E-Book Giveaway (2)/Review-An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom-Michael W. Munsey-WW-Ends 5/31 | Miki's Hope

E-Book Giveaway (2)/Review-An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom-Michael W. Munsey-WW-Ends 5/31

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

When Bobbie asked me to please read and review her husband's new book--instead of waiting to receive a copy-I went and ordered it from Amazon! I was certainly interested in reading this book since like her husband I have the unusual educational combination of accounting and environmental science in my case-engineering in his!

I was able to read it in about an hour, but will go back and re-read portions! Unfortunately, I am too old to take this advice since I am already semi-retired! Yes, I agree, if you can, and you have a long enough time frame-creating passive income is the way to go. As is pointed out by the author you do have to be very careful.

I particularly liked his advice about financial advisers! When I first tried to invest I used the services of a bank--no comment. Now I do know about accounting and balance sheets etc so I said to myself-self-you can do this! Actually I did quite well but truly did not have the time required to keep up with when I should buy and sell. I then ended up with a financial adviser who was very good--but then the stock market crashed--oh well. Please make sure that if you do the financial adviser you pick not only invests in what he puts you into-but make sure he is in the same financial class as you! I could not really afford to lose that money--he could! Luckily I have always lived frugally!!

The only regret that I have is not following my dreams from when I was young and listening to others. Listen to your heart, set a plan (this book will give you ideas on how to do that)-and stick to it!

About the Book: (from the back cover)

An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom offers a different perspective on money than what is traditionally taught by our parents and in our school systems. The reason there is such a discrepancy between the wealthy and the poor is due to the difference in the way money is perceived. We are not born with the ability to maintain wealth: it is something that is learned. The knowledge of knowing how to make money work to generate passive income is something that anyone can learn as long as they are disciplined. An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom is based on practical concepts and discusses the problems that the majority of us face with our personal finance. The concepts in this book are based on theory by an author that practices what he writes about.

This book can be purchased at Amazon Barnes & Noble and Exlibris

About the Author: (from the author's website )

Michael Munsey works in the oil industry and resides in Houston, Texas. He received his undergraduate degree from Murray State University in May of 1995. While working to climb the corporate ladder within Halliburton Energy Services, Michael enrolled in the EMBA program at Rice University in 2005. After earning his MBA, he had a major change in the way he perceives money, which he shares in this book, An Average Joe's Pursuit for Financial Freedom.

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I purchased this book with my own funds. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Mai Tran said...

I really like to know people's perspective on money. There's always something to learn or contemplate over.

Amanda Tempel said...

I need all of the advice I can get when it comes to finances. Right now I am juggling my first car payment, and also my first credit card. It's pretty hard, but I know it will be worth it when my credit score is good.

Unknown said...

Wow... being semi-retired is quite an accomplishment, and everyone wants financial freedom, because other freedoms come as a byproduct.

Kristi Maloney said...

Sounds like this book has some great advice. We have had the same financial adviser for years now. He did get us through the stock market crash and our portfolio is doing well currently. I love not having to worry about that stuff...not my thing for sure!

Masshole Mommy said...

This one is all for my husband. He LOVES anything relating to money and finances and he reads anything he can find on those topics!

Diane Estrella said...

We all need a little boost in our finances. Knowledge is power and even one great tip can make a difference.

Czjai said...

Great advice, Michelle! I think I need a copy of this book, too. :)

ReviewsSheRote said...

sounds like a very interesting and helpful book!

Michael Munsey said...

Michele * Thanks for taking the time to review my book. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Mai Tran - My book is short and to the point. I hope you are able to incorporate something from An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom in your personal finances. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Amanda T - Good luck on developing your personal finance goals. Remember to stay disciplined with your spending and strive to set a little of your income aside for investing in your yearly budget. Michael

Beck Valley Books said...

Financial Freedom doesn't that sounds great, certainly a book I could do with.

Michael Munsey said...

