Book Review-White Cloud Retreat (Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery Book 3)-Dianne Harman | Miki's Hope

Book Review-White Cloud Retreat (Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery Book 3)-Dianne Harman

Monday, February 16, 2015

I am loving this series and I sincerely hope it continues on and quickly. I get a kick out of Kelly--she is forever crossing her fingers so the promises she makes don't have to be kept. Of course the Sheriff who is her fiancee is on to her as is half the town! But that doesn't stop her--anymore then cooking up some delicious eats at her Coffee Shop. Some of those recipes are at the back of the book once again! I love the interaction between the two dogs (who are probably smarter then their humans and three times more protective thank heavens). And it takes a lot of sleuthing to figure out who killed the Zen Master!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

What could possibly go wrong at a beautiful Oregon vineyard overlooking the ocean? Could the White Cloud Retreat Center on the vineyard, run by a world famous Buddhist Zen Master hold a deep, dark secret? Murder, for one thing, but who could possibly have a motive for killing the beloved Zen Master?

Solving the mystery is the job of Sheriff Mike, ably assisted by his soon-to-be-wife, Kelly, an amateur sleuth, and their two dogs, Rebel and Lady. The vineyard is famous for its White Cloud Pinot Noir wines and the coffee shop that Kelly owns, Kelly’s Koffee Shop, is equally popular with customers looking for good food.

This is the third book in the popular Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery series. Plenty of good food and lovable dogs! If you liked Kelly’s Koffee Shop and Murder at Jade Cove, you’re going to love White Cloud Retreat.

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)(Picture from Twitter)

Dianne Harman draws her stories and characters from a diverse business and personal background. She owned a national antique and art appraisal business for many years, left that industry, and opened two yoga centers where she taught yoga and certified yoga instructors. She's traveled extensively throughout the world, most recently dividing her time between Huntington Beach, California and Sacramento, California, where her husband was a Senator. An avid reader, Dianne brings the richness of her life experiences to her novels, Blue Coyote Motel, Coyote in Provence, and Cornered Coyote - all of which are available now in the Coyote Series. She is also the author of Tea Party Teddy and Tea Party Teddy's Legacy, California political novels.

Being a dog lover and having attended cooking schools all over the world, she couldn't resist writing about food and dogs - and her first cozy mystery, Kelly's Koffee Shop was written. It is #1 on the culinary cozy mystery list and #3 on animals. Her second book in the Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery series, Murder at Jade Cove, will be published soon..

An Award Winning Bestseller, Blue Coyote Motel was selected as a quarter finalist in Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award contest, Goodreads Psychological Thriller of the Month Book, and e-thriller Book of the Month. Blue Coyote Motel and Coyote in Provence were finalists in Chanticleer's CLUE awards contest.

Blue Coyote Motel is a suspenseful love story which begins in the barrios of Southern California and spans the globe in such diverse locations as Provence, South America, and the Himalayas. The beautiful Latina, Maria, and her husband, Jeffrey, a scientist fired from a prestigious laboratory, struggle to build a new life in a remote Southern California desert area as owners of the motel.

Along with the anti-aging hormone, Jeffrey invents a "feel-good" wonder drug to help Maria with her depression. As Jeffrey becomes insane, he begins to experiment with the wonder drug. Six wayward travelers, including an alcoholic priest, a couple who own gold mines in Brazil, a depressed widow, a struggling salesman, and a Native American pediatrician, find themselves spending the night at the small motel. The next morning they wake up feeling better than ever. Has Jeffrey's miracle drug delivered? Or is the nightmare of addiction only beginning?

Coyote in Provence and Cornered Coyote complete the trilogy which spans the globe and introduces a character, Slade Kelly, a loveable irascible private eye, who many say has become their favorite literary character. The Mafia, food, wine, art, Provence, courtroom drama - all find a place in these books.

The Teddy saga is a multicultural romance set against the political background of California. It's the story of Nina, whose husband succumbs to the power of his office. Bigoted and biased, the ultimate irony occurs when she becomes romantically involved with the founder of the Republicans for Latinos, and in the process, discovers herself. The story continues in Tea Party Teddy's Legacy, a conclusion to Tea Party Teddy in the form of a novella.

Authors Website

I received a Mobi edition pf this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Masshole Mommy said...

I love a good mystery. This one sounds like a book I would love and Kelly sounds like a hoot.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love a good romance story. With the inclusion of fur individuals, this would be a hit for me.

Stefani @ said...

Sounds like an interesting read. I like a good mystery novel!

Heather Jones said...

Oh it looks like a fun light hearted read, even with the mystery involved. Nice review.

Anonymous said...

That looks like another great book. I love when books come in a series.

Anonymous said...

I love a good mystery!

Theresa Mahoney said...

It sounds like the dogs added in make it a little humorous! Sounds like a good series!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

This sounds like a very intriguing mystery. It really keeps the reader in suspense.

Lesley said...

Sounds like another winner! I will be adding it to my reading list.

Gluten Free for Jen said...

Sounds like a good book! Can't go wrong with romance and mystery in one!

Patricia said...

Ohh goody, another good mystery. Look forward to reading it.

Unknown said...

Mysteries are my favorite! It sounds like this one holds some amusement, too!

Katherine Bartlett said...

This sounds like a fun mystery novel! I love the animal ones

Unknown said...

Sounds like a really great series of books. I will definitely put it on my reading list.

Lynndee said...

I've always loved reading mystery books and watching films in that category. And the fact that is has recipes at the back of the book, now that made it more interesting. I love cooking! :)

Amy Kelsch said...

This book looks like a good read and I love the fact that it is part of a series. I enjoy stopping by- you do a really nice job of introducing us to some books we may not have heard of. Thanks! Also sharing some Sverve love!

Amanda Love said...

Just from your opening comment this sounds like such a delight to read. I might pick this up for myself.

Maddi'sMommy said...

I love these mysterious humor novels. They keep me engaged and guessing all the way thru.

Liz Mays said...

You make this one sound so fun. I think I'd really enjoy this one for my plane travel days. Thanks!

Kristi Dominguez said...

My husband's from Oregon...I think we may both like this one!

Housewife Eclectic said...

This sounds amazing! What a great read!

C.Mahan said...

I know we should not judge a book by its cover, but theres a boxer on the cover!! I want to read it for that reason alone ;)

Unknown said...

I love books that are a part of a series. It helps me to get vested into the book. But then again I am sad when a series ends.

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