Here we go again--didn't I just close one of these? Well LeahSay's Views and Planet Weidknecht have once again brought together bloggers to give away a giveaway worth a minimum of $25.00. The clickable list is underneath the Rafflecopter form and you really should go and try for all their prizes as well!!
Not too many people know I have a website-which I don't really keep up with anymore. I'm not even sure if I am an affiliate of all the places still on there!! I might be so if you end up purchasing I MIGHT get a small commission. One of these days I will get in there and clean it up--when--who knows. I started it long before I had a blog. If you would like to see it click here. At any rate most of those buttons on the left side of my blog are affiliate links which first appeared on my website. Recently I have been putting up blog posts about several of them and will continue as time goes on. They always seem to be having specials and sales!
Enough about me and my lonely website--lets get to the giveaway--short and sweet as usual-open to all 18 years of age and older who can accept either a $25.00 Amazon gift card or $25.00 PayPal (did I mention that is what Miki's Hope is giving away? Well now I did!
All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.
I very seldom enter giveaways, I am bored and was retweeting your giveaway. I figured it said easy entry so I might as well. If it were my choice though I would probably say Book Chronicles as I am running out of books to read. I find it very hard to find something I will read the entire way through (even if at first I think I'll like it.) I seem to like books written or told by older children, teens like their version of what it was like during the depression, women fighting for the right to vote etc Another wards a gift code from them would be good.
I always like paypal or amazon giveaways. Thank you for sponsoring.
Pictures on Gold would be a great giveaway so I could get myself something special!
How about something from Do You Bake? I have never heard of them.
Pictures on Gold would be great as I think they have great keepsake items that would make great gifts
I always love to see Pictures on Gold giveaways because they are so beautiful!
I would love a giveaway from the American Tea Room. My daughters and I enjoy drinking tea.
Thank you!
I would choose pictures of gold. I would because everyone would love a nice locket as a nice heirloom or even a gift.
I love the Flexi Clips, because I've bought one of these clips for myself, and they are beautiful and high-quality hair accessories. There is such a wide variety of styles and sizes, that you can find the right one for yourself (or for someone else)for any hair length or style.
I think Pictures on Gold would be great for a giveaway because they have such pretty and unique items and I would love to win a prize from them. Thanks.
I would say Book Chronicles, because I love to read and you can never have too many books!
The American Tea Room...I just got a tea set from my gramma so now I could try new teas!!
I love paypal or Amazon but I did see Pictures on Gold and maybe Flexi. Looks like pretty things there too.
Pictures on Gold are beautiful That would be a great giveaway!
The American Tea Room would be nice. I drink tea everyday. I also collect teapots!!
The American Tea Room because I love tea and I only drink loose tea.
The design your own locket is my favourite. I love jewelry so this would interest me.
I would love for you to do a giveaway from Vitamin World because I take lots of vitamins very day!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I would like to see a giveaway from Vitamin world.
I like Lilla Rose, the items look nice. :-)
I would love to see a giveaway of something on pictures on gold.
I would like to see a giveaway from The American Tea Room. I really enjoy tea and cups as do many other people.
I would like to see a giveaway from The American Tea Room. I really enjoy MY tea.
I would love to see a giveaway from the American Tea Room because I love tea.
Vitamin World, due to this is actual
I would like to see a possible giveaway from the American Tea Room because I love drinking tea.
Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoy books and tea, so the tea giveaway might be nice. :)
I'd like to see something from Vitamin World. I take supplements frequently.
I would like to see something from the American Tea Room. I love tea
I would like to see a Lilla Rose giveaway. Love the products for the hair they offer. Cute headbands, barrettes etc.
I would like a giveaway from the American Tea Room. I love to drink tea and am always looking for new brands and flavors to try.
I'm on a health kick right now, so I would really like Vitamin World giveaway.
Pictures on Gold would make a cool giveaway because I love gold jewelry!
Vitamin World would be cool, I need me some vitamins right now
Pictures On Gold would be awesome!
