$25 Amazon/PP-WW-Back to School Event-Children's Book-Ends 8/20 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP-WW-Back to School Event-Children's Book-Ends 8/20

Saturday, August 1, 2015

It seems like there is one a month from these great gals--Giveaway Hops that is and I am loving all of them and all the great prizes you can possibly win worth at least $25.00 when you hop around to each participant--so who are these great gals who put this all together? LeahSay’s Views and Planet Weidknecht that's who! All the participants are in a clickable list at the bottom of this post to make life real easy for you to go visit everyone and enter their giveaways too!!

Miki's Hope is giving away a $25 Amazon or $25 PayPal to one lucky winner who is 18 or older- WW and the Rafflecopter is short and easy (unlike some school courses I've taken over the years!!) But to keep this within the School Event theme-somwhat-now don't worry-no geometry, calculus, or foreign languages--I would like to introduce you to a book one of MY high school friends wrote (she is an educator herself-just retired-and is probably going to tell me all about the grammar mistakes I'm making!! Oh well--it's been years!!
Buddy Comes To Breakfast by Dee Emeigh

Dee Emeigh is a lot of things (besides being one of my oldest friends). You may have seen her name on my blog before as I introduced you to the beautiful songs she writes and sings. She also wrote a book a while back which I featured on my blog. And now that she is finally retired from teaching she has written an adorable and informative children's book about a Desert Tortoise she met while visiting a friend in Neveda. This book incorporates facts about Desert Tortoises, facts about the area where they live, what they eat all in a way that will have children learning while enjoying the experience! Did I mention that Dee is also an artist? Well she is and all the beautifully detailed illustrations were conceived and drawn by Dee herself. I think even younger children would love to look at these pictures as their parents read to them. Dee has written a beautiful poem about friendship that go along with the pictures for the younger set as they are being read to. And parents you are sure to enjoy this book as well-I know I did.
Excerpt from the poem by Dee Emeigh:

"Sometimes friends live far away.

But friends are friends both night and day.

Friends can live in places high.

Friends can live in places dry."

About the Book: (from Amazon)

This delightful non-fiction book is written at a 6th grade level, making it appropriate for elementary school reading, but the story and illustrations make it appealing for any age. While visiting a friend in Nevada, the author meets and becomes enamored with an adopted Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), named Buddy, who lives in the back yard. Facts about Buddy and his “cousins” are woven through the story as well as a message of friendship.

The Desert Tortoise has been on the Federal Endangered Species list as “threatened” for more than a decade.
The book includes lists of websites for more information as well as important words to know. Quantity discounts and a directed reading and thinking guide are available for educators through the author’s website.

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (and Illustrator I might add!!) (From Amazon)

With credits ranging from songwriting to feature writing for local newspapers, Dee Marvin Emeigh is primarily a creative non-fiction writer. Additionally a former photojournalist with images published around the globe, her latest book, "Buddy Comes to Breakfast" (2015) about an adopted Desert Tortoise, is a testimony to her talent as a writer, photographer, and watercolor artist. The new children's non-fiction book follows three years after the release of her ground-breaking book, "Cafeteria Covenant," an autobiographical narrative revealing the pretty, but powerless counterfeit that church has become, along with a dynamic and revolutionary look at the New Testament.

Emeigh has also produced three solo inspirational albums and two professional music videos ("Go On" and "With Us"). Two selections from her most recent CD project, Well SEASONED (2011), received radio play internationally. She holds a B.S. in Literature and M. Ed. degrees in Reading (Specialist) and TESOL Literacy and has taught secondary English and reading interventions, as well as graduate classes in children's literature and language acquisition.

Facebook for Buddy comes to Breakfast
Blog (on Goodreads)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Cali W. said... 1

Thanks for the giveaway! It looks like there are some good stories on her website. :)

Janet W. said... 2

I visited her site and learned that Buddy Comes to Breakfast is written on a sixth grade level and the book has a helpful glossary.

