$25 Amazon/PP WW- Spooktacular Giveaway Hop-Ends 10/31 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP WW- Spooktacular Giveaway Hop-Ends 10/31

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It is that time of year again when ghosts and goblins appear at your door looking for treats (they really do not want tricks unless there is a treat involved!) and it is when I Am a Reader Not a Writer hosts the Spooktacular Giveaway Hop! With over 200 blogs participating (see linky list at bottom of post) and each giving away a minimum of a $10.00 prize I highly suggest you start clicking away and entering them all-after you enter mine of course!! There is a maximum of 6 entries allowed so it won't take you very long to enter them all.

Image - Disney-Characters-Halloween-Disney Wiki
I would love for you to get some books with the $25.00 either Amazon or PayPal Miki's Hope is giving away to one lucky winner--but I understand--lots of other holidays coming up--so at least you have a choice of what you want or what you need!

Without further ado----

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now go visit all the other bloggers!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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Sarah Hayes said...

we dont have any plans for halloween. if I won the gc i have a few things Id like to get for my LO for xmas

Anonymous said...

I don't really have any plans for Halloween. Sometimes I watch Halloween movies like Practical Magic, but that's it.

Thank you so much for the giveaway!

LauraJJ said...

Oh I will be staying home passing out candy to the kids that come, and Carter and daddy will be going out trick or treating!!!

Unknown said...

Every Halloween a bunch of us go to the midnight showing of RHPS (Rocky Horror Picture Show).

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

We plan on meeting a friend for trick or treating. Me and my friend will pass out candy while hubbys take the kids trick or treating.

Linda Kish said...

I plan to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids.

von said...

I will probably go trick or treating with my nephew. I want to go to this Haunted house called The Mortuary it is in a old funeral home but cannot get anyone to go with me . My son is in college in California and he was my haunted house buddy.

bhoppe76 said...

I am having a Halloween party for a bunch of 13 year old boys.

Unknown said...

My boyfriend and I are planning on having an old school horror movie marathon for Halloween!

latishajean said...

I have no plans to go out. I will stay home and watch scary movies! Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Stephanie said...

My husband will probably walk around the neighborhood with my girls while I stay home and hand out candy! I would most definitely use the $25 on some of my coveted books!!

Serena said...

I have decorated my house and yard for Halloween and plan on dressing up and handing out candy.

Anne Marie Carter said...

I am only planning on giving out halloween candy for Halloween. I would use this gift card towards purchasing some books on Amazon.

Unknown said...

If I win thr $25 I will use it to buy the Percy jackson Series for my sister!

Cindy C. said...

Any plans for Halloween? I guess just dressing up and trick or treating. :)

Cindy C.

Suz said...

I love to see the costumes of all the kids in my neighborhood! Then, I'll eat chocolate and watch tv! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Suz Reads

Unknown said...

Our plans are a doctors office visit early in day, mall later, and me going over to boyfriends to party a little.

Unknown said...

We are going trick or treating and then to a neighborhood Halloween Party.

Unknown said...

If I win, I'll be able to buy Anne Rice's new novel "Prince Lestat" and have the happiest Halloween ever!

SiNn said...

I plan on letting my kiddos go tricker treating then later that night i plan on watching horror film goodness

Beverly Gordon

Sue A. said...

No exact plans for Halloween, since we don't get Trick or Treaters. Maybe watch a movie.

ginabad said...

For Halloween, we are taking the kids trick or treating and then going to an annual party (and safe scare fest) at our friend's house! If I won, I would buy some holiday baking gear.

Katie W said...

I love to go to the school Halloween parade, help out with the classroom parties, and hand out treats for the trick-or-treaters!

Irena BookDustMagic said...

I plan to watch a horror movie, not sure which one yet!

justwin4once said...

Me and my husband are going to see a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show after doing a flash mob of the Time Warp in front of the theater.

Ally Swanson said...

This Halloween, I will staying in with friends watching scary movies and handing out candy.

