Book Review-Boardinghouse Stew-E.E. Smith | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Boardinghouse Stew-E.E. Smith

Monday, December 8, 2014

This is the fourth book I've read written by this author. The first three were mysteries-you can read my reviews here if you missed them.
Prescription for Murder
Russian Roulette
Death By Misadventure

This book, according to the author is actually from her life experience. The names used are fictitious. The time period was not. World War II was going on and Japanese Americans were placed in detention camps. Woman were working at jobs that used to be for men. Food rationing was very real. This was why an eleven year old girl was hired for 4 month as a maid and cook at this boarding house. As is usually the case real life can be funnier then fiction and I found myself laughing quite often at the various personalities who lived at this particular boarding house! They really were characters who you will recognize as people that perhaps you have known in life-for better or worse. And as in real life not all was roses either.

For me this was a really fast read--I enjoyed it thoroughly and simply had to keep reading.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

In June of 1943, due to an acute labor shortage caused by the evacuation of all Japanese from the area, as well as many domestic workers preferring war work to house work, Mrs. Mumson is forced to hire a young schoolgirl named Eileen as a maid and cook for the summer. Through one crisis after another—some more comic than tragic—the people who live in the house manage to pull together and become a kind of family. In the center of it all is Eileen, narrating their stories which she is able to observe from her unique vantage point behind the swinging kitchen door that never quite closes on its rusty hinges.

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the Book here

About the Author: (from the Author's Website)

Evelyn Eileen Smith resides in the San Francisco Bay area and is an award-winning playwright of more than a dozen plays. The debut novel, Boardinghouse Stew, was inspired by her own real-life experiences working in a boardinghouse in Sacramento during World War II. Times Like These is based on more real-life adventures through the end of WW II, six years of peace, and the beginning of the Korean War. In her next book, In Love and War, Evelyn shared her experiences as a young bride during wartime and how decisions made in haste affected her entire life. She debuted as a mystery writer with Death by Misadventure, the first in the “ALEXIS J. SMITH—Discreet Inquiries” series, followed by Bad Blood, Russian Roulette, and Prescription For Murder.

From the back of the Book:

Evelyn Eileen Smith resides in the San Francisco Bay area and is an award winning playwright of more then a dozen plays. The debut novel, Boardinghouse Stew was inspired by her own real-life experiences working in a boardinghouse in Sacramento during World War II.

Authors Blog
Her website

I received the paperback Uncorrected Galley edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Liz Mays said... 1

Ok, this is one I want to read! I love that it had you laughing!

Becca said... 2

This looks to be an awesome read! Anything that can leave you laughing is always a plus!

Maria said... 3

I love a book that can teach and have you laughing from chapter to chapter. Sounds like a fun book!

Beck Valley Books said... 4

I was intrigued as soon as I saw the book cover, sounds great.

The AnnMarie John said... 5

I love books that pulls you in and that you can't put down. I'm sure this is a fabulous read and if it can make me laugh then it's definitely for me.

Eat To Live said... 6

I would actually rather read a real life story than a made up version. Usually the ones that make their own stories seem to be lacking in real life.

Lesley said... 7

Excellent in depth review of this book. I'll have to add this one to my extensive reading list. I think we need more books that make us laugh, life is full of drama and suspense as it is.

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said... 8

Sounds like a really interesting book! Real life can be so much more interesting than any fiction!

Southern Mom Loves said... 9

I sounds wonderful! I love historic fiction! I'll have to pick this up. Thanks for sharing it.

mail4rosey said... 10

I like this kind of book! And you're right, there are def. some personalities out there to write about. ;) I'm bookmarking it to purchase later. I've got three in the reading line, and if I put too many I won't read them. Busy time of year, but I'll get to it! Thanks for the intro.!!

Theresa Mahoney said... 11

That's great there could be laughter found in tough times! This sounds like a good book. Any that can get me laughing sounds good to me!

Jennifer said... 12

This book sounds absolutely perfect for me! I love books that are based on real events with a little history thrown in. I'm going to have to put this one on my reading list for my vacation!

C.Mahan said... 13

I'm usually one for historical / period pieces from war time eras, but this one sounds quite enjoyable.

Tough Cookie Mommy said... 14

I love when authors infuse their personal experiences into the plot. It allows the reader to connect to the book.

PJ Nunn said... 15

Evelyn has had a fascinating life and she's a wonderful writer. I believe there's a sequel to this coming next year.

MikiHope said... 16

Posted for the Author E.E. Smith!!
What I wanted to post as a comment to your review of "Boardinghouse Stew" is that this is actually the third edition of the book -- the other two hard-cover editions being out of print. It is an e-book only, available in Kindle and Nook. (By the way, the sequel to it, called "Times Like These," is also out of print, and is being re-issued as an e-book in the next few months

Rebecca Swenor said... 17

I love reads like this of real times. My mom would probably love to read this one too. Thanks for sharing.

Ashley R said... 18

I'm fascinated with real accounts from that era, so I'm sure I would enjoy this one.

Krissy Deane said... 19

Ooh this actually sounds like a great read! I'm not much of a history fan but typically once I start looking into it I might get hooked. Also considering that this is all true events from her POV makes it even more interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Krissy Deane said... 20

Ooh this actually sounds like a great read! I'm not much of a history fan but typically once I start looking into it I might get hooked. Also considering that this is all true events from her POV makes it even more interesting. Thanks for sharing!

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