Maria Malaveci said... 3

There are some really great stories there! I loved the site!

Veronica Lee said... 4

I learned that Buddy is a real Desert Tortoise who lives in Nevada in the back yard of his human friend.

Unknown said... 5

oh what a nice giveaway thanx for that.i have visited this website actually i quite like it.thanx for the review also

Joanne T Ferguson said... 6

What a great giveaway and good review! I will be sharing this with my friends and boy will the winner be lucky too!

Christy Maurer said... 7

This looks like such a sweet book. I didn't know that the Desert Tortoise was on the threatened list. It is impressive that her degree is in second language instruction. That would be difficult!

Danielle S said... 8

Since I live in the Mojave Desert of Southern California, I come across only about 1 or 2 desert tortoises a year. There really should be more, but too many people in the 50s & 60s thought they were tasty animals. It is actually illegal to even touch a desert tortoise, but it's okay to take them off the road. There are so many ORVs here in the desert that will intentionally swerve to hit these passive little guys. Whenever we see them on the road we will gently pick them up and put them on off the road in the direction they were headed.

Unknown said... 9

Looks like she puts a lot of imagination and creativity into her work! I have 3 boys, 4 and under and 1 otw! We love reading and will have to look into her work more.

Heather Jones said... 10

To be able to write and illustrate your own book? She sounds so talented and like she really loves kids.

Esha Indianwriter said... 11

Thank you for the giveaway :) I learned from the website that she really values the importance of friendship and her stories are related to real life incidents.Buddy comes to breakfast is a true story.

Jeanine said... 12

What a great giveaway! Would love to be able to write and illustrate my own book. To have that kind of imagination and creativity would be awesome. Sounds great.

Gladys Parker said... 13

I learned that she is also an artist. That she has written many more books. That the turtles are considered an endangered species. That Buddy, which is also my dogs name, is named after a real turtle. I also learned that I want my grandchildren to have some of her books.

Mary Yaroscavitch said... 14

I love that Buddy loves to eat Broccoli and Aloe! Has Dee thought about selling her drawings and Artwork on Etsy?

Natalie said... 15

I found it interesting that she holds graduate degrees in Reading and Second Language Instruction.

Bobbie Anne Munsey said... 16

I love the fact that this book was written on a sixth grade reading level. There are so many kids out there that would love this book and the author has made it possible for them to enjoy it as well.

Deb PelletierC said... 17

Cafeteria Covenant: the voice, the choice, and the challenge is the story of one woman's determination to keep on going when there was no one and nothing left to trust but God alone. Sounds interesting.

Sara said... 18

I found the part about second language instruction interesting, thank you.

x said... 19

The book about Buddy looks amazing. What an interesting author, too.

Taty said... 20

Buddy is a Tortouse! Great list of giveaways you have teamed up with or us!

Granmama15 said... 21

I, personally LOVE the Cafeteria Covenant: the voice, the choice, and the challenge!! GREAT INSPIRATION & the glory goes to GOD, where it belongs! Buddy Comes to Breakfast by Dee Marvin Emeigh would be excellent for children! They love pictures & the story will teach them about friendship, which is important to us all during our lifetime!!!

Jennifer (Double Duty Mommy) said... 22

What a fun book and giveaway! The winner is super lucky

Unknown said... 23

I liked the Buddy Comes to Breakfast.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said... 24

This looks like a really cute book. Children's nonfiction is a little more difficult to find out there, and loving the beautiful photography.

Christy Hoover said... 25

This looks like such a sweet book. I can't wait to sit down and read it.

Jenny @cookeatgo said... 26

This looks like a good book to read. I think my oldest would love to read this as well she is reading at this level now.

Annemarie LeBlanc said... 27

It makes me happy to know that there are still some authors who have the children's best interest in mind. The book Buddy is one book that children can sit down with and enjoy.

Judy Thomas said... 28

I found that the cover of this book is a real work of art, I love it. It is not often that you come across such well written children's books nowadays. Thank you.

