Book Review - I Love My Doctor, But… - Lawrence W. Gold, M.D. | Miki's Hope

Book Review - I Love My Doctor, But… - Lawrence W. Gold, M.D.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

This book could not have arrived in my mailbox at a better time! I am definitely beginning to wonder about my current doctor. Oh,, he is a nice enough guy and he does listen, sometimes. He definitely tries to explain things to me—except for one little problem—it seems I beat the odds and now he is trying every test under the sun to find something else wrong with me! I managed to get diabetes under total control—I have lost 60 lbs—my blood work is coming back perfect. So why is he insisting that I have a complete blood workup every time I go there—every 2 months at this point. He only seems to be frustrating himself and I can see that in his face (along with wonderment)! I can not afford to keep paying 440.00 for lab work every couple of months—I even went so far as to sign a form holding him not responsible because I refused to take cholesterol meds. I did take them at one point and they did a job on my muscle function—meanwhile the next blood work had my cholesterol at 160—I didn’t need the medicine anyway (according to him). Finding a new doctor is not going to be easy—my current insurance doesn’t have that many in my area.

This easy to read, short book outlines the dynamics between patients and doctors. It explains in plain English what can go right and what can go wrong and WHY. Sometimes it is the doctor, sometimes the patient and sometimes a combination of both. There is even a glossary of medical terminology at the end of the book which translates medical terms to words you and I can understand! There is also a glossary of medical specialists so that when you are referred to Nephrologists you will know that that is a doctor who treats kidney diseases. Cartoon like pictures are used to illustrate points being made and I have to say it is refreshing! It is not a book about the current state of the health care industry—also refreshing!!

I really would suggest you pick up a copy of this book!!

This book (or e-book format) can be purchased at Amazon

From the back of the book:

I Love My Doctor, But…

…is a lighthearted attempt to deal with a potentially serious problem in medical care, the deteriorating relationship between patients and their physicians. As the healthcare system becomes more complicated, expensive, and stressful for both patients and their physicians, we may need, more than ever, to rely on that relationship to guide us through the system.

This book makes important observations and specific suggestions about how to improve patient care and allow physicians to practice in a more rewarding manner.

Dr. Gold does not pretend that solutions are easy or quick, but he does believe that improving patient-physician relationships is a good start.

About the Author:

Dr. Gold practiced internal medicine and nephrology (diseases of the kidney) in Berkeley, California for twenty-three years. He was an active participant in the hospital’s quality assurance program. Dr. Gold served as chief of the department of internal medical and family practice.

After retiring, Dr. Gold set sail with his wife, Doris and their cat, Funina. They cruised Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean on a Sparkman and Sparkman cutter. They sold the sailboat and cruised Florida, the Bahamas, the United States East Coast and Canada on a Nordic Tug.

They are back on land in spectacular Grass Valley, California.

You can visit Dr. Gold here:
or on his blog where you can see the other books (NOVELS) he's written:

I received a PB copy of this book for review purposes! All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Rebecca said... 1

great review will be adding to my list of summer reads for fun

Anonymous said... 2

There are pros and cons to having that perfect doctor. I had one for years but everyone realized he was a great doctor and he made you feel like you were his only patient when he was in the room with you. Only problem he had was overbooking. He moved to a new office where they were supposed to give patients a certain amount of time and he was always backed up because he listened to all of us and could not do it. He finally got burned out on their rules and retired. I miss him.

Tamara @ Mommyland said... 3

Good Doctors are hard to come by anymore, it seems that they rush and they don't really look for the problem. Thank you for the review I think it will come in handy.

Celebrate Woman said... 4

It is a timely reminder. Going to a doctor and knowing what to do and ask is a must. It is never enough enough to be reminded about good practices when it comes to doctors!
Thank you.

Healy Harpster said... 5

Thank's! I will definitely get a copy of this. I'm glad our doctors are the good doctors so far!

Trendy Cyndie said... 6

looks like I will be adding this to my to read list

Diane Holland said... 7

I am lucky and have a good doctor. I think it is important to find one that you 'click' with and who will listen and understand. Especially, on the expense part.

Melinda Dunne said... 8

I totally understand your frustration with your doctor. I have the opposite problem I have to fight with mine to get them to look deeper into what is wrong with me. I do have a wonderful surgeon who has been the best doctor I have ever had but he is relocating in a month. I still have unfinished business with that so I don't know if my problem will be solved or not. Anyway, this sounds like another great book that I need to read.

Thinking Outside The Sandbox said... 9

Definitely some interesting thoughts. I have been through a couple doctors with varying satisfaction

bonnie holt said... 10

Its nice to know what to ask when I go tot he dr now . Thank you for the review

Unknown said... 11

i wanna read this one. thanks for the review.

Chubskulit Rose said... 12

Oh I would love to read this one!

amiableamy said... 13

Another great review! So far, hubby's doctor is really nice and he really takes good care of him. Can't complain.

Nova said... 14

This is fantastic, I would love to learn more about this book

Unknown said... 15

Sounds like a very interesting book MikiHope. These doctors constantly send patients to take so many tests. Whenever I go to a doctor I ask a lot of questions! Take care and enjoy the rest of your week.

Unknown said... 16

My mom had a similar problem with the cholesterol meds. They finally found something that worked for her though. Glad to hear you're getting things under control!

Erin said... 17

look like i will have to add this to my summer reading list! :)

Helene said... 18

This sounds like a refreshing and sensible book. I have been a patient, advocated for mental health patients, and worked for doctors and I can see how some practical advice could make a big difference!

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