$25 PayPal GA-WW-Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop-Ends 3/7 | Miki's Hope

$25 PayPal GA-WW-Leap Into Books Giveaway Hop-Ends 3/7

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I would like to thank I Am a Reader Not a Writer and Jinky is Reading for putting together this hop again this year! There are a lot of us participating so make sure you go visit everyone. The list of participating bloggers is at the very bottom of this post.

There are so many great books that I have read and reviewed from so many wonderful authors that it is impossible for me to say read only this one or that one. Everyone has their own favorite genre, and only you know which books you want to read. I am forever being asked how many books I read--well I'll tell you--it depends on a couple of things. The length of the book definitely makes a difference as does the genre. I also happen to be a very fast reader and devour books like some people devour food!! I have been known to "zone" out and read 2 to 3 books in one day, feeding my cat but forgetting about me-but that is not too usual.

Yes, I am giving you the choice to pick whatever book you want (and I am hoping you do buy some books!)by offering for this giveaway a $25.00 PayPal to one lucky winner. As usual I will make it as simple as I can for anyone World Wide to enter for a chance to win. Just fill out the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now on to the list of other participating bloggers!!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Natalie White said...

Brilliant! Thanks for the giveaway. I absolutely adore books - I'm not sure I could live without them. I was always encouraged to read as a child, and now make time for them every day :)

auntygeek said...

I definitely would like to read more than I do. I used to devour books as a child, reading and re-reading... I love reading now especially on the commute on my iPad, or in my lunchbreak, but with work, jobs, house, partner, cats, life often gets in the way. I love going on holiday so I can just read. I'm making a conscious effort in 2014 to read more :)

@auntygeek (Twitter)

Jackie said...

I love to read, but don't do it as often as I would like to. I work at a library and see so many books that I would love to read. Both of my daughters are readers and love books. Thank you!

Karen H said...

I am a huge book lover! Actually, I'm a true bookaholic. I have a library of books waiting to be read numbering around 600...and that's after I gave away an additional 600 books in preparation of a cross-country move!

hhkaufman78 said...

I love to read & I love to read to my kids. My 5 yr old now likes to read easy books to me…so sweet!

Unknown said...

I love to read. I like that it takes you somewhere else. It helps you get away from whatever is going on. I encourage everyone to read.

pippirose said...

I absolutely love to read, and love books in general. The smell, the touch, the way they look on the shelf. If my eyes could take it, I'd read much more than I do now.

steve weber said...

I love love love books!

Marti Tabora said...

I really love books, but I find lately that I don't have as much time to devote to reading as I would like.

Unknown said...

I love books! I try to dedicate at least an hour or two everyday to reading. I have been slacking lately though. :( I always try to encourage my kids to read too. I have no problem getting one of my kids to read but the other, yeah not so much! It bugs me. He tells me he does great in school with reading and I see it too when he brings home his read 180 scores every few months but actually get him to read for 20 minutes a day when he comes home is a headache in itself. :(

Barbara Montag said...

I love books also!
I read everything when going to bed because it helps me fall asleep.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I love to read and my sons love it also! We have a great library at home!

Cheryl Chervitz said...

I love to read, especially novels. I used to read to my children when they were little, and they also read a lot now.

Unknown said...

I love reading books! It wasn't until my children reached the age of 10 or 11 that they started loving to read books on their own!

denise226 said...

i love to read i always encourage my kids to read i love reading romance books and i enjoy reading a light harded type books that make me laugh, cry , scream i love getting into the books that i read denise smith

fhms97 said...

YES! books are the best! i wish i had more time to read though, being a student is stressful :(

stacey dempsey said...

I love to read and I always read to my kids when they were small and they are all good readers now too. With so many books available to read with ereaders now I do find my list of books to read is impossibly long but maybe one day I will get a chance to read them all

Unknown said...

I love books but it's getting very difficult to get the books I want where I live. I have an e-reader but I love having physical copies of my books.
I teach English to some teens and I'm always trying to get them to read :P

jannyshere said...

Yes, I love to read. I basically do it at bedtime until I fall asleep.

MamaStace said...

I've always enjoy and loved reading! It takes me out of my reality for a bit and lets my brain relax.


DebraKay Neiman said...

I began reading books with a passion at 8 yrs old. I found science fiction at a local library and read the entire shelf that summer. I am just getting used to reading on a kindle. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Mystica said...

I was an only child till the age of 16 and books were my only companion. My children are very late readers and have just started reading.

