$25 Amazon/PP WW-Merry Christmas Giveaway Hop-Ends 12/8
Friday, November 28, 2014
Thank you Planet Weidknecht and LeahSay's Views for once again putting together this hop! It is truly appreciated!! As per the usual way these two put together a hop--every blogger must give away a prize worth at least $25.00. Make sure you visit each and every one of us--the clickable link can be found at the very bottom of this post-under the Rafflecopter form.
I did not even have to think about it--I am pretty sure that each and every one of you could use a little cash for those last minute gifts or decorations or whatever you forgot to get in the last couple of weeks! Maybe even a bottle of wine to get you through it all--or a box of delicious chocolate truffles--and you know I will make this easy as pie to enter--no stress here for anyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check myDisclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»I am calm so far but that may change the closer Christmas gets.
Yes!! In addition to the typical things that stress people out around the holidays, I've recently moved my mom into a nursing home. I'm trying to get her settled in and get all of her things moved out of her old apartment. Being a responsible adult is highly overrated ;)
I am quite stressed out but mostly because I have more work to do now. I guess the Christmas anxiety is yet to come))
I entered as Olesia Flegka
I have no stress this christmas since I got a job right after graduation so I manage all the presents this year. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am not stressed out yet. I sometimes get stressed as it gets closer to the holiday.
Yes, I'm stressed! I have eight grandchildren to shop for and my children and their spouses. I have no time because I babysit for my youngest grandchild full time. I also hate shopping in crowded stores. I would love to just relax and enjoy the holidays!
I am not stressed out at all...yet. I have most of my shopping done already.
I am not stressed this holiday season because there is nothing to stress about! Thanks
I am stressed, because the money is tight and I want to make the people I love have a beautiful Christmas
I am definitely stressed. The financial situation is not great and makes it hard when you want to get your family nice things.
Believe it or not, no i am not stressed, not yet anyway! I think as the years go by you learn not to sweat the small stuff.
Very little stress with the holidays now that I've scaled back and passed more work on to my 3 grown daughters. So much easier on my husband and myself!
I'm a little stressed out. I'm still waiting for my disability to be approved, so I have no money. My son and grandson live with me so he has been paying the bills, but he just got laid off from his job a week ago. But I'm sure we will find some way to make it. :D
Nope, not stressed out at all.. I got Christmas this year.
I am not stressed because I am already done with my Christmas shopping
I am definitely stressed out because I haven't started Christmas present shopping yet..I always wait until the last minute because I never know what everyone wants! Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
With 3 boys I always get stressed out around the holidays. It doesn't help that I wait till the last minute to go shopping either!
I am starting to get stressed. I haven't bought any gifts yet. With 13 grandkids and 7 kids and their spouses it doesn't seem possible to do any shopping unless I win the lottery. But it is what it is. Still time for miracles. :)
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I am alittle stressed because I really don't have the money to get my daughter christmas presents. I am relying on those of others this year. I bought her 2 things and thats it so far. I know she is little so it really doesn't fully matter the amount of what she gets but I feel bad.
I get stressed out a bit because it seems like there is so much to do, plus I can't afford some gifts.
Thanks for the chance to win
I am a bit stressed out since I still have a shopping list to be done.
I'm not stressed out at all because I got my shopping done early so I can just sit back and enjoy the festivities now!
I'm a little stressed because I am so far behind this year. Yikes!
Less stressed this year as I seem to be more organized (upto now!!) xx
I probably won't be stressed out anymore this holiday season since we already know what the Christmas plans are.
im a little stressed
I'm not too stressed out about this holiday season because I'm just about done with shopping and I plan on wrapping gifts way ahead of time in stead of waiting until the last minute.
No, I am not stressed. My son knows if I win, he gets items If I don't, he doesn't/
Jennifer Rote
I am normally really stressed out during this time of year. But this year it seems different. Our Family has decided that Christmas, is about Friends and Family, not the gifts, yes there will be some gifts but we are not going to freak out about it.
I'm not stressed and if I find myself starting to be, I just remind myself that now is not the time and stuff that emotion down for the New Year. :)
I'm not too stressed out. There are reasons I should be, but I can't let them get me down.
No, I am not stressed out this year. This year I have everything I need to buy sitting in my amazon cart. So when payday gets here it will just take a couple clicks and the gifts will all be on their way here. And the in-laws are doing Christmas the Saturday after, so no worries about anything,
I am not stressed out and I like to enjoy the season.
I am a little stressed out this season. I am not sure if I can afford everything I want to get.
