Book Review - Changing Lanes – Kathleen Long | Miki's Hope

Book Review - Changing Lanes – Kathleen Long

Sunday, April 21, 2013

This is one of those books that is bound to remind you of sometime or something in your life. That point where everything is going crazy and all the plans you have made are being shattered; that period of insecurity and indecision when you to have to re think and possibly re make your entire life. That time when you realize it is time for a change-even though you didn’t expect it to happen. And when the sand settles and you finally realize that maybe it really all was for the best. This happened to me a couple of times in my life, as a matter of fact it is happening right now! Just remember there is a rainbow after the storm. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will probably read it several more times! It is a fictional novel which depicts real life!

From the back of the book:

Abby Halladay has the perfect life. Or, rather, she will…as long as everything goes according to plan. Abby never leaves anything to chance –not her job as a syndicated columnist, not her engagement to her fiancé, Fred, and certainly not her impending wedding in Paris (New Jersey, that is).

Unfortunately for Abby, even the best laid plans often go awry—like when Fred runs away to Paris (France, that is), her column is canned, and her dream home is diagnosed with termites. Forced to move back in with her parents and drive her Dad’s cab, Abby finds that her perfect life has now officially become the perfect disaster.

Then a funny thing happens: slowly but surely, Abby begins letting go of her dreams of perfection. As she does, the messy, imperfect life she thought she never wanted starts to feel exactly like the one she needs.

Poignant and heartfelt, Changing Lanes celebrates the unexpected joys of everyday life—and the enduring promise of second chances.

This book will be on-sale on 5/14/13 at Amazon, it can also be ordered ahead of time

About the author:

After a career in PR spent spinning words for clients ranging from corporate CEOs to talking fruits and vegetables, Kathleen Long finds great joy spinning words for fictional characters, places and plots. She is an award winning author of over 14 novels.

A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Kathleen now divides her time between suburban Philadelphia and the Jersey shore. When Kathleen is not busy writing her next book, she spends her time bribing her little one to pick up her toys, begging the dog to heel, and experimenting with jewelry design.

You can visit Kathleen at her website and find out about all the other books she has written!!

I received a PB copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Erin said... 1

Looks like a fun read! Thanks for the great review!! :)

Taty said... 2

Great to get some perspective on so many chapters of our lives

seny said... 3

I am already enjoying the synopsis of this book. It is relatable. I am going to check a copy of this. Thanks for sharing!

Trendy Cyndie said... 4

I have read this book and it is very good

Melinda Dunne said... 5

I put this book on my book list.It sounds like something I would really enjoy. I am also go through changes and learning to let go.

Andrea said... 6

This looks like a really good book.

MzBaker said... 7

This book does sound very interesting.

Anonymous said... 8

I would love to read this book, thank you for sharing.

amiableamy said... 9

There is indeed a rainbow after the storm. Life has its ups and downs but, as long as we keep it together, we will survive. I love books that inspires me and this sure is a good one.

Marms @ Mhar's Display said... 10

I have been through lots of bumpy roads in my life. But when I go the chance to change lanes, I aggressively did it. Now I am happy.

Nova said... 11

Another wonderful book to read, something different from the books I've used to know.

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said... 12

Based on your intro paragraph the book didn't sound like one I would want to read. Let's be honest, I am more of a YA paranormal, greek mythology, etc kind of gal. But after reading the synopsis I am quite interested! Definitely going to add it to my To-Read list.

Becca Wilson said... 13

Thanks for sharing the review of this. Looks like something I would enjoy!

Chubskulit Rose said... 14

Another interesting story to read.

Corinne said... 15

The summary made me think of what becoming a mother did to me--having to let go of everything being perfect. Sounds like a great read. I'll have to add it to my growing reading list.

Ruth said... 16

Sounds like a book that might be worth checking out.

Nova said... 17

this sounds like a great read. comforting in a way

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