I am TOTALLY Exhausted | Miki's Hope

I am TOTALLY Exhausted

Saturday, January 10, 2015

And there is a very good reason I am totally exhausted. You see my 92 year old Mom was very sick there for a while. She is much better now and has me picking her up to do errands WITH her for the first time since Dec 26th. That was the day I had to rush her to the hospital. It turns out she was really in a bad way. Almost totally dehydrated, had a fever of 101.4 and was pretty incoherent for a woman who is still almost always on the go! Thus I had been running back and forth to the hospital-then back and forth to her apartment after she was sent home 4 or was it 5 days later. I'm lucky I know what day it is. Every couple of hours I keep falling asleep.

I am very happy that she is back to her old self even if it means that tomorrow I have to drop her off to get her nails done-run to get cat food--pick her up and do whatever else she deems necessary.

But you want to know the worst part--no one will tell us why she became that dehydrated so it won't happen again and both her primary doctor and her heart doctor on on vacation!! I will be driving her to see both of them next week----

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Anonymous said...

I hope she gets back to her old self soon and you can get some rest! I wish you both the best!

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Well glad she just jumped right back to her old self. Rest the caregiver always needs rest.

Catherine said...

Happy to hear your mom is doing better.
You must also take care of yourself.
xo Catherine

monica said...

Oh boy. Wishing your mom great health in the New Year! So glad that she recovered and you are an amazing daughter. Hope you take time to give back to yourself too.

Peto Neagu said...

So sorry to hear this Michele. I hope your mom is feeling better now and you got some sleep over the weekend. Looking after your parents is a wonderful experience but so exhausting, especially when they're sick. I love taking care of mine but at times it gets really overwhelming :(

Sandra Shaffer said...

Oh, Michele, I'm sorry you are going through this stress. Take care of yourself too! I'm sure your mother is grateful for all that you do. I'm glad to hear that she is doing better!

Coralie said...

It can be hard taking care of loved ones while they are sick but it is worth it. Treasure those moments. I am glad she is feeling better. Hope she stays well.

Maddi'sMommy said...

Ugh, I hope you get some answers soon and I'm just reall glad she is okay. I hope you get some sleep soon!

stephanickety said...

I'm so sorry your mom has been ill. Hopefully you can rest and get back to yourself again.

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