I think this may be the FIRST year I am not stressed out by the holidays :) My daughter just turned 8, I have had her presents done since September, we just moved into our new apartment and everything is perfect!
Nope, I am not stressed out about the holidays.
I am a bit stressed out - because of financial reasons. Hubby just got laid off - crappy time. Hoping to win this get a present for the kids.
No, I'm not stressed. We have the same program every year.
I'm not stressed out this year because we decided not to decorate and I have planned out what the presents I give are.
Not really stressed out. It's just the usual lack of income and the needful things. Trying to make it is tough.
yes I work in retail so I get stressed. Thanks for the giveaway.
I am not stressed out yet. It is too early in Dec. Check back in two weeks
I'm not! My shopping is done. Now I have to pack up the house and get ready to move but I really am not stressed!
I'm not too stressed out. Most of my gift shopping is finished excerpt for a few cousins and coworkers. When it gets closer to Christmas, I'm sure that will all change, though!!
I am not really stressed this holiday season. The way things are going I probably should be but I think I just don't have the energy:)
I am not at all stressed out this holiday season because I have a budget and a plan!
Yes- extremely stressed. My husband just lost his job.
I am very stressed. I work a lot of different shifts which is making it hard for me to shop! Usually I'm done by now!
I am not stressed out yet but it may come later. It's early in the season -- Thanksgiving is an easy holiday since all I have to do is buy a dessert and show up for dinner.
I am not stressed out...yet. But if history repeats itself, and it always has, I will be by Christmas!
I am mildly stressed this year. I have more kids to buy presents for and I am having trouble deciding what to get.
Not yet stressed out, but I think I need to start worrying just a little. I have some things, but there are many more I need to get. It always works out though
No, I wasn't stressed out too much for Thanksgiving, but I probably will be for Christmas because my sister in law and her 2 brats will be here. I don't like them and they stress me out.
We are simplifying things this Christmas. I don't think I'll be stressed out.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
Yes Stressed! We are moving!!
Thankfully I have all christmas taken care of !
I am extra stressed out this holiday season due to unexpected bills.
I'm actually not really stressed out this year, my daughter's father actually got her gifts already. And I'm not going anywhere or having anyone over for holidays.
I am a little stressed out because I have no money for presents... But I guess that does make Christmas simpler I suppose.
I am actually not stressed at all this year! I just about finished my shopping since I saved all year and can now just sit back and enjoy it!
No, I am not stressed out because some of the gifts have been bought already.
I am super stressed because my kids are young and think they will get everything they ask for and we are tight on money...I just want to make them happy...
My stress level is at an all time low for the holidays. Reasonable health, great kids, and wonderful grandkids.
Yes very stressed, but because my hubby is ill.
I am not too badly stressed yet, my kids understand they don't get everything they want and with 5 of them, I do my best to get them some things I know they have on their list
This year I am not that stressed.My kids are old enough now that they are pretty self sufficient and they can actually help with meals and decorating etc so all is good
I'm not stressed out this year because I have made the decision to just not worry about and get the heck over it, Everybody will get a gift and that's it.
definitely not stressed here - if it causes stress it isn't worth having around so everything is always fun over the holiday season :-)
So far no but I am putting up my Holiday decor today so we shall see...lol Only have one of six people bought for too.
I'm really not. We aren't really decorating or making a big deal out of it this year.
I am a bit stressed out.
I have some hard to shop for people.
thank you
I am not stressed out yet but I will probably be soon :)
I follow you on twitter as birdiebe52 (I think I made an error on my handle in the rafflecopter).
I am not stressed out about the holidays this year as I am more excited than anything to have my family get togethers.
I'm not stressed out at all. My shopping is already done, my family is all well, and life is good!
I'm not too stressed; mainly because we decided and we announced that with limited funds we are doing Christmas in earnest for kids only (kids ranging up to 27 years old, but still kids) and exchanging cakes, jams and other homemade stuff with all adults. That's it! It's not Grinchy because I am putting a LOT of effort into these cakes, cookies, breads, jams and their presentation, but I bought all of the kid's stuff online and have no intention of going anywhere near a mall or a store.
{in the contest I am Margot Core on the Rafflecopter}
I am stressed. There's not enough money this year
Stress level not high, yet, will go up everyday, until Holidays are over.
I am not stressed out yet but this is only the beginning :)
I am always stressed about money! As a teacher, we don't get paid until the end of January. It is always such a tough time! The email I check most often is fossil316@aol.com
I am trying not to stress out, but since my husband's work cut a lot of hours over the last couple of months, it is stressful. Not just for Christmas, but because I have to buy textbooks and pay tuition for my 2 kids in college. One day at a time.