Unknown said...

I'm going to a Helloween party, but that's about it

Sayomay said...

For Halloween I am making my brother his costume. He will be Ryuk from Deathnote! As for what I will do with the gc; I think I will buy Oceans of Blood by Darren Shan! :D
Mary G Loki

Jamie E. said...

Not much this year. Too broke. We have a bad of candy to pass out for the rare kid that actually trick-or-treats these days. Maybe watch a few horror movies. Although my husband might have to work so if that is the case-scary reading for me :)

Misha said...

I will be passing out candy to all the cute trick-or-treaters :)

dailymom said...

I will be taking my kids trick or treating, my daughter is dressing up as Elsa and my son will be a minion.

cylina said...

My daughter is Trick or Treating with a friend then inviting people over to have a little party

_Sandra_ said...

Traditional horror movies marathon with bunch of friends! :)
Thanks for a giveaway!

barniebad said...

My plans for Halloween is to hand out candy. I love seeing all the children in their costumes and their bright eyes when you give them candy. I remember trick-or-tricking is it was one of the funniest things I ever did.

Heather said...

I have no plans for Halloween. We don't get many trick or treaters now, but i bought some candy just in case.

Unknown said...

I'll be taking the children trick-or-treating, even though we have NO idea what they're wearing yet. I hate being disorganized.

Natasha said...

I plan on watching some scary movies and making some Halloween sugar cookies.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Halloween!

Kathy j said...

Trick or t treating with my granddaughter and I'd add the PayPal to my Christmas funds

Kathy said...

I do not have plans this Halloween. We do not get trick or treaters and I haven't been allowed to see my grandsons in two months, so I'm not feeling very festive anyway.

Unknown said...

My plans for Halloween is to stay at home and pass out candy while my husband takes our four boys go trick or treating. I usually go with them and hubby stays home, but I'm 8 months pregnant this year so I'll be staying at home :)

Illy Junus said...

We plan for trick or treating with my son, and also going to our inlaw for another trick or treat ;)

Unknown said...

We live too far out in the woods so we never see any trick or treaters, so it's a quiet night for us and we just watch TV and go to bed. Pretty boring actually!

susan1215 said...

I'm taking my children trick or treating.

Daniel M said...

don't have any plans, will just be handing out candy - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Unknown said...

The only plan we have this year is to hand out candy to the trick or treaters. If I win idk what I would use the money for...I'd have to think long and hard if it would be best to use it for a need or want.

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

I'm going trick or treating with my kids and making lettuce wraps for supper.

Stacey Smith said...

just going to hand out candy.will use the amazon if I win to buy a x-mas gift for somebody.

Linda Romer said...

No Halloween plans. If i win i would buy books! Happy Halloween!

Pink and Green Mom said...

I am taking the kids trick or treating. If I won, I'd use it toward Christmas presents!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to my friend's daughter's birthday party tonight!

Anonymous said...

We are staying in tonight for Halloween, maybe we'll watch a scary movie. It's pretty dark and rainy outside :/

Katarzyna Z said...

Halloween isn't a much celebrated holiday in my country but I'll probably watch some horror movies to get properly spooked :)

samdaleo said...

Our Halloween here in West Virginia was actually held yesterday 10/30. We set up a projector out side and streamed Nightmare Before Christmas. Tonight we are inside watching scary movies. If I won the $25 GC I would use it to help with my endless Christmas shopping list.
Samantha (samdaleo)

Unknown said...

I would buy some books if I won the amazon GC.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Sherry said...

I worked all day and got off work at 7PM. If I won I would get some books.

Lynn K. said...

No Halloween-y plans unfortunately. Too many assignments due. :/ The money will go into my savings.

Connie Sowards said...

CONNIE SOWARDS commenting: I'd put the $25 amazon card towards an electric blanket for my daughter.

Unknown said...

My plans tonight are just hanging out, really. I dressed up as a fortune teller yesterday for class though. It was fun.

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