Book Review-Across the Pond-Michael McCormick | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Across the Pond-Michael McCormick

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

PLEASE NOTE: I just received this from the author!!
Michele, actually my book is now an eBook and it is free to download and read at, and Obooko. I really don't know what Amazon is doing, as my hardback book has been out of print for some time. I think they bought some books from people or something. I do not understand why they are pricing it like that. My goal now is promoting my eBook and getting it to readers for free on the Internet in eBook format. Michael

What a powerful little novel this is. It is only 42 pages long but filled with word images that may never leave me. I know a lot of guys who went to Vietnam. Those who came back were disillusioned and angry, not the same people as when they left. None of them to this day will talk about it. If you ask them, they will kind of glare at you and turn around and walk away. I was not one of those who took part in the anti war movement--but I definitely remember it like it was yesterday.

Because this was not a "declared" war the returning vets got very little help and a lot of them ended up jobless and homeless. There are still Vietnam vets out there jobless and homeless and still very angry.

This book answered a lot of my questions--but be careful what you wish for and most important-don't ever let this happen again to another generation of young Americans.

About the Book: (from Goodreads)

Across The Pond by Michael McCormick is the story of a young American who fights in the Vietnam War for his country, only to be rejected when he comes home. The author based the book on his experience as a U.S. Marine who served in combat.

Praise for Across the Pond:
"This little book grips the reader from the beginning and does not let go. It is written with the violence and fury of Leon Uris's Battle Cry, and the tenderness and compassion of a simple poet.... It is a poignant reminder that many of the stories of that war are yet to be told. I believe it will be recognized as one of the important books to come out of that war and McCormick will rank with the other writers of his generation, equaling their intensity, integrity, and impact....With an emotional intensity that is sometimes overwhelming, Across the Pond is a short, violent, extremely powerful forty-two-page ride through hell that you will never forget." - Ron Kovic, Author of Born on the 4th of July

About the Author: (from Goodreads)

Charles Michael McCormick grew up in Ohio, USA, and was awarded the Purple Heart and the Silver Star Medal for combat action during the Vietnam War. After the war, he earned his B.A. in psychology and his M.A. in clinical psychology. He now lives in Oakland, California.


All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Katherine Bartlett said...

I love short books that get the point across. It seems like a must read

Patricia said...

This book looks very interesting. I had uncles who fought in Vietnam. I would like to read this.

Lesley said...

This book sounds very powerful. I cant wait to read it.

AngelaM said...

I do not think I have read a short book in a very long time. This one sounds interesting though.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great book. Maybe starting small would get me back to the reader I used to be.

Michelle F.

MikiHope said...

PLEASE TAKE NOTE-this is a free e-book now according to the author

This is what he wrote and where you can go to get the free download

Michele, actually my book is now an eBook and it is free to download and read at, and Obooko. I really don't know what Amazon is doing, as my hardback book has been out of print for some time. I think they bought some books from people or something. I do not understand why they are pricing it like that. My goal now is promoting my eBook and getting it to readers for free on the Internet in eBook format. Michael

Scott said...

Nice that he released it as an ebook. With it being so short I think I'll check it out.

Unknown said...

Wow, so much in 42 pages! I bet it's a griping little book

Chubskulit Rose said...

Two of our neighbors are Vietnam Vet, one is very proud that he did it but one does not want to talk about it. I feel bad for the Vietnam Vets back then but very proud of their services.

Liz Mays said...

Wow, the way you summed it up makes it seem very powerful indeed. It sounds like it might be very, very affecting.

Crystal said...

I know that we all celebrate veterans on Veteran's Day, but this sounds like it will enlighten us on the additional struggles & sacrifices our soldiers make. It sounds like a must read.

Lynndee said...

My husband loves to watch war films - nonfiction or not. And he loves reading all about wars too. He loves his history. I think he would be interested in this book.

Amanda Love said...

This isn't the kind of book that I usually read but at only 42 pages I wouldn't mind reading it at all and then it's free too? You definitely can't beat that.

debdenny said...

I am emotional just hearing this. I was quite young but I remember when young men went and I especially remember one, who to this day, has not returned home. I also have a brother in law who will not step into a VFW due to the way he was treated when he returned from Vietnam. This sounds like a powerful book and I will try to read it.

Laura O in AK said...

I'll need to check this out. I enjoy a good book, especially if the author keeps from dragging things out.

Kristi Dominguez said...

This sounds like an emotion-filled that kind. My father-in-law was a Marine, so all of them hold a spot in my heart.

Unknown said...

This book soundsounds like a good read for anyone interested in the history of the Vietnam war.

Ashley R said...

Sounds like a short book packed with power! I'd love to read it. Glad to see the ebook is free!

Debi at Life Currents said...

Sounds like a great book, with an interesting note from the author.

Stefani @ said...

I like that the author is offering the book for free. Thanks for sharing!

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