Stressed. I broke my leg and even though I'm walking I tire out easily and walk very slow. Plus I can't carry a lot.
I'm not too stressed. I might be if Kyle doesn't decide what he wants pretty soon though!
I'm only stressed if it snows and I can't get to my relatives for Christmas. We'll see what happens, lol ;)
I'm not stressed at all! I put aside every month prior to the Holidays so the check-out isn't a massive toll on my wallet! XD
Majorally stressed out this year! We dont get paid until after Christmas this year- so it is going to be a very lean holiday. :(
I am stressed because I lost my job at the start of November and none of my interviews have landed me another job.
So far I am not stressed yet this season. I have some good ideas of what I want to get and it shouldn't take to much time to decorate, shop and do my baking.
Well stress is something I try very hard to control, I do get a little stressed only over money, but other then that no. I try to stay happy, and not get sad, sometimes that can be hard, have lost a lot of family in the last several years. But life goes on, and We must stay happy!! And enjoy the Holidays. Happy Holidays
Nope not at all. My kids get money for Christmas unless they specify a gift, that way I know they'll get something they like. And I shop on-line for the grandkids based on a wishlist that their
parents put on Amazon. So eazy-peazy
I was not stressed this holiday. Just a bit tired from all the cooking
No I don't tend to be so stressed out during the Holiday season.
I try really hard not to let myself get stressed out during the holiday season!
It should be fun to share gifts and be with family, but stress does sneak up on me sometimes!
I am stressed out because I don't have time to do all I need to do for Christmas. .
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I'm not stressed out because I'm shopping early. I'm well on my way to being done.
being grandma nanny to our 5 grandkids and caregiver to OUR parents ...YES, I'm stressed out this holiday season
I'm not stressed out. I live in a rural area.
I am not stressed out because I am almost done already! :)
I love Black Friday shopping!!
I'm a bit stressed out this holiday season because I'm taking on some new responsibilities at work. The family stuff isn't stressful, though.
First Christmas after a separation from a 20 year marriage so a bit yes, want to keep everything status quo for my children, I am thankful for all my amazing friends.
I am super stressed this holiday season because there just never seems to ever be enough money! Ugh! BUT..... I do have my fabulous family and all of our health to be thankful for so I am keeping cool knowing that. This would be a nice prize to put towards those expenses! Thanks for sharing and good luck to all!
I guess I am a little stress. It's been a difficult year but we are doing the best be can to make it work.
No stress for me! I have decided that if Christmas is stressful than I am focusing on the icky parts of the holiday. Instead, I am focusing on family, food and fun. If presents don't happen, then that is okay.
I'm not stressed about the holidays because I have more pressing matters to worry about :)
I think that I get a little stressed out during the holiday season. If I didn’t get stressed out sometimes and kept it all bottled up inside I might blow up at the wrong time and ruin something special or a holiday party. Everyone wants to give the perfect presents and throw the nicest parties but sometimes things happen beyond our control. I’ve learned that if you can just learn to roll with it, everything turns out great!
I try to get my shopping done before Thanksgiving so i don't have to deal with crowds or any of the hype! I don't deal with crowds well-especially the ones who are rude and obnoxious to get the best deals.
I am usually stressed out about Christmas but not this year. We are truly Blessed, and things aren't important, although my children will be blessed this year as well
I can honestly say that for the first time in a long time, I am not stressed about Christmas. Of course my girls are 22 and 19 now and I can get them what I want to get them not what they demand!
i not stressed about Christmas because i already made a list on to what do & what to buy before Christmas,.
No I'm not stressed this year
I have got the bulk of my holiday shopping complete so I am not really stressed.
I'm not as much stressed, as I am depressed. This time of year is always hard on me since Christmas Day 2008 was the very last time I ever saw my younger brother alive :(
I was more stressed about Thanksgiving since we hosted it. This year, hubby is staying home to work and take care of our pets. My daughter and I are flying to see my family, so I am a little stressed about flying alone with her.
I am so stressed this year. Finances suck and I lost my Mom in Sept. Christmas is never going to be the same.
I am never stressed out during the holidays....if I don't get something, I don't get it....that's how I roll....but, since my children are in their 30s, I always get them gift cards anyhow.
No, I am not stressed out during the holidays. This is because I choose not to be stressed.
I wouldn't call it stress. I just am doing everything in my power to make sure my kids have a great Christmas this year!!
I'm a bit stressed about Christmas this year. I have work and family stress going on, and the holidays makes it all feel like a bit too much. I'm hoping to stay calm and have a low-key but enjoyable Christmas season.