Elayna - I agree Michele has an admirable accomplishment. Good Luck in your journey to become financially free. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Kristi - It sounds like you were lucky enough to find a good financial planner. I wish you well in meeting all your financial goals. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Masshole Mommy - I hope your husband has time to take a look at my book, but I hope you have a chance to read it also. It is simple, short and to the point. Good Luck. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Diane - Great Comment! We all need to strive for ways to increase our income. Good Luck in meeting all your financial goals. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Czjai - I hope you have a chance to read this book. I tried to fill it with content for everyone. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Pamela R - I hope you find An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom interesting. Michael

Karen Dawkins said...

This sounds like a great book, perhaps to tuck into a wedding gift! Or college graduation gift.

When we moved to NC -- during the 9/11 crisis -- we met with a financial advisor to sort through the chaos. He's a few years younger than us, but generally, in the same stage of life and that makes a huge difference. He understands the pressures we face and how they shape our decision-making. Excellent advice!

Thanks for sharing.

Michael Munsey said...

Sharon - Financial Freedom is in everyone's reach that takes the time to increase their financial knowledge. Good Luck on your journey. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Karen - You have a great suggestion about giving the book to a young couple or graduate to help give them ideas to plan for retirement. As you know we cannot start too early. Michael

Michele D said...

This would be a wonderful gift for my nephew that is a college graduate. With the buying power that these young folks have this book would be ideal. Thanks for sharing!.

Unknown said...

I have heard of this book before!! I would love to read something like this even though I am good at budgeting money, because I find finances intriguing!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a book everyone should read.. I have an adviser but do not really interact with him like i should maybe.

Unknown said...

This looks like it would be a great book for both my husband and I to read. Planning for our future is something we have and continue to work on.

Dan from Platter Talk said...

Sounds like a good perspective on managing finances, something that everyone should think about.

sam said...

This book sounds right up my alley, I have always considered us too broke for a financial advisor, maybe it's time to invest

Theresa Mahoney said...

My husband takes care of our finances, so I think this would be a great read for him. He is always looking for ways to improve our spending and saving habits.

Trendy Cyndie said...

How do I start a savings for my special needs child?

Michael Munsey said...

Michele D - I hope your nephew will be able to learn from some of my experiences. Thanks for the comment.

Michael Munsey said...

Felicia - It is good to see that you are budgeting. I find personal finance interesting as well. I look to others for ideas that will help me achieve my personal goals. Good Luck Michael

Linda Carmical said...

I think most everyone could have financial if they put their minds to it. It takes dedication and a will to succeed. A never quit or give up attitude.

Michael Munsey said...

Kung Phoo - Thanks for the comment. It is good that you are putting money into an investment plan, but it is good practice to increase your Financial IQ. By increasing your Financial IQ you will be able to follow your financial planner's recommendations to make sure you are maximizing the potential of your investments.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

I have just started using the Kindle for ebooks. I still like paperback better, but sometimes time constraints mean I need to have an ebook and not wait to get a paper copy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Michael Munsey said...

Kristy - It is good to see that you and your husband are both taking an active role in your personal finances. I am a firm believer that in order the have the best chance to succeed in meeting your financial goals you must have everyone involved. Good Luck in your journey to become free from a paycheck. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Dan - Thanks for your kind comment. I wrote this book for everyone to be able to take away something use in their personal finances. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Sam - I hope you like the book. It does not matter the amount that your invest. It is more important is to develop the habit of budgeting for investing. As your income grows with experience you will be in a better position to increase the amount the you allow for investing. Good Luck Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Theresa - At one time my wife left all the investment decisions to me. Over the last few years, I have gotten her involved in our investments so that she will be able to manage our investments in the event that I am not able to take care of them. Good Luck to you and your husband in your journey. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Cyndie - Putting back money in savings is a good idea to get through tough times, but for the long term, I recommend investing in assets that provide passive income. I recommend striving to increase you Financial IQ by reading and surrounding yourself with people that share similar financial goals. In the short term, you can get investment advise from your bank, but I would not leave all your financial decision in the hands of a financial planner. In addition to reading An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom, I strongly recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I hope this helps. Good Luck - Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Lame Shrill Owl - Thanks for the comment. I like reading from an actual book as well. I hope you enjoy the book. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Linda - I love your comment - I agree it take dedication, commitment and a never give up attitude. Good Luck in achieving your personal finance goals. Micahel

JT and Amanda said...

This looks like a good book that will be helpful to a lot of people. Thanks for sharing!

