I have been partially among the missing this last week--no blog posts for people to read or comment on--just about managing to join in the re tweet groups and of course set up what I promised I would every morning. It's just been one of those weeks where either I was running around with my Mom, working late at bookkeeping clients or attempting to read so I could get a blog post or two up! On and off all week I have been attempting to get my health insurance which will expire on Dec 31st to a new one under the NY Health. To say their website leaves a LOT to be desired is putting it mildly!!!!! I finally got someone on the phone today who took pity on me and filled it out (the part that just would not show up on the screen). Of course the log on still doesn't always work and although I told them which insurance I wanted-the woman left it open just in case. I won't go into the fact that what I was told originally about the insurance from the insurance company itself was not exactly correct!!

But at least I know I will be getting a tax credit. Then I received a letter that I had to go online and re register for the property tax credit---NY State again--I called and begged and they did it for me over the phone. 5 hours later---yup that is what it took today--I started reading and fell asleep!!
I am truly trying to get back to my book posts and I am pretty certain there will be a new giveaway up I think on Nov 7th--
So just be patient with me and I will be back to normal (?) soon!!!!
Get your rest while you can, I'm in the same boat and can totally relate. It is that season isn't it. I'm not looking forward to taxes or renewing our insurance but that is something we HAVE to do. Something about wintertime puts us into this rut. No wonder by the time spring rolls around most of us have cabin fever!!
I feel like this one has been a really busy week for so many people. I normally blog every two days, but I have been slowed down lately because "life" has just been getting in the way. ;) We have had family in town, so that also throws a wrench into the regular everyday routine. I hope that everything with your insurance gets worked out and that you get back to blogging soon!
I really don't like the weeks where I am so busy that I run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I can't wait to see what you are going to have in your new giveaway
Your blog will survive. It looks like you have a very loyal following. :) Your health insurance and your health in general is more important by a long shot.
I also am in a very similar boat as far as being on the go like crazy and my blog having to take a back seat right now. I do look forward to reading other book reviews from someone else. :) ( I do book reviews usually on Sunday myself.)
Sometimes the best things we can do is take a step back for ourselves. I have done it several times and it always works out. Hang in there and the blog will be here when you get ready!
Oh geez, you deserve a good night's rest after all that fuss! I'm glad you got some of it taken care of though!
Sometimes life takes over, you deserve a break after dealing with all that!
Ugh, we've all had weeks like that. You know what - just do what you can and it will all be here waiting for you when you get back :)
Sounds like a rough time, sorry about that. I have been busy dealing with horrible customer service so I can relate to the stress. Hope it gets better soon so you can relax.
Oh no what a manic week for you - I hope things calm down for you soon and you manage to get your insurance completely sorted! x
Get your rest and everything set up we will be here waiting :D
Oh this whole insurance thing is just such a fiasco in our area too! Nothing works, none of the websites work and it is just such a headache! Good luck to you getting everything done on time!
Being a mom comes first and foremost before anything else! Moms need rest too or everything will fall apart!
I know how you feel! Sometimes the blog gets put on the back burner because life gets in the way which is nothing to be sorry for :) Good luck finding new insurance!
I completely understand being overwhelmed and behind on the blogging...I'm experiencing that right now too. Just breathe and do your best. It will all come together.
wow i was overwhelmed just reading this hugs sweetie hope things get better
I know how it goes. Some weeks, I just cant get to all the things I need to do. Other weeks, I have too much time on my hands.
I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. I can only imagine how frustrating it was. Take care!
It's so easy to get overwhelmed and then the catching up part afterwards.. I feel your frustrations! I'm glad you are able to get back on track of where you want to be!
We all tend to put so much on ourselves - I think you're prioritizing as well as you can. :) Take a breath, try not to get too frustrated (which I'm sure is hard when dealing with insurance matters!), and before you know it, you'll be curled up with a book and ENJOYING it, not racing to finish like a checkmark on a long to do list. :)
Sometimes you need to take a break and just focus on yourself. Your readers will still be here for you. Happy that you got your projects taken care of even though it took a while.
Definitely try to get some rest when you can! I'm glad you got everything taken care of, and a tax credit is always a good thing. *hugs*
Sounds like some weeks I have. I hate when things never go right when trying to do things online. I am glad that someone helped you with that. Take it easy and hopefully next week will be better.
I have yet to re-enroll our health insurance over the weekend. Hopefully, I will not have any problem like yours.
No worries :) life jumps up and gets in the way sometimes LOL
No worries. It has been a rough week for a lot of us. I was just commenting to someone that this past week sucked the life force out of me. I hope you can take this time to address everything that you need to and we will all be here when you get back.
I am glad that you finally got an NY state insurance, sometimes there are some people who just don't care with others but themselves i guess, glad there was a good samaritan to help you with all of the headache.
Take your time so that you can put your business in order, this way you get it right then have more time for reading, which is great!
Fan R @TeddyOutReady
It does seem as if you had a very busy week. On the good side, you did get a lot accomplished.
Wow! No wonder you are overwhelmed! I'm pretty upset about all of the health insurance hullabaloo going on, particularly because I am in Pennsylvania and still cannot get health insurance under the Affordable Care Act Medicaid provision because our governor decided that we wouldn't be opting into the Medicaid expansion, even though so many citizens in this state are in dire need of it. Sigh.
I try not to feel bad about the state of my blog during weeks where life just gets in the way and I can't do anything to get ahead. Remember to be good to yourself. Our self-talk has a lot to do with how we feel overall, and you should always be feeling amazing -- especially if you have anything to do with it! Good luck next week!
Nobody has time for insurance nonsense.. ugh! sounds like a rough week, i hope next week is better.. I hate insurance junk & taxes.. ugh to it all..
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