I am a little stressed for Christmas, everyone expect me to be there for their dinners yet I have four places to go to and they are all far away from each other. :(
I'm a little stressed. I think the holiday season is always a little stressful. Luckily most of my shopping is done though!
No stress here for Christmas, I have planned ahead and have all my major shopping done.
I'm not really stressed about the holidays. I'm more stressed as I'm at the end of the semester for school. haha
I am not stressed out this christmas season. Things are good :)
I am not yet stressed out because I procrastinate and won't start shopping until just right before Christmas :)
I'm not too stressed this year but usually shopping gets me that way. I am doing it online this year and loving it!
I am stressed this holiday season because work has been very busy
I'm not stressed out. I never make a hassle out of something that is about sharing and showing love and to be with those who you love and whom love you.
I'm not stressed about gift giving, but a little stressed about a party we are hosting in a couple of weeks.
I am stressed out over the prices. However, I have found some gifts that were really reduced at sales. I always seem to get somewhat stressed out no matter how well I plan.
I am not stressed out this year because my family is healthy and happy. That's what really matters.
I am not stressed because i already make a plan on what my suppose to buy this holiday
I'm not as stressed as I usually am because I already did 95% of my shopping done. Also, I already put together holiday craft and activity packs for my kiddos.
I am not stressed at all because I've already bought all the presents. Just curious to find out what I'm given!
A little stressed out. It's stressful planning what family to see on what day because everybody wants you there on Christmas day
I am totally stressed out this holiday season because my son has been suffering from anxiety and it's difficult to pinpoint why
I am little stressed. We are hosting Christmas this year and with all the extras to buy it makes it tough
I am not stressed out this Holiday Season. I learned a long time ago that stressing is not going to change anything except make me feel worse, so I do the best I can and don't worry about whatever doesn't get done or isn't perfect.
I am a little stressed this year, money is so tight and still have things to pick up and our Christmas dinner Normally I try to have everything done by December 1st so I can enjoy December, but this year will probably be up the minutes pulling it all together! :)
I am not stressed out this year because we are going on vacation for chistmas.
I am usually pretty stressed this time of the year already, but this year, my husband will be out with work.... so I am taking our kids to my parents. FOR 2 SOLID WEEKS! I am way more stressed than normal!
So farm I am not stressed out but I am missing my daughter.
The holidays always stress me out. The main reason is relatives I am pretty sure!
I'm not stressed out this holiday season. I have some decorations left to get up, cookies to bake, but my holiday gift shopping is done (with the exception of a couple of items). I have time to take things at my own pace.
I am the least stressed out about Christmas than i have been for years.All my shopping was done the first week of October.My Mom is currently getting cancer treatment,so yes I AM STRESSED
I'm stressed out 'cause a week before Christmas I'm turning 30... lol
I'm not really stressed out this year. I got my shopping and wrapping done early, so now I can relax and wait for Christmas.
No, I am not really stresses this holiday season. I made a strict gift list and a strict grocery list for me to stick with. It really helps. I also have all of our get togethers planned and in my agenda. Now hopefully, baby number 3 that I am due with December 27th stays put til then and everything should run smoothly. But if he doesn't, no big deal! We will replan around his birth.
Not really stressed, out family changed things up a bit last year, we get the kids gifts and a few other family members gifts (split b/w my sister and I) but the rest we do one secret santa gift among the adults and donate the rest.
I am not stressed out because everything will work out fine.
I'm not really stressed out yet. I'm thinking about going shopping this weekend to pick up the rest of the out-of-town gifts. The rest I can do closer to Christmas.
Right now I'm not stressed out but the closer we get, I probably will be stressed! We have the house to clean, tree to buy and decorate, presents to wrap and getting anyone to help is like pulling teeth!
Yes I do get stressed by this time of year.
I am a bit stressed because my hubby is undergoing cancer treatment (for the 4th time) and I fell and injured my back. Things could be better...
Not stressed out. We did away with the present giving years ago and that takes a lot of pressure off and frees up a good amount of time.
No I am not stressed out as I have all my shopping done.
Not really stressed out, grandchildren are getting older and more picky about what they want and this is my first real Christmas after retirement, so Christmas will be a little different, but not upset.
I am a bit stressed out this holiday season because money is a bit tight in our household right now since I am jobless. However, I love the Christmas season and so it's easy to not be down about it.
I am not stressed out because I don't need to worry a lot of things since we are just four in the family to celebrate.