Michael Munsey said...

JT and Amanda - I hope you have time to check it out. Thanks for the comment. Michael

Ashley R said...

This is fantastic! I love that the concept is that financial literacy is LEARNED, you don't just automatically get it. You have a work at it. I bet this is a wonderful book and resource.

Unknown said...

I think this is great! I would love to check out this book.

Anonymous said...

Good book for my son that's graduating from college.

Michael Munsey said...

Ashley - Yes, no one is born with the ability to create passive income. This ability cannot be handed down, it is very much a learned skill that takes discipline. I hope you have time to read An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom. Good Luck, Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Sandra - I hope you have time to check into this book. It is written short and to the point. Good Luck Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Jennifer - Congratulations to you and your son on his accomplishment. I hope that he is able to accomplish all the goals he is about to set for himself. Good Luck Michael

Unknown said...

I like the title of this book and will look for digital copy of this -as an Average Joe ,financial freedom is a great achievement.

Jhady said...

Sounds like a book I need to read, I have to learn about financial stuffs. And maybe something I will learn here can be taught to my kids too.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a really great read. I have to start reading more.

Michelle F.

valmg @ Mom Knows It All said...

Sounds like a great resource for those looking for some financial guidance in regular laymans terms.

Unknown said...

You're a doll to help out Bobbie and her hubby. My husband is a financial dude, so I hear all about money all the dang time!

backpackerstephen said...

Great gift!

Leelo said...

This sounds like something I would like to read! Thanks for sharing!

Christine Carpenter said...

I am just starting a completely terrifying and excited new part of my life. Myself and my 2 kids are moving out on our own so we CAN have control over our finances-and our lives. Being a newly single mother, there WILL be struggles, but I would love to read this book so that maybe I will learn how to put any extra funds we may get to work so that it hopefully won't always be a struggle. I live very frugally and I have always managed to find a way to put money back for savings, no matter what the budget looks like initially.

Michael Munsey said...

Cococute Manaloto - I am glad you like the title chosen for the book. I strongly believe that financial freedom is in everyone's grasp. They have to be disciplined in spending and the thirst for increasing their Financial IQ. Good Luck in your journey. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Jhady - I hope you are able to incorporate some of the concepts outlined in the book. Teaching our children the concepts of personal finance is a challenge we all face especially with a subject as complex-ed as personal finance. I hope you enjoy the book and good luck teaching your kids to be responsible with their finances. Michael

Lexie Lane said...

I don't know anyone who wouldn't mind some financial freedom :) Sounds like a great book!

mail4rosey said...

I've heard the buzz around this book and I've been curious! I'm going to read it at some point too. Totally entering to win. Thanks for hosting.

Alyssa Collazo said...

This sounds like a GREAT book, thank you for sharing!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, that must be something that you really love as you couldn't wait but just like you, I would love to read this book too.

Michael Munsey said...

Bxcrochet/Valmg/Stephen/Lello - Thanks for your comments. I hope you have time to read An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom. Good Luck in your Personal Finance endeavors. Michael

Michael Munsey said...

Christine, I know you will be successful. I hope you find something in the book that you can incorporate in your personal finances to help you to one day be financially free. Good Luck Michael.

Michael Munsey said...

Lexi/mail4rosey/Alyssa/Chubskulit - Thanks for the comment. I hope you find the book helpful in your personal finances. Good Luck on your pursuit for financial freedom. Michael

bn100 said...

This sounds like it be helpful to people

Michael Munsey said...

bn100 - I hope the readers find it helpful. Thanks for the comment. Michael

Unknown said...

I'm willing to try anything to generate a little more income that's not working tons of overtime.

Michael Munsey said...

Bonnie - I firmly believe that everyone has the ability to be financially free. They have to take the time to increase their financial knowledge, not with a formal education, but by sounding themselves with people with similar goals, by reading, searching on the internet, and attending financial seminars. They also must act on what they learn, overcome self-doubt or nay-sayers and stay disciplined in their spending habits. Good Luck finding what works for you. Michael

rj7777 said...

I realize money is an important subject and it is so important to manage. Help and advice is always something to know and be aware of what you can do. This sounds wonderful!

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