Sherry Butcher said...

I would love to ve able to read more than I can at this time.

Kenneth C. Agudo said...

Wow I love to read this :)

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to read more books than I can right now, I have a huge pile of tbr! Lol. I buy more books than I read and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has this problem :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Fingers crossed I would be the lucky winner =))

Juana said...

If I could I would love to read a lot more books than I do now. I have a book wishlist which keeps growing at this rate I will never catch up.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love reading and of couse I'd love to have more time to read. I think that all my life won't be enough to read all I want to.

Unknown said...

I love reading because it allows me to escape for awhile. I wish I read more, and am just finding the time now to be able to do that. I just love being able to experience some one else's world!

Anonymous said...

I do love to road. It reminds me that life isn't as bad as it seems sometimes.It gives me hope when I feel hopeless. I encourage my 5 year old to read often. She already loves books.
majecscontesttx at gmail dot com

Courtney said...

I love to read. I actually love books in general. I also love to read book reviews and treasure hunt in used bookstores. I don't have kids but if I ever do, I hope reading will be as dear to them as it is to me :)

Ashwini Prashanth said...

I love reading! When I was in school I was a huge bookworm, I often got yelled at by my parents for always having my nose in a book (yep the grass is never green on either side). Now after I got into college I don't have much leisure time on my hands to read all those gruesome murder thrillers that I was hooked on to! :(

Megan R said...

I love books so much! I wish I could read every single one!

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

I love books a ton! I have a blog dedicated to books =) If I could read more then I do I probably wouldn't actually. I read on average a little more then 100 books a year and that is the perfect number for me!

books4me said...

I love, Love, LOVE to read! I read 1-4 books a week and wish I had more time to read! My teen loves to read too but since she's so into electronics, I have her read one book a month that isn't a school book. Barrie

Unknown said...

I LOVE to read!!! I love being able to slip into another world to escape mine for a while. If I could read 24/7, I definitely would! When I have children I really hope that my kids will love reading as much as I do! :)

magic5905 said...

Yes, I love reading. I wish I could read a lot more then I do now. 2 books a day would be awesome.

wcaligirl said...

we read daily with our kids, its part of their school work. Also I like reading when I have the time.

Unknown said...

I have loved reading since I was a young kid, it's always been my escape. My parents used to force me to put my books down to go outside to play. I have 2 teenage daughters, I read to them all the time when they were young. My oldest loves to read, the next in line doesn't. I don't get to read hardly ever right now, I have two little ones that keep me very busy. But I know someday I'll have plenty of time to read again and I'll miss this time I have with my littles right now.

susan1215 said...

I love to read and do most of my reading in bed before I go to sleep. I read to my children when they were young and we would visit the library weekly. They are now teenagers and while my son enjoys reading my daughter does not. I could spend all day in a bookstore. I get most of my books from the library.

LSUReader said...

I love reading and always have. It's funny, but I am sharing some of my old Dr. Seuss books with my grandkids. And, yes, I read them years ago to my kids, too.

Stephanie T. said...

I would definitely read more if I could. School is busy for me, and I just can't find the time anymore, except on those long breaks. I really like reading, especially the books where it feels as if I'm a character of the story.

lisagee1234 said...

I like to read short stories like Chicken Soup books. I have a lot to do and they fill the need and they are really good stories too. My son read a little but he should read more.

The Tesdalls said...

I am a reader and I hope my kids turn out to love reading as much as I always have!

Lori's Place said...

I love to read. Our whole family loves to read. We started teaching our children to read before they were 5 and they are all readers. I would love to have the time to read more.

jmcgaugh said...

I definitely love books and would definitely read more if I could find the time.

Esther Filbrun said...

I LOVE reading books! And I'd definitely read ore if I had time.

Kirsten! said...

I wish I could read as fast as you! Books keep coming out and I can't keep up with everything that I NEED to read :P

Kelsi said...

I LOVE reading. I am an English Teacher; literacy is huge to me! The first thing I bought for my newly baking baby is a collection of baby books I had been eying but my son is too big for! hah :)

Angela said...

I love to read. My oldest doesn't, my youngest does.

Ashfa said...

I love reading!!! Though I wish I could read more than I'm doing now.

Unknown said...

Yes, I do love reading books and definitely want to do it more often. :) Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

Unknown said...

I love to read. I usually end up reading at night before I go to sleep - that's my wind down time - it's like a mini vacation to end every day. I don't know that I would read more - although there are times that the book is so good I do find myself picking it up randomly thru the day

Ann Fantom said...