This holiday season is better than past ones because we are planning a vacation this month to a warm weather destination. I love that it breaks up the crazy times that the holidays can be. However, getting back right before Christmas and having company coming for the actual Christmas Day is stressing me somewhat.
The holiday season is stressful because money is tight and the weather is getting colder.
Danielle Papsis
I am stressed out. My father is very sick, I'm working almost fulltime for the first time in 23 years, and the presents aren't bought!
Normally, I have Christmas well in hand. But this year, my son totalled the car on Black Friday. The important thing is that's he's going to be okay. But, it has really thrown me for a loop.
Stressed out because we have to go from FL to MI for a grandpa that may not make it till christmas. It's going to be hard.
I am totally stressed out, but that's due to my two jobs, not necessarily the season. Picked up a temp job that ended up causing me to work 16 hour days for over 30 days straight. Ends next week though so I can finally collapse then!
I was stressed for thanksgiving....I had to make everything myself for 5 people. Christmas im not as I have been buying gifts all year
I'm not stressed out at all about the upcoming holidays.
totally stressed out, everyone has crappy lists and money is a big problem, wish i could just skip it - godan@comcast.net
I went through major surgery in May in which I am now sick on a daily basis. Then I finished school (over full time) and found out that I have blisters on the back of my eyes. The surgeon believes it is from stress - so yes, I am under stress but not from the holidays.
I am under stress- major dental bills and hubby had a heart attack and we have nedical bills coming in. I shouldnt be stressed because Christmas isnt about gifts but people expect them rather than appreciate the little things :/
ellen beck on rafflecopter
I am not stressed this year. I mainly buy for my daughter and isn't spoiled so she doesn't ask for a lot.
Yes, a little stress here. Still have a lot to do, but a lot of the shopping is done. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com
I am a wee bit stressed out as I am making all of my gifts and am running behind :)
Yes, I am somewhat stressed out as the days are going by so fast and there is still so much to do. I thought it was going to be another simple Christmas with just my mom I. However, I just recently found out that my grandparents, uncle, and cousins are now coming to my little apartment for the holiday. It should definitely be interesting lol.
I am not stressed out. Since we have retired, I have cut back on a lot of things I use to do. Buying the gifts is the only thing I am thinking about this year, so many new great grandkids. I love it though!!!!
Not stressed cause it's my favorite time of the year and it's awesome.
I'm not stressed out because I quit decorating for Christmas years ago and cut back on gift giving.
I'm a little stressed out because there is so much to do to get ready
I am very stressed out this holiday season. We are tighter than we have ever been with monies for Christmas because my husband has been out of work. I am hoping to scrounge some things up for my son, but it has been a hard road this year.
I'm always stressed that I totally goofed on what to get my loved ones. I'm try really really hard, but I am not the best gift giver.
I am terribly stressed! This hasn't been a good year for me. First I am going through a divorce. Second, I find out I have a heart problem. Third, my company has cut back on hours. Merry Christmas to me...
I'm not at all stressed. We're doing better financially this year, so that helps. We also keep things pretty simple.
Im not too stressed out. I have three more presents left to buy and I have no idea what to get them.
im not stressed out yet but their will come a time when i will get stressed
I'm not too stressed out... we started planning early this year so I've got most present taken care of!
I am not really stressed because I already got my shopping for the year done. Boom!
I'm not to stressed out because I did a Christmas Club so I had money to shop with although I'm having a hard time picking out a few presents.
I love the holidays but the stress is too much! presents entertaining hosting and wedding!
Firstly, I am always stressed out. Secondly, the holidays just amps it up. I want to enjoy them I really do, but my nerves just get the best of me.
I am no more stressed out than usual so far
I am a bit stressed over all the holiday bills.
usually, I have so much to do. the decorating (my house and my moms) shopping, and baking! Yeah I get a little overwhelmed.
My mom is just getting over a pretty big illness, so I've been stressed taking care of her and keeping up with work and life craziness! Hope things are settling down a bit now, though.
I am a little stressed out, mainly because I am sponsoring a family for Christmas and I still have to buy their gifts and meal.
im a bit stressed out but ill be ok, krissi-bear@hotmail.com
I am always stressed out during the holidays, especially when money is running low.
I'm not stressed out as much, because I started shopping a little bit earlier than normal and I'm doing a lot online.
RC- Tara Woods
I am stressed because i haven't bought anything yet for christmas!
Yes I'm stressed as we are moving in two weeks and haven't thought about what presents I need to buy.
I'm stressed because I haven't really started shopping yet. I'm still trying to win stuff.
With three kids the Holidays seems to always be a stressful time , there never seems to be enough time to get anything done.
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