(2) 3 ebook set(Nick Sibelius series)-Chain Reaction-Richard Hacker-Ends 5/31 | Miki's Hope

(2) 3 ebook set(Nick Sibelius series)-Chain Reaction-Richard Hacker-Ends 5/31

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Richard Hacker’s Chain Reaction virtual book tour May 5-30! To see who else is on this blog tour click here

I really wish I had read the first in this series before I read this one (the 2nd in the series) as the author does refer back to instances in that book many times and I was left wondering! Other then that this was in my opinion a mad cap PI adventure novel which was thoroughly entertaining. I am really not sure which of the characters I liked best--they were all unique and definitely not like anyone you would meet in real life-or at least I hope they aren't! Talk about a chain reaction--yup--a chain reaction. Nick is still waiting for a normal PI job-you know like a divorce or something EASY. I think I better read the 1st in this series before I read the third--but read them I will!!

About the Book: (from Pump up Your Book)

When Nick and his partner in love and business, Theresa, take a client caught in a grudge between competitive bass fisherman, they soon discover he has unknowingly entangled himself in a plot by healthcare magnate, Bruce Reynolds, to take over Texas and secede from the Union. Hoping to pass the case to the Texas Rangers, Nick is instead recruited to head the Governor’s special task force. He learns Governor Fran Adamson’s major campaign contributor and secret lover, Reynolds, has a plan to resurrect the Republic of Texas. Faced with Reynolds’ hit woman killing enemies of the Republic and a remotely controlled drone air force destroying strategic targets across the state, Nick and Theresa make a desperate attempt to prevent civil war, the destruction of the Governor’s political career, and Dillon’s murder, while keeping their love intact. In his scheme for glory, Bruce Reynolds didn’t plan on Nick Sibelius, who wants the wannabe secessionist to know, when he says don’t screw with Texas, he damned well means it.

Read a Chapter HERE

Purchase the Book HERE

About the Author: (from Pump Up Your Book)

Richard Hacker is the author of CHAIN REACTION, the third installment in the Nick Sibelius crime series. Champagne Books released DIRTY WATER, the next novel in the Nick Sibelius series after TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, in June, 2013. His first novel, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, released August, 2012 by Champagne Books was a 2011 Writer’s League of Texas (WLT) finalist, where in addition, SHAPER EMERGENCE won best novel in the Science Fiction category. He is a member of the Pacific Northwest Writers Association.

After living many years in Austin, Texas where he worked as a leadership coach, public speaker and management trainer, he moved with his high school sweetheart to Seattle. While he misses the big skies of Texas, Richard has grown fond of the Pacific Northwest. His writing partner, a springer spaniel named Jazz, helps with proofreading and ball fetching.

You can visit Richard’s website

Richard Hacker is giving away (2) 3 ebook sets of his Nick Sibelius series!

By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
Two winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter.
This giveaway begins May 5 and ends May 31.
Winner will be contacted via email on Monday, June 2.
Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received an e-book copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Kero Pinkihan said...

This is somethign my brother would enjoy reading through. He loves crime fiction series so will pass this on. thank you fro the preview!

Beck Valley Books said...

Another one for hubbie that he would enjoy, his tbr list is getting bigger everytime I pop over here !!

Masshole Mommy said...

Duly noted - I will read number one before number two in this series! It sounds like a series I would like!

Czjai said...

Good luck to those participating in the giveaway! I bet they'll enjoy reading the book as much as you did.

Kristi Maloney said...

This sounds like an action-packed mystery that I would enjoy. Good to know that you recommend reading the first in the series, first to get the most out of this one!

Diane Estrella said...

Congrats on your successful book series. It is quite an accomplishment!

Jessica said...

What a great idea to do a blog tour, like doing a book tour to brick and mortar places but virutal.

Maria said...

I absolutely love ebooks especially when I work a late shift at work. This series look so captivating!!

Savannah said...

My brother loves books like this!
I think I would like it too, but I would def. need to read the first book.

Dan from Platter Talk said...

This one sounds particularly appealing, thanks for the hint to read number one first!

Scott said...

My wife might enjoy this series. Me, not a fan of fiction (sorry).

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great read. I think my husband would like this one.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

I love fiction, and I especially like to read mysteries or thrillers. It's my guilty pleasure in the evenings once my kiddo's in bed!

ReviewsSheRote said...

love a mystery--Entered the giveaway fingers crossed =)

mystylespot said...

this looks like such a great book! Can't wait to add it to my collection!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I will have to get a-hold of both books too!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great giveaway! Will have to check these out!

Unknown said...

Another great book review paired with a fantastic book giveaway!! Thanks for all this information!

Michele D said...

I always admire your recommended novel reviews and giveaways. This one looks so interesting too. Thanks for giveaway!

JT and Amanda said...

Sounds like a good book! Another one to add to my list of future reads. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great action packed book! I will have to check into it further..

mail4rosey said...

Sounds like a book pumped full of action! Thanks for the tip to start with #1.

Couponing Away Debt said...

I think my husband would enjoy this one.

Marie said...

You always have the most interesting books! Gonna enter for this one too!

Chasity said...

I always look for new books to read. This looks great.

Jennifer said...

This sounds like the perfect book for my husband - I'm going to suggest that he add it to his summer reading list!

Unknown said...

I really like to know the background story of the story, so I definitely understand what you mean by "left wondering."

Unknown said...

Like I am always saying you always put up a nice review for books and good luck to those who joins the GA I am sure they will have a nice addition on their Bookshelves.

Mel Cole said...

It's interesting to read reviews of the new books that's out there. Sounds like a good one to read.

Debi said...

I am always looking for new books. We have trouble keeping new ones in the house, we all read them too fast.

Payal Bansal said...

Yipppey! Atlast a #Giveaway that is open for all

Liz Mays said...

I'm glad you gave a heads up about reading the first in the series before starting this one. It sounds like one worth getting though.

Healy Harpster said...

It is always helpful when you read books in series rather than jumping in to the next series without reading the first one. Anyway, this sound interesting and will be great for my sister to read!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Are you planning to get the first series now that you have read this one?

Amanda Love said...

I always try to get series books in order. I never like feeling left out on what happened in the beginning. I hope you're able to get the first copy.

Lexie Lane said...

This sounds really intriguing but probably something more of what my husband would enjoy. I bet you'll be reading the others now :)

Unknown said...

Sibelius was a great composer from Finland :) Do you have relationship to him?

Richard Hacker said...

Thanks to everyone for dropping by during the tour stop. And no, I'm not related to the composer, however I have sung some of his work. Hope everyone enjoys the read. It's written to be a fun read, so should be great for the summer!

Unknown said...

Wow, I think I would be confused especially if I didn't read the first book!

bn100 said...

Sounds like an interesting series

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