I love to read and have passed that love onto my daughter.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

clc408 said...

I love to read and read often to my children when they were small. Now I use audio books to enjoy books while I'm doing other things to save time.

GeorgiaBeckman said...

I do love to read. I love it because I feel like it allows me to "meet" people & "go" places I wouldn't otherwise be able to.

peg42 said...

Yes, I love to read. I encourage my children by first reading to them when they were younger. We also visit the library often too.

Dovile said...

I love reading! I read quite a lot, so I think I read enough and wouldn't want to read more. I don't have kids, but if I had I'd encourage them to read too.

sksweeps said...

Oh yes, I really love to read and have a huge collection of books. When my daughter was little, she also had tons of books. I taught her that books are truly wealth, and you can learn anything you want from books.

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Unknown said...

My Mom taught us to love books at a very early age! Thanks for that Mom!

Unknown said...

I am kind of obsessed with books. I want more time for reading!

Krista said...

Yup! I give up TV shows just so I can read more.

katieoscarlet said...

I do like to read but sometimes I find it hard to "unplug" from my desktop, kindle or the tv. I have several new books I am dying to read and can't wait for the warmer weather so I can soak up some rays while catching up on my reading.

Unknown said...

I love to read! I'm try to read more nonfiction books too, and I think kids should definitely read more!.

Unknown said...

I do love books! I'm not sure if I love them as much as you do because I don't have a blog though. Thanks for the giveaway! :D

Julie Lynn Bickham said...

I love to read. As a child reading was my hobby. I don't get a chance to read that much anymore.

mk said...

I love reading but I don't think I'll read any more than I do now. I like to take breaks because I get attached to characters way more than I should and it sometimes takes me a while to let go.
No children yet but I do hope one day when I have one or two, that they would love reading as much as I do. Books are such an amazing escape for me and I can't live without all those worlds that are waiting to be discovered.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

onewithjoy said...

I have loved reading since I was 4. Now I am 60, and have shared the joy of reading with 4 children, 10 grandchildren (okay, I'll admit that one of the grandchildren still doesn't like to read), and a lot of kids at the schools where I have volunteered.

Samantha M said...

i love love love books! i could read all the time

Anonymous said...

I certainly do believe that I love books as much as you do - and of course I always get more than I can actually read at the time. LOL But when I can, I will squeeze even a chapter or two in. :)


Christy Maurer said...

Yes, I love to read! I am always reading. Right now I'm reading an ARC of Citadels of Fire. I think you'll love this one! It is set during the time of Ivan the Terrible. I also just finished The Making of Nebraska Brown. You'd like that one too. So many books so little time!

Cynthia R. said...

I have loved reading since the moment I learned how to read! It's definitely a passion of mine. Not many things make me as happy as picking up a book and submerging myself into the story. I have a 9 month old brother and I read to him. I hope he grows up loving books like me.

Brandy said...

I absolutely LOVE reading! My children are both following in my footsteps, too. :)

cowboyswife said...

I used to read more when I was a teenager and now I don't read as much but both of my kids really enjoy reading, I think it helped that I always read to them and would really get into the character with them.

Unknown said...

I love to read. This is my favorite hobby tied with woodworking of course. I used to read a lot more when I was working but now I spend more time with my sons doing homeschool. I read a lot still but not as much of my stuff as I would like. Hopefully soon I will be able to get some more time in once we have a good schedule down.

Unknown said...

I do love to read. I don't have as much time for reading as I used to.

LAWonder said...

I love reading/reviewing books! I encourage my kids and Grandkids by reading to them, recommending books, and providing books they can borrow from my sizable collection.

Unknown said...

I have always been a reader. I haven't had much time for it lately but I try whenever it's possible. Thanks for the chance to win!

Laurie B-C Amazon Reviews said...

I love reading books because it lets met relax as well as use my imagination. I encourage my kids to read as well.

Robyn B. said...

I love to read. And now I have my children read to me. We really enjoy curling up together with a good book and a cup of tea.

Unknown said...

I love to read! I read all the time! I would love to read more then I do now. I go through phases of reading a lot or not reading at all!

Irene Jackson said...

I can't remember a time I didn't have books , I love to read , encouraged it in my children who also love to read.

Shayna said...

I love to read but more importantly I want to encourage my son to read :)

Jun said...

Yeah, I love books. But, perhaps love is the simple way that relate what I really feel about books. Books like air for me. It's being part of my life :)

Anastasia said...