Mary Preston said... 29

The music aspect was very interesting. Must check it out on You Tube.

RUSS said... 30

Dee Marvin Emeigh seems to be a very creative and talented person. I like that she is already a great writer and it makes her more awesome that she is also an illustrator. From the excerpt that you shared, I could already tell that Buddy Comes To Breakfast will be a nice read, with beautiful lessons to teach its readers. It actually doesn't look like a children's book to me - which makes it more awesome.

Goodluck to all participants of the giveaway :)

mail4rosey said... 31

I love that you're featuring a friend!! Song and writing talent? She's a lucky gal!!

Heather D said... 32

Great giveaway! I love books that help raise awareness about these precious animals.

Unknown said... 33

I visited and was happy to see that not only is she an author but she has a nice Intra-Personal Learning Blog!

tm said... 34

This book sounds like such a gem that my son would love, especially since we used to live in Nevada too. Desert tortoises are so cool and I love that she works facts about them into the book. The author sounds so cool too - song writing and writing for a local newspaper?! I'm going to share this with all of my friends in Nevada with little ones.

Unknown said... 35

This sounds like a great book. I didn't know that the desert tortoise was on the endangered species list.

Chasity said... 36

This looks like a wonderful book. It's really cool that she's the author and illustrator.

Unknown said... 37

This sounds like a great read...and that's a great giveaway too! Can Canadians enter??

Linda Fast said... 38

A very sweet book. Thanks for making this an international giveaway.

Terri Ramsey Beavers said... 39

What a cute book and it's the perfect age for Alyssa who is going into the 6th grade this year. Thanks for sharing and for the wonderful opportunity to enter this back to school giveaway.

Samantha Pierce said... 40

This is such a great giveaway, and a cute book too! I can't believe school is right around the corner already!

Jacob from Local Adventurer said... 41

This looks like a great book! I'll definitely share with friends with kids. I can't believe it's already back to school time.

Chubskulit Rose said... 42

This would be perfect for my daughter who will be in 5th grade this year. i will check this out.

Jaclyn said... 43

Thanks for the giveaway :) I learned from the website that Dee is a singer as well as an author!

Unknown said... 44

This sounds like a really good book for my grand daughter. I think she would really enjoy it.

ourfamilyworld said... 45

What a cute book this one is. This is a nic giveaway and I would like to win this for my kiddos.

Stace Werner said... 46

What a great hop. This book sounds like a really cute read.

Marts Valenzuela said... 47

Great book! This is perfect for kids :) Nice to know that aside from being an author, Dee is an artist and a songwriter too! A talented person indeed!

Pam@IW said... 48

Thanks for the great giveaway and the the info on this very interesting book. I love that Buddy is a real Desert Tortoise who lives in Nevada. I have a few friends who also have pet tortoises and they are so wonderful.

Nikki said... 49

great book.such an great giveaways also, I didn't know that the desert tortoise was on the endangered species list.

Elizabeth O. said... 50

What a great book. My grandkids will love this as they love animals.

Eliz Frank said... 51

I love reading your book reviews. This is a great giveaway! Lucky winner...

Rachelle J said... 52

What a fun giveaway! It sounds like a really great book!

steve weber said... 53

I learned that she is an incredible artist.

Ickle Pickle said... 54

Great giveaway - this book looks brilliant, what a talented lady. Kaz

krystal said... 55

Another great giveaway and review. I will need to check this one out and give it a go!

Rhonda Tenderholt said... 56

She seems very talented. she is also a christian, which is great! thank you for the giveaway and the info on the book. I'd love to have it, let my older kids read it, then pass it on to my great-nieces. the illustrations look beautiful. (My sons draw too and the oldest wants to be a graphic artist of some sort.

Lori @ More With Less Today said... 57

Buddy comes to breakfast sounds like a great children's book. I love books that are informational while being entertaining.

