I am Taking it EASY for a Couple of Days | Miki's Hope

I am Taking it EASY for a Couple of Days

Monday, February 24, 2014

Yes, I will still be around but I am fighting a cold and just do not have the energy to do all that I normally do! I will put up the daily threads on the FB groups I normally do that for. Plus I have some clients I have to go to this week, almost every day this week. I am still reading and the reviews are there-not live but they are there. One or two of them will be live during this week I hope! With some kind of luck I will be able to put them up for comments as they go live-and I may attempt to join in some re-tweet or G+ threads but no promises! I will try to put my giveaways on others linky's. -I also have got to get my taxes done-------Starting 2/28 there will be new giveaways, at least one a week-plus book reviews. I will try to keep the "What's Up at Miki's Hope" post updated during this week. Just click here to be taken there directly. Top all the above off and my computer is "sometimes" going slow as molasses! I need a slight break!!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Beck Valley Books said... 1

Hope your feeling better soon, keep wrapped up warm xx

Anonymous said... 2

I hope you feel better soon, take it easy and take care of yourself. Wish you were closer I would bring you some chicken soup.

mail4rosey said... 3

We've got those darn colds here too. I hope you feel better soon!!

Eat To Live said... 4

First and foremost Michelle, you need to take care of yourself. We all need a break sometime and if we don't get it, everything suffers. Your health is more important than anything else. Get well soon!!

Unknown said... 5

Be sure to take care of your health and we will see you back here when you are all better!

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