I used to read all the time. I would devour books :) Not sure why I don't read as much now. I guess I got busy with life and kids, didn't have as much time for it and then... just didn't have the same passion for it that I used to. My daughter is a voracious reader tho'. She reminds me of what I was like at her age, reading everything in sight. I would read more, if I could find the motivation for it. Only a very few things catch my attention tho'.

Joseph Hawkshaw said...

Yes i encourage my youngest son to read as much as he can, i am writing my first book so i am reading my own work.

Christie said...

I love to read, I just wish I had more time to do it. I have an entire shelf on my bookshelf of books yet to read!

Anonymous said...

I am a huge book lover! I was an English Lit major in undergrad, and I am working as a librarian. My job actually keeps me too busy to read as much as I would like, but I still try every chance I get to sneak some reading in!

Crystal F said...

I absolutely love to read. My kindle goes everywhere I do. I encourage my girls to read and I think it's starting to kick in. My oldest is 13 and found an author that she loves so will read as much as possible now. My youngest use to read a lot until she was in the 2nd grade and they had her reading 6th grade books. She could read them but were not an interest to her. She's slowly starting to read a little again now that she's in the 4th grade. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I probably don't read as much as you, but I try to read a lot. School keeps me busy so I don't have much time for pleasure reading.

Unknown said...

I love to read. I would do it for a living if I could. I can not seem to read enough. I think I am addicted to reading LOL

imaclutz89 said...

I don't read too much. I like page turners, but they are few and far between. I'm trying to get myself to read more magazines just to hypen my reading gene some more

nelabratinella said...

I do love to read books and I adore them! :) I started my love affair with books at age four. My mom introduced me to picture books and comic books. Then when I already learned how to read at age five, I started reading broadsheets, fairy tales and local comic books for kids. My son is just two years old and I'm starting to inroduce books to him. I want him to love books as much as I do.

Mel said...

I love to read. I love to read on paperback more than on my kindle. Yep, when I've have children, I would encourage them to read. I hope someday I could have a bigger book shelf than I do now. :)

Teressa Morris said...

I love to read and blog about books every Friday. I wish I had more time to read, though.

1993wel said...

I am an elementary school librarian, and the only people who love to read as much as I do are my two sons!

Unknown said...

I love to read books. Books are an entertainment to me. I always have even as a child. I don't have any children but if I did I would encourage to read. I have always liked a paper book but recently won a Kindle and enjoy reading from it too.

Lauren said...

I really enjoy reading. It seems like I do much much more reading in the winter than in the summer.

Unknown said...

I love to read a lot. The only problem is that when I start a book I can't stop reading it. We live in a rual area so it's hard to get to the library often so I usually try to buy several books at a time at yardsales. My son didn't like to read at first but we kept trying to find gross boy books and now he loves reading. He really liked a series call walter the farting dog....go figure...lol

Stephanie Shipley said...

I love to read! Lately I haven't been reading as much as I would like to, but I plan on making more time to read.My son can't read quite yet, but I read to him every night and he enjoys looking through books on his own as well.

Candie L said...

I enjoy reading books late at night when it is time to start relaxing. Thank you


Annmarie Weeks said...

I love to read, and wish I had more time to do it. As a kid, I was always reading…and I've encouraged my children to do the same. My daughter loves to read! My son hasn't liked it as much, but if he finds a series he enjoys then he will read too! Reading is such a great way to spend extra time, to explore worlds you don't normally see and to learn so much!

Sereina said...

I like reading, but since I'm a slow reader I don't read nearly as much as I wish I did. Historical fiction novels are my favorite, though.

Kathleen said...

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE books! I have loved reading from a very young age. I was given a copy of Black Beauty and I read it over and over! I always taught my three daughters that reading was very important and also that all books should be treated with respect, not written on, torn, folded pages, etc!

andie said...

I would love to read more than I get to. I think the only reading I do get in is with the kids. We read devotions each night. We've read to them since they were 6mths, every night, with some exceptions of course, and now they are both reading at almost two grades ahead of what they're in. It was worth the time then to see them now, at ten and eight, reading with ease, well above their years.

brandileigh2003 said...

I read a lot and usu over 100 a year

Lisa V. said...

I do like reading books of my choosing (big S. King fan). When I was it school, it was only a chore.

Jaime Lester said...