DMELivwell said... 58

Thank you to all for taking the time to write such thoughtful comments and suggestions! Buddy would be overwhelmed at the positive response (LOL). I know I am!

Thanks Michele, my friend, for making all this possible!

Rebecca Swenor said... 59

The book sounds amazing and would be great for my nieces kids for sure. Desert Tortoise people don't really talk about and they are interesting for sure. I love the message about friendships in the book too. This sounds like an awesome giveaway. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said... 60

I visited and learned all about her books she has written!

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said... 61

I love that the book is at a 6th grade level. My daughter is going into 6th grade and I am always looking for books for her.

Anonymous said... 62

It looks like there are some really great stories there!

Lynne said... 63

I enjoyed her Intra-personal learning blog, and will be printing out some of those entries to use with my morning devotions.

Unknown said... 64

I am very interested in reading your friend's other book, Cafeteria Covenant. I, too, have learned so much about God's Kingdom and what we have done in the church to take our focus off of the Kingdom and on to man-made traditions and rules. It sounds like she has had a rough road but has come to a new understanding and is able to walk in the freedom that Jesus died to give us!

Amy said... 65

I learned "Buddy" would be a great read for my 6th grade daughter. Also, I read about Cafeteria Covenant. I am a newish Christian, and this is something to read and think about.

Amy said... 66

I learned "Buddy" would be a great read for my 6th grade daughter. Also, I read about Cafeteria Covenant. I am a newish Christian, and this is something to read and think about.

Unknown said... 67

My niece just got a pet turtle. She loves anything that has to do with turtles and tortoises. She would definitely love this book.

Danielle X. said... 68

This sounds like a great book. I also know that back to school shopping can add up, so this is a great giveaway to help someone with their school supply shopping.

gregory said... 69

Awesome review, thanks for comprtition

bn100 said... 70

interesting Dee Emeigh (pronounced Amy) is a seasoned singer and performer

Nikolina said... 71

I have learned that Cafeteria Covenant is the story of one woman's determination to keep on going when there was no one and nothing left to trust but God alone - it is a story that restores faith in a God.

joyh82 said... 72

I learned that the book is on the sixth grade reading level and the that the tortoise
is on endangered list. I also found out some interesting things about Cafeteria Covenant and
that Buddy is full of beautiful illustrations that my grand daughter would enjoy.

Amanda said... 73

I learned that she is a self-published author and is looking for someone to market her first book!

Fizzgig said... 74

Beautiful site! I learned that the book is written for a 6th grade reading level and that quantity discounts and a directed reading and thinking guide are available upon inquiry.

Unknown said... 75

The author met Buddy on a trip to Nevada and fell in love.

Isaiahsmom said... 76

I learned that this is a true story about friendship.

Unknown said... 77

The interesting information I found on Dee's website is that she is a seasoned singer and performer!

amycrocker76 said... 78

Some things that I learned from reading Dee's website, that I learned were interesting are: Dee's last name, Emeigh, is pronounce "Amy", and she holds graduate degrees in Reading and Second Language, her newest single, produced by Dove Award winner Phil Naish in Nashville, Well Seasoned is Dee's first album in twenty years, her latest book is based on a true story about friendship, all of which I did not know.

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said... 79

I found that Buddy Comes to Breakfast by Dee Marvin Emeigh is written at a 6th grade level and includes resources for kids who are really interested in animals.

Unknown said... 80

I learned from reading about Buddy Comes to Breakfast that the desert tortoise has been listed as "threatened" on the Federal Endangered Species list for more than a decade.

Betsy Barnes said... 81

I learned that Buddy Comes to Breakfast is a true story about friendship provides information on the Desert Tortoise, a threatened species in Nevada and California. :)

Daniel M said... 82

Learned Dee Emeigh is a seasoned singer and performer - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Jerry Marquardt said... 83

I think that having kid's mindsets on a up-note key and focuses on good things up to and including God is important for kids these days.

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