Yes-Chicken Pox is Back-But Don't Panic! | Miki's Hope

Yes-Chicken Pox is Back-But Don't Panic!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Are Those Chickenpox? Don't Panic!

You will never forget the minute you realize your first child has the chickenpox. By the third or fourth you will barely flinch, but parents tend to panic over the first case of them. Whether you noticed a blister two hours ago and now suddenly there are more, or if you just heard a classmate has them and you are preparing for the inevitable, this guide will help.

Stay Calm

The first thing to know is that if you are already noticing blisters, everyone in the house has been exposed. So, although it is not a bad idea to quarantine them, there is a good chance everyone could end up with it. If you start panicking now, you will have a rough few weeks ahead of you. Go sit by your wall-mounted water feature and take a few very deep breaths, so you don't stress your child. If you don't have a fountain yet, Luxe Water Walls offers wall fountains online. A water element will help you keep your sanity during parenthood.

Be Familiar with Symptoms

Chickenpox is very commonly mistaken for a flu or cold because the visible blisters don't surface sometimes until 16 days after being exposed to the virus. A headache, fever, stomach, or sore throat are experienced first and last a few days. By the time the blisters appear, they may have already recovered from the flu-like symptoms. This is why it spreads so fast to other kids.

The red, itchy rash usually appears on the abdomen, back, and face first. They look like small pimples or insect bites at this early stage. Then, they develop into fluid-filled thin-walled blisters.

How it Spreads

Chickenpox is extremely contagious. It can spread through the air, as well as direct contact. Children are contagious at least two days before the rash appears. So, it's important that if your child has symptoms like mentioned, they stay home from school. As soon as you see blisters notify the school immediately, so other parents can be informed.


You may assume you can just get an antibiotic from the doctor, but you probably can't. Antibiotics are not designed to handle viruses. However, if bacteria become an issue because sores get infected, then antibiotics will be prescribed. Since kids tend to pick at scabs, they often end up on antibiotics, but understand that these pills weaken the immune system.


Applying a cool wet compress every few hours will help. An oatmeal bath is soothing, too. Always pat dry, never rub. Apply calamine lotion, and if your child has them in their mouth, eating can be painful, so offer cold, soft foods. Anything salty or acidic should be avoided.

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Masshole Mommy said...

Chicken pox never left ;) But it's good to know what to do when your child gets them!

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