Book Review - Robbing Mind - Chuck Collins | Miki's Hope

Book Review - Robbing Mind - Chuck Collins

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What an upbeat and inspiring book written by a stage 4 brain tumor survivor! I highly recommend that everyone read this book. This book was written as it was happening and gives the human touch to a medical horror. Chuck Collins recounts his past and the mistakes he made which by his strength of character he was able to overcome. Family is very important to him and we learn a bit about each of them. His attitude of "I'm going to beat this" even when fear threatened to overwhelm him (which is totally understandable) is phenomenal. If ever the power of positive thinking is questioned then this book should be handed to that person pronto. Chuck Collins is lucky that he has some of the best doctors in the field and a very supportive wife, extended family and friends as this is also very necessary to the healing process. He also tells of others who weren't quite as lucky as he is. It is the last paragraph in this short very true biography written by the author which will stay with me always. He adds it as a personal note.

"You will wake up some mornings in a fog of doubt. You will feel more and more irrelevant and wonder why fight one more day? When that happens, please remember this, even before you became ill, all you had was one day. But this day is special and it will not be complete until you add your spirit to it. Eat, move around, see the spark of life, of the divine in the smallest things, do what you can and this day will reward you with another just like it, only better! Chuck Collins"

About the Book: (from the back cover of the e-book)

A fate worse than death.

What would that be? Trapped in a broken body, unable to either express your thoughts or feelings, or process the world around you? For this 40-year veteran broadcaster and novelist that stark reality became a real possibility in a 4-month series of cascading events that eventually brought him to the hands of talented neurosurgeons and a delicate procedure that literally saved all that was Chuck Collins.

In these pages Chuck chronicles almost from the start the process and the choices made to take a very bad situation and turn it into the best possible scenario, not only for him and his family, but the hundreds of thousands who might find themselves in similar straits. It is not just for sufferers of brain tumors, but stroke victims and those with externally caused brain trauma.
This is for you, this is for us

(from Amazon)
In the summer of 2013, Mystery Writer and Radio Personality Chuck Collins was diagnosed with a deadly form of brain cancer. This is the story of how he and a special community of professionals, friends and family made the best of a very bad situation. Portions of proceeds (60%) will go to aid families dealing with brain health issues. Go to for more information.

Read a bit of the book

Purchase the book HERE

About the Author: (from the e-book)

Chuck Collins is a 40-year veteran of broadcasting and media in Northeast Ohio, most recently in Akron, Ohio. He is currently operations director with Rubber City Radio Group, WAKR, WQMX, WONE, and has been on the WAKR air 10-3pm weekdays for the last 7 years. Chuck has written four novels and published hundreds of essays for online and other publications. He has supported the performing arts with leadership roles in the Greater Akron Musical Association and continues to work with alcoholics and recovery services as a trustee with IBH, Addiction Recovery Center. Chuck and his wife Monika are devoted to family and community and live in Hudson, Ohio. Good treatment and a good attitude will help me produce Robbing Mind 2: Recovery.


I received an e-book version for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Lame Shrill Owl said...

I just finished a book series and was looking for a new book to start. I will keep this in mind.

Sarah Bailey said...

What an interesting sounding book, its amazing how positive people can be :)

Anonymous said...

Seems like a great read. Great positive outlook.

Michelle F.

Raka said...

As a book lover myself, I know I'm gonna enjoy this one!

Masshole Mommy said...

Holy cow, a stage 4 brain tumor survivor? AMAZING. My husband LOVES books like this, so I will definitley be telling him about it.

ReviewsSheRote said...

I love reading Medical themed Books! I'll have to check it out =D

Unknown said...

SOunds like a story filled with inspiration and hope.

Beck Valley Books said...

Definitely a moving paragraph to always remember. It's amazing what a positive mind can achieve, I will have to check this one out, thanks xx

Jennifer said...

Wow! I can't imagine how scary and frustrating that must have been for the author - but what a story of inspiration! I might have to check this one out.

Anonymous said...

WOW, this is on the list. Sounds like a great read.

mail4rosey said...

What an amazing story!! Stage 4 brain tumor is no laughing matter at all, hurrah and thank you miracle that he beat it!

Unknown said...

It sounds like an amazing story. I love to hear upbeat stories of people who have been so low and still kicked butt!

Diane Estrella said...

What a powerful story! Thanks for your thoughts an the review on this one.

Carla said...

This sounds like a wonderful and touching book. I love reads like this. I end up crying the whole way through but in a good way

Katherine Bartlett said...

I bet my husband would really love this book. Thanks for the review!

Angel said...

This does look like a very inspirational book. I am currently reading Switch on Your Brain by Caroline Leaf. She is a neuroscientist and a Christian and she has some pretty amazing things to say about our thought life and free will. Thanks for sharing about this book. God bless! :)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a very inspirational book. I will have to add this to my list of must reads.

Unknown said...

Looks good

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