Well, I absolutely love to read. So very, very much! It is one of the biggest passions in my life, outside of God and my family and dogs. I love it! There is nothing like it. So, yes, I would say that I love reading as much as you! I love that so many others love to read. If I could read more, I would definitely read more. And when I have children, I will start reading to them as soon as I find out they are in my belly. My grandmother read to me when I was a baby, and had me picking out words at 2. Thank you so much for the giveaway. And way more than 8 words....Sorry...

Heidi Reads... said...

I love reading books for the brief escape and uplift. I read a good amount now so I wouldn't want to increase it... unless we got more hours in the day :) I read every night with my daughter and she loves books and reading too!


Book Loving Mommy said...

I absolutely LOVE to read and always have. I am a homeschooling mom of 3 and they all read as well. They read for school, read a book of their choice for silent reading and then we read a book together (currently The Indian in the Cupboard). I read with my kids during the day and then I read for myself after they go to bed so I don't think I need any extra reading time :) (Gary N Jessica Manning on Raflecopter)

Unknown said...

Books are the best! I am a slow reader so I would definitely read more if I could.I love getting caught up in the world of a story and making friends with the characters.

Sayomay said...

I love to read! It takes me to another world where anything is possible! If I ever have children I would def make sure they read a few books outside of school! :D
Mary G Loki

M. Scott said...

Yes, I *love* books, and I've tried to get my children to love them as well. I always read to them when they were younger.

Beth Ardent said...

Love books so much that I don't read much because I will never get anything done! My children started reading very young and still read today. Time to start the grandbabies!

Unknown said...

Yes I LOVE to read. Many of my adolescent days was spent reading. It's quite funny my cousin asked me a while back do you still read so much? I said why? Do you have books? lol. The best part is my 7 year LOVES to read. She is 7 going on 8 (July) and she loves chapter books. There is a test they administer here in Missouri called SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) and she places ABOVE advance. She and another girl in her class are the top 2 students in 2nd grade. She has a reading level of a 5th grader.

Isa said...

I love reading. When I was kid I would curl up with R.L. Stine or some sort of horror book and stay up the entire night trying to finish it out. That hasn't really changed, I've got more diversity in the genres I ready but I'm still prioritizing reading as number one! Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day! :)

Sherry Compton said...

I'm a librarian and I love books and reading. I have always read to my children and grandchildren, and have a horrible time passing up a book sale.

Lisa Ehrman said...

I love to read books, and have always encouraged my children to read. We read many books at our house!

Unknown said...

Yes I love to read all types of books. my daughter loves to read and so does my grand kids even the boys

allie L said...

I love to read ever since I was little. I hope that the kids I have in the future love reading just as much as I do :D

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I LOVE books! How could anyone not really. I'd read everyday if I could. No kids, but they'd be reading lots!

Ashley-Raye said...

I love to read, I don't have as much time to now that I have a toddler. I try to read to her every day, she loves Dr. Suess!

Ashley E said...

I adore books. If I didn't have to work, my TBR list might be a little more manageable... but not by much.

Sarah Hayes said...

I dont read as much as I should. I just dont make the time for it now but i do enjoy it. my daughter loves to read so I def in courage her to do that as much as possible. i never want her to lose that love for books

Kimberly B. said...

i love to read but don't always have enough time to do it. I have my kids reading for 20 mins every night before bed.

Tamra said...

I do love to read, but have a hard time finding the time! I would love to be able to pick up a book more often. Thanks for the chance to win!

Bookworm Lisa said...

I love books and try to encourage my children to love them. :)

Ellie Wright said...

I've been in love with reading since I first learned how. My motto has always been so many books, so little time.

Tara W said...

I am an avid reader. I read at least two or three books a week, sometimes more. I don't have kids, but my nieces love reading as much as I do.
Tara Woods

Daniel M said...

i like to read but probably not as much as you do, i can't find the time anymore, i'm always swamped! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Dominique said...

I really love books, and I've always loved them. When I was a little girl the most exciting days at school for me were the scholastic book fair, book mobile day, and the days we received book order forms. My parents were more than happy to indulge me in passion for books as well.

I don't get to read as often as I'd like as an adult now, compared to when I was a child and teen. But when I do have the spare time I try to get in as much reading as possible. And it's got to be a paperback book. I'm not into the e-reader thing. It's not satisfying for me when I can't physically turn the pages. I don't have any children, but I would definitely encourage them to love reading the way I do.

(Nikki Marie on rafflecopter)

matope said...

I absolutely love to read but dont get a ton of time with little ones. my son is discovering the love of it though encouraged by me and my mom who happens to be a librarian!

Unknown said...

