No Rest for the Weary | Miki's Hope

No Rest for the Weary

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Yesterday I made it to my client and managed to do an entire years input plus what was left of 5 other companies for 3 months each in 4 1/2 hours. No easy feat and my arm feels like it is ready to fall off at the shoulder! Today I have to drive out to Long Island and input another clients work--also almost one years worth. Do I have a choice? Not really.

I actually had a book review ready to go up on my blog today--I changed it to tomorrow. I generally go for comments but I wasn't even able to finish those from yesterday--hopefully by this evening. AND I forgot to put one up for comments so maybe I will put that one in one group only which I managed to miss altogether yesterday. I feel like I am moving around in a fog.

I did receive a product at my door yesterday which is for a review/giveaway. Since it was for my cat I was able to get that one together-you will see it the 31st. I really do like the product!! On 2/12 one of the books I reviewed which everyone seemed to really like will be going on sale for .99. I am trying to decide if I should get that ready-I will probably also put the little ad box on the right side of my blog (if I remember). Since I am not an affiliate of any of the book places whe ever you see something like that from me it is because I really liked the book and let's face it--everyone needs a bargain and I like helping out the authors who I truly like!!

I seem to be rambling here so I will get going now and see if I can get some posts into threads and my giveaways into linkys before I fall asleep again. I give myself 2 to 3 hours (it is 12:30 am-Baby woke me up-she was hungry)--then sleep for another maybe 2 to 3 hours before I have to really start my day.

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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