Book Review- The God Games, Legend of Kor- D.R. Hirsch | Miki's Hope

Book Review- The God Games, Legend of Kor- D.R. Hirsch

Sunday, August 4, 2013

This science fiction novel can also be viewed as an allegorical novel depicting man's inhumanity to man and what it would take to make the world a better place. It takes place in a fictitious world where one powerful man is attempting to kill off a group of people just because he thinks them inferior. Remind you of someone? Well in this story 4 people who have lived out their life games and now live in heaven full time with "One" are asked to travel to Kor and help them to over throw this tyrant and cause love for "One" to heal their broken spirits. This book made me think long and hard about how some people do not like others just because they have a different pigmentation to their skin or are different in other ways--religion comes to mind. I was able to read this book quickly and was happy it ended the way it did--I do suggest whether you are a science fiction, adventure book lover or not-you should get a copy of this book.

About the Book: (from the back of the book)

Energynauts Confront a Holocaust

Energynauts work for ONE by answering prayers from His children across the Cosmos. Ed and Ann Nelson and Thomas and Glenna Boyle are married energynauts sent by ONE from Heaven to the planet Kor, to find a way to depose the maniacal dictator, Gog, of Selve. Gog has determined to exterminate all of the despised orange Wales. He also has a goal to conquor all of Kor and make slaves of the lavender Vouns and blue Emons. The green Selves hate all other Korians. They feel that they are a superior race with a higher intelligence and stronger physique then the other three races. Gog has built a death camp with crematoriums to take care of the Wale problem, and a labor camp to confine the Emon and Voun slaves. Legend of Kor, is a book about passion and courage during a holocaust, and the indomitable will of the three maligned groups as they struggle together to reclaim Kor and end the persecutions.

This book can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel and Outskirts Press

About the Author: (from the back of the book)

Davalene R. Hirsch is a native of San Diego, California, now living in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She has had three different careers before starting to write the first book in the "God Games Trilogy"--as a Telecommunications Traffic Engineer; Rabbi's personal assistant; and owner of a gold mine in Julian California. She is the great-grandmother of a large, interracial family, who is passionate about civil rights, scientific discovery, and her vision of a Cosmos directed by the greatest of all FORCES: Love (ONE).

This is the authors Amazon Page

I received a PB copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


mail4rosey said... 1

Thank you for the review, and yes the beginning of your post did have a sadly familiar ring.

Kelli Avery said... 2

this novels sounds like it may have a deep undertone and perhaps a little bit more than subconscious reality?? Great Review!

Melanie Payne said... 3

This sound familiar to me , wonder if I have the book and read it already. Great review too, now must go look for the book!

Lisa Weidknecht said... 4

Very interesting! I'm going to check this one out!

Chubskulit Rose said... 5

Science fiction theme stories is in of those that I have yet to try in reading.

Karen Dawkins said... 6

This sounds quite deep -- is it an easy read despite the topic? My young teen son enjoys science fiction, but I don't want to go too deep on him. I think the topic sounds great. Thanks.

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said... 7

I agree it does sound a bit "deep" but I may still check it out to read "around the pool" or "on the deck" Thanks for sharing

Trendy Cyndie said... 8

I am not sure I could "get" this book. thanks for always sharing your books with your readers

Unknown said... 9

Definitely a deep read and very familiar-sounding. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and overview!

Anonymous said... 10

This is not my normal book but I would love to expand and read it. I will look for it when we got to Barns n Noble to tomorrow.

Taty said... 11

History should teach us on humanity's mistakes. Books like this keep those teachings alive.

Unknown said... 12

i am not into science fiction,maybe I should give it a try starting with this one...

Nicole A. said... 13

I just can't get into the science fiction genre.

Travel Quest said... 14

I love reading science fiction book, your reviews are so clever and convince me to look for this book.

Tricia said... 15

Not a book I would read but maybe something my husband would.

Melinda Dunne said... 16

Well this sounds like another book that would be very interesting to read. I think I can feel my blood boil just by your review. I will have to check this book out.

Nova said... 17

I always like fiction novels, for it seems a person's imagination can just work into just anything.

Like the story.

Healy Harpster said... 18

It seems interesting, I can give this book a try to read!

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