roles as mother and wife to be in conflict with her childhood dream to practice medicine in a third-world country. Giselle, a university-educated artist, lives in Port-au-Prince. While she sympathizes with the plight of her fellow Haitians, she envisions her and her family’s future as a comfortable life in the United States.
When the violent 1991 coup d’état erupts in Haiti, these three women’s lives intersect and are forever changed. Despite different cultures and life circumstances, the women share a vision of a better future for their children and the troubled country of Haiti. Their personal stories of adversity, tragedy and triumph are embedded in the complex social, political and cultural climate that evolves when international assistance programs influence individuals and communities in the developing world. Often in startling contrast, the women portrayed in When Dreams Touch are united through mutual understanding and respect. With courage and perseverance, they confront the broader injustices of the world they live in and create a legacy of enduring hope.
"When Dreams Touch" was awarded: the 2015 Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award for superior work by a debut author, the 2015 Eric Hoffer Award for e-book fiction, the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for regional fiction and the 2015 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award for historical fiction.
All proceeds from sales of When Dreams Touch go to health and education programs in Haiti.
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"Hanrahan, a physician who has a decade of firsthand experience living and working in Haiti and other developing countries, brings a realism to her novel that only one who has seen it for themselves can hope to portray." RECOMMENDED by the US Review
"The author's voice is smooth and professional and she has a way with words that will pull you in and entertain you. In fact, I found it really hard to part with. I'm very impressed with the skill here.... All in all a wonderful read that I highly recommend." - 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards
"The author's voice is smooth and professional and she has a way with words that will pull you in and entertain you. In fact, I found it really hard to part with. I'm very impressed with the skill here.... All in all a wonderful read that I highly recommend." - 22nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards

Sister Carmelle, the director of Fondwa Clinic in Haiti practicing drawing blood as part of training for the community’s HIV/AIDS program funded by the College of American Pathologists Foundation and Partners in Progress..Sister Carmelle passed awy in March 2012. "When Dreams Touch" is dedicated to this incredible woman. An inspiration and dear friend to me and so many others.
About the Author

Dr. Rosemary Hanrahan Edwards knows how powerfully dreams can touch lives and bring people together, as they do in her first novel, When Dreams Touch. Her experience as a physician, involvement with international and public health non-profit organizations, and leadership in health, education and community development in Haiti are the inspiration of "When Dreams Touch."
Rosemary started volunteering and working in developing countries, including Nepal, Botswana and Haiti, in 2001. Since then, she has touched the lives of many people through her tireless work and her life has been deeply touched by her many colleagues, friends and partners in the developing world.
Rosemary was the 2003 and 2006 recipient of the College of American Pathologists Foundation Humanitarian Grant Award for her medical laboratory work in Haiti. In 2007, she received the Delta Omega National Honor Society Award for Best Master's Thesis in Public Health and the Outstanding Student Award for Academic Excellence from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.
The mother of two adult sons, Rosemary currently lives in Western Pennsylvania, where she practices medicine as an independent consultant for anatomic and clinical pathology practices. In addition to volunteering as a consultant in international healthcare and writing grants for non-profit organizations, she has been a board member of Vincentian Collaborative System (VCS) since 2010. VCS provides a continuum of senior services in the Western Pennsylvania region.
When she is not practicing her medical profession, Rosemary enjoys outdoor activities, travel, competing in triathlons and writing. When Dreams Touch is her first novel, which will be published under her pen name, Rosemary Hanrahan.
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Thanks for the giveaway! My dream would be to find a job that makes me happy. :)
This is such a gripping story, I am currently reading and I finding it very hard to put down.
The story sounds intriguing. Reviews like yours do books justice. I'm not a fan of the cover and I would have passed it by but now it is on my TBR list.
This book sound really gripping. What a fascinating story!
I totally love the idea of their lives coming together. It is going to be such a good read!
This might sound silly, but I dream of getting some decent sleep and not being so tired all the time!
Thanks for the giveaway - who can't use some extra Amazon $$$! My dream would be a good night's sleep!
We all need extra cash right? Thank you for giving us this opportunity!
To do a job I love and make enough money so that I don't have to worry about bills.
My dream is to win the lottery
My dream is to get through menopause before it kills me.
Awesome giveaway! My dream is to write a novel!
Love this giveaway! my dream is have an own house and own car that i am using for my service and an own computer set.
Thanks for letting us in on the giveaway. I just finished reading a novel today, it was a light romance novel and I am still feeling the effects. Haha. I'd love to get to read When Dreams Touch. It looks like another inspiring read.
I've never had the opportunity to visit Haiti myself, but it feels like a place I should see. Through all of the hardship the country has faced, there are still such great images coming out of beautiful people and a vibrant culture. This book would provide an even better introduction to the people, even despite it being fictional.
The story is so intriguing. I have heard about all those things that happened with Haiti. I am sure this is a great read.
This story intrigued me. I love stories written about the perserverance of people, especially women and when they are based on actual events it makes it so much better.
This story intrigued me. I love stories written about the perserverance of people, especially women and when they are based on actual events it makes it so much better.
One dream I wish could come true is winning the lottery
I dream of no longer dealing with chronic pain, that way I am able to enjoy daily life better.
I would dream of having better physical function so I could do more activities.
win the lottery & move to paradise
I love the connection that these women have. It's amazing how much you can have in common with someone else and not even realize it.
Every once in a while I read a serious natured book to get me back to reality. I will add this to my serious pile.
Historical fiction is definitely one of my favorites! I don't like westerns but otherwise it is my favorite genre.
Love that she's donating her proceeds like that! So generous!
I'd love to look young
I wish I could win in lottery and buy a big house and brand new car
I would like to travel the world visiting unique libraries.
My dream would be to open a bookstore on the beach! And have enough funds to never have to close it!
That my friends and family live a long and healthy life.
Besos Sarah.
To not be sick anymore.
My dream would be buy a new house and live in a better area
My dream would be for my sister to live closer to me so we could see each other more often. She lives in Tennessee and I live in Oklahoma.
win the lottery
Gotta go with world peace
If I could have a dream come true it would for sure be that our World is more caring, peaceful, and cooperative. :)
That my kids and husband and I all meet in heaven one day.
My dream come true would be for my kid's Father to get his life together and be there for our kids.
My dream that I become a professional buyer.
This sounds better than I expected.
to be financially stable the rest of my life
My dream is to travel round the world someday.
My dream is to be my ideal weight.
My dream is to be financially secure for the rest of my life.
If I could have a dream come true it would be to homestead in the Rockies with sheep and yaks. Weird dream, I know but I want it so bad!
If I could have a dream come true it would be that my son would finish college, find a great job, get married and give me a couple of grandkids.
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