I would say the Flexi Clips. I love girly giveaways.
the american tea sounds wonderful :)
With how expensive vitamins and supplements could be, I would like to see a giveaway for Vitamin World.
Vitamins from Vitamin World because my mom is a Vitamin Nut! I'd love to win her some.
I like pictures of gold items.
Lilla rose has nice products
I love tea, so for I would like to see one with the American Tea Room.
I'd like one from American Tea Room. I'd like to have tea bags instead of loose tea, but I never see giveaways with tea bags, just loose tea and Kcup tea.
I would love to see a giveaway featuring Vitamin World. It would be great to be able to win some quality vitamins. Thanks!
I'd love to see the Lilla Rose August Flexi in both colors as giveaway prizes! I love their clips and would love to win one!
I'd like a Puritan's Pride giveaway because they have a wide selection of interesting products.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
amazon its great i would buy books or book depository bc they ship free to many countries.. i dont know any of those affiliates u have :o maybe chronicle books if its books i like it *.* thank you for this amazing chance
Pictures on Gold
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom
Puritan's Pride would be fantastic since they offer so many different types of products.
I would pick pictures on gold!
would like to see a giveaway from Vitamin world.
Puritan's Pride! There are so many things I would love to get from them!
I'd love a giveaway for Pictures on Gold - they have such cute stuff!
Lillie Rose, because you can never have enough hairpins or the like! :)
I think you should do flexi they are so pretty
I would love gymboree I am a mom to 4 girls they always need clothes
I would love it if you did a gymboree giveaway, they have such cute clothes!
I would like to see a Pictures on Gold giveaway. It would make a lovely gift for my mom.
I'd be interested in a American Tea Room giveaway. I love tea. Drink it almost every day.
I would say the tea room I love
Tea and winter is comming
Lilla Rose because my daughter would like there hair accessories.
I would love to see a Putitan's Pride giveaway because I always need vitamins and supplements. I also trust their brand more than many others.
Anything from the American Tea Room would be amazing. Especially now that we're heading into cooler weather!
Gymboree would be awesome!
I would like a giveaway from The American Tea Room!
Jasmine P
Puritans Pride or do you bake would be great
Pictures on Gold would be a great giveaway. thanks for the chance.
I would love American Tea room because I love tea so much! We drink it everyday!
A review and giveaway of the American Tea Room would be great - always on the lookout for nice drinks. Thanks!
I would like anything from Puritans Pride. I am always looking for supplements or other products that can help my family stay healthy.
I think the American Tea Room would be great for a giveaway! Tea is so yummy and good for you!
Gymboree because the clothing is cute, durable and comfortable! (Andrea Amy)
A Gynboree gift card because my daughter is growing like a weed and clothes are expensive!
vitamin world because i truly believe in the bodys ability to heal itself given the right nutrients.
Pictures on Gold for beautiful things.
I think something from American Tea Room would be awesome!
I would love something from Puritan's Pride. They offer so many great things that are beneficial to your body and health.
Thanks foe the great giveaway!
PayPal and books giveaways are the best!!
I would love to see a giveaway from Pictures on Gold because I love jewelry!!!
I would like to see a giveaway from vitamin world
I would love to see a giveaway from Wool & The Gang. I love their stuff and cold weather is coming fast!
I think Flexi Clips or Book Chronicles would get my interest over the others.
American Tea Room because I love tea, but any of the others would be nice also. Thank you!
pictures on gold! because they look beautiful! & who wouldn't want one! :D
I would like you to feature a Gymboree Gift Card, because everyone could use some new clothes.
I would like a Gymboree giveaway, because they have really cute kids clothes!
I would love to see a giveaway from the American Tea Room. I love tea and enjoy discovering new teas. :)
I would love, LOVE to see a giveaway from Wool and the gang. Knitting is how I get through the winter months and they have nice kits there.
The American Tea Room because we love drinking tea in mmy home
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