Dental Insurance-Do You Need It? | Miki's Hope

Dental Insurance-Do You Need It?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Back when employers actually cared about their employees there were many benefits paid by the employer for the employee and his or her family members in full; or at least for the employee. The cost for the “family portion” was within reason. Sometimes these benefits even followed the faithful employees into their retirement years. Profit sharing plans were totally funded by employers as well. Does this sound like the start of a fairytale? Well, this actually used to happen. Back in the 1980’s when our economy was not in bad shape this was the rule rather then the exception. Times have changed.

While most employers will still pay at least part of the cost of medical insurance for employees, dental insurance is almost unheard of. The employee now pays, in most cases, half of the cost of the medical insurance, if the person is lucky enough to be employed at all. Dental insurance is almost unheard of and in most cases employees have to foot the entire cost. There are many people in today’s world that do not go to the dentist because they can not afford it and have no insurance.

No matter what the scenario it behooves people to get dental insurance. Keeping your teeth healthy is important and poor dental care can cause other problems as well. There are websites where dental insurance for individuals can be purchased. As with anything else before you start paying a monthly premium you should always check out options available in your state. Like medical insurance the different states have difference rules and guidelines for dental insurance.

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Nova said... 1

i guess dental insurance for me is important, because i need to make sure that my teeth are healthy aside from the fact of cleaning it everyday

Happy Gardening, Kim said... 2

The amount of insurance we have to pay from my husband's work keeps going up up up. You're right, companies are skirting by as much as they can...did Obama do that!!!

Mom Blog said... 3

Dental insurance......yes - you need it. I'd hate for something huge to happen and then not have any insurance for this! Better safe than sorry.

Doreen McGettigan said... 4

Most dental insurance policies cap the yearly amount they will pay.
You need to way limit with the actual premium to do decide if its worth it.

Unknown said... 5

Growing up a dentist daughter...I think dental insurance is important :)
Although, having paid for it for 6 years now, and never using it-I guess i'm starting to wonder. I've used it for my daughter, and my husband has used it as well. Dental insurance is a wonderful thing for Dentists. Most people cannot afford the prices of dental work, so the insurance helps to cover the costs. Otherwise, dentists wouldn't be in business, and we wouldn't have teeth! We'd all look weird, and we'd all eat thru straws! ;)

Unknown said... 6

A great suggestion MikiHope as dental costs are so high! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Melinda Dunne said... 7

I agree that dental insurance is important but I also agree that most employers have done away with it. I have dental insurance but that doesn't stop large copays. It is hard to afford if anything goes wrong in your mouth.

Trendy Cyndie said... 8

I sure need dental insurance!

Unknown said... 9

I need some dental insurance very badly! Health insurance would be nice too!

Anonymous said... 10

I am glad I had it a few months ago, you definitely need dental ins. Do not get me started on how employers treat their employees, my last job was awful and I am so glad I am no longer there.

Chubskulit Rose said... 11

The bills that dentists send to insurance are ridiculously high so yes, we do need an insurance. We have two insurance actually and we were surprised when we received a very high bill last month, the billing at our dentist did not know what to do!

mystylespot said... 12

Wow, I'm actually shocked to hear its become so rare. I am so lucky to have an awesome dental plan where I haven't had to pay a penny out of pocket at a visit it years! now if only my health and vision were so good!

Marms @ Mom and Kids Blog said... 13

Yes coverage in plans and cost differ in every dental insurance companies in every State. I am not sure if our dental plan is way an advantage or not. I have to double check with my hubby.

mail4rosey said... 14

We have dental insurance and still paid over $3k for two root canals (one for hubby, one for me). I can't imagine what it would have cost if we didn't have it. I bet they wouldn't have even wanted to do the work. Crazy.

I'm visiting from the Thirsty hop.

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