I really love to read and I'm actually a little obnoxious about it..if I find out that anyone likes to read anything at all (even if it's the ingredients on the back of a box), I try to push books on them.
Thanks for the giveaway!

vanessa richard said...

not a huge reader my self but i love to encourage my two and one year old to pick up books

Sara Wood said...

I love books but with a little one at home it can be hard to find the time.

Jennifer - Vicki Furrin on Rafflecopter said...

I've always loved to read. It was my favourite pastime as a child and is though now I read mostly non-fiction. If I had children I would definitely have encouraged them to read anything and everything available. As it was I used to read to my niece and nephew frequently when they were young.

Debbie said...

I love to read. I can so easily get absorbed into a book. I have four children and each time I was pregnant I worried non-stop that my child wouldn't love to read! Fortunately,they are all voracious readers.

E. Diane said...

I don't think there is such thing as 'enough' when it comes to reading. I would love to be able to sit and read more. I do also enjoy audio books as well though - the iPod has become an invaluable tool in daily life for both me and my husband. Leaves hands free and takes my mind to wonderful places while doing chores like dishes or laundry.
me_juliet AT hotmail DOT com

Denise S. said...

I love reading and always have. I read every night before bed for an hour or two. I especially love true crime and non-fiction about various topics.

samdaleo said...

I have always loved to read. It was my escape from a very young age. Thankfully I passed on that passion to my daughter. I read to her daily until she could read on her own. We then read to each other daily until she became a teen and preferred to read on her own.
samantha (samdaleo)

Anonymous said...

i definitely like books but i'm not CRAZY about them. i use them for educational purposes

Becca Ann said...

I have been a book worm since I could read.. I was always ahead of the class in my reading levels. I definitely encourage my kids to read

Sky Evans said...

I do love books. I've always loved reading.

Roxann said...

Yes, I love to read. I've been reading since age 4 as have 3 out of 4 of my children. I would read more if there was more time in the day. I don't have to encourage my kids to read because they love to read books.

Stacey Smith said...

I love books!!!!!! and if I read any more then I do now not a thing would get done and people would forget what I look like!

slehan said...

I read about 3 books a week. No kids, but I always give books as presents.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Terri said...

I do love books and especially children's books. I read to my kids since they were babies up into their teens and have many fond memories of sharing that with them. Now I have a little grand daughter to read to, life is good!

Unknown said...

I love reading and have since I was a very little girl. My daughter also loves to read, she is a teenager so I try to read a lot of the same things she is reading so it gives us something to discuss and share. Unfortunately, my boys (also teenagers) and husband do not enjoy reading. I have always struggled to get my boys to read more.

ikkinlala said...

I definitely love books a lot, but if I could read more than I do now I'm not sure I would (although that answer might change once I'm employed again - I just have a lot of time to read right now). I don't have any children but if I did I'd definitely encourage them to read.

Anonymous said...

I love reading books but I haven't had a lot of time lately to read as much as id like to.

Unknown said...

I love to read, my kids read, and books are good for escaping.

Unknown said...

I grew up being a voracious reader. I wish I could read more than I do now, but job prevents it. Still nothing I love better than chewing through a great book in a long hot tub!

Kathy Fleming said...

I love books and encourage my grandchildren to read. Reading well has helped them to earn top grades in school.

Andrea Amy said...

yes i am a big lover of books. my 16 year old son who happens to be dyslexic is also a huge reader. he's always got a book that he's reading, although it takes him longer to read than it does me. my little ones have a huge library of books that I have bought them, and probably have hundreds and hundreds of kids books kicking around the house.

Anonymous said...

I love to read! I read every night on my sony ebook reader. I like mystery, fantasy and paranormal books best.

Enchanting Reviews said...

I am a huge fan of reading! I try to read anytime I get a chance. I try to encourage my children to read as often as I can and to make it fun we try to find new ways to make it interesting for them!

AEKZ2 said...

I do love to read, but I don't have a lot of time. My kids keep me busy, and I do encourage them to read.

guettel78 said...

Books are my favorite form of entertainment, mostly because I find that I'm able to step into the world of the story more completely than I can with other forms of fiction (like movies or plays) and get completely absorbed in that world!

Geoff K
gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

Jasmine P said...

I do love books so much!! They can take you to a different world when you're just sitting and reading! So cool!

Unknown said...

I love books and read as much as possible.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Buddy Garrett said...

I love to read and I have always encouraged our daughter to read. If I had the time I would like to read more.

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