Book Review-Perfect Girl-Michele Gorman | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Perfect Girl-Michele Gorman

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Carol is the perfect girlfriend, sister, daughter and perfect to everyone who meets her type of girl. She does everything everyone needs done in a perfectly perfect manner. She accepts workplace abuse. Her family calls on her to do everything from vetting wedding venues for her sister to finding the perfect caterer for Mom's parties. Her boyfriend takes full advantage of her giving personality. Heck-she even helps one of her friends by dating guys first so said friend who admittedly picks wrong every time-won't get taken once again.

But when something happens Carol wakes up and smells the roses. She decides not to be what everyone expects. It is time to take a stand! But can everyone accept the new Carol? Read the book!! You will cringe, you will laugh and you will sympathize-you might even see a bit of yourself in this book. Michele Gorman has done it again-a book you won't want to put down from start to finish (and I didn't)

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Cinderella meets Falling Down in this wickedly funny tale about having it all

Carol is perfect… at least that’s what everyone thinks. In reality she’s sinking fast – her family treats her like their personal assistant and her boyfriend is so busy with work that he’s got her single-handedly running their relationship. Not that her job is any easier. As the only woman on the bank’s trading floor she spends twelve-hour days trying not to get sworn at or felt up by colleagues who put the "W" in banker*.

How long can she go on pleasing everyone else before she snaps and loses it all?

With humor and empathy, Perfect Girl lays bare the balancing act that working women face in a man's world

*wanker (noun, British slang): an unpleasant or contemptible person

Read a chapter or two here

Today is the publication date-so if you can't purchase it-pre-order it here!

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

WATCH the Book Trailer!

About the Author: (from Amazon)

Michele Gorman is the USA TODAY bestselling author of eight romantic comedies. Born and raised in the US, Michele has lived in London for 16 years. She is very fond of naps, ice cream and Richard Curtis films but objects to spiders and the word "portion".

You can find out more about Michele by following her on twitter or Facebook and by reading her blog or website. Do chat with her online - she's always looking for an excuse to procrastinate!


I received an e-book version of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


XOXO, Michelle said...

I am huge fan of Sophie Kinsella, so if she likes the book, I am sold :)

Great review, I am anxious to read the book myself.

Unknown said...

Yes, I already see a bit of myself in this book - looks like one I can really relate to!

Jenn said...

I could relate to this book too, Id love to read this one.

Maria said...

Sounds like a fun read. Carol sounds like my kind of girl!

Rebecca said...

Haven't read any of this authors books but this one sounds good. Will have to check it out.

Leelo said...

This sounds interesting! I have to read it!

jaime said...

I love the description of the book. I've not read anything from Michele Gorman, and I love romantic comedies. I'll have to give her a try!

Danielle S said...

Sounds like a real cute read! Thanks for the review, Miki. Love hearing about new books.

Dede said...

The cover is really cute. I totally judge books by cover and love this one!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a really great read. Thanks for sharing, I'll need to pick this one up.

The AnnMarie John said...

Miki you get all the great books. Here's another for my kindle list. My kindle is going to run out of memory soon because of you.

Uplifting Families said...

This sounds like a great book. I need more time to read, you share a bunch of great books.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great book. I love the cover.

Michelle F.

stephanickety said...

This sounds like me, lol. I'm going to have to check this book out. Thanks for sharing!

Vinma said...

I love romantic comedies! Perfect Girl sounds like a good book to read cuddling up in my sofa :) Great review!

Rebecca Swenor said...

This is a must read for me. I was seeing myself in your review. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Now this sounds like a book that's worth reading.

Emily Enchanted said...

I'll add this to my list of books to read!

Fathima Syed Ali said...

Sounds like fun and interesting one. I am eagerly waiting to go through this book. The cover page of the book itself looks so different.

C.Mahan said...

This isn't my usual niche, but it sounds like a great read. I love the cover. I am a sucker for a good cover.

mail4rosey said...

I bet there are a bunch of us who really would see a bit of ourselves in the main character. That's exactly what I was thinking when I was reading it. :)

Jessica said...

I'm always on the lookout for new books to read, especially for my book club. Putting it on my Kindle wish list now!

Liz Mays said...

I just put it on my amazon list. Thanks; it sounds really good! I love light chick lit like this.

Krissy Deane said...

Hmmn, a changing perfectionist. That's a bit different, I think I can take a look into this one.

Katrina Kroeplin said...

sounds like a really interesting book. i'll have to look into it more.

Elizabeth O. said...

I started reading Perfect Girl yesterday. I immediately fell in love with the characters.

Literary Winner said...

I laughed at the description of Cinderella meets Falling Down - I bet that is pretty close! This book sounds like one I'd enjoy, I'll have to go pick it up.

MomGlenz said...

great book and I will definitely check this out!

Mommy Pehpot said...

it sounds interesting! I wonder how Carol will change and what will happen to her and to her family.

Debi Gerhart said...

Sounds like this could be a fast reading book and I love those.

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