Do You Need Help With Your Elderly Parents? | Miki's Hope

Do You Need Help With Your Elderly Parents?

Monday, March 11, 2013

How many times I have read on the internet how people are struggling to help their elderly parents with their healthcare needs, or that a spouse has been injured and really needs a lot of care at least for a while. Meanwhile that person, usually the female is left to juggle running between caring for her children, her elderly parent and/or her spouse. This is definitely not an easy burden to bear and one that can be lessened if you take the time to do a little research. I have been extremely lucky that my Mom is in good health and hasn’t needed any help other then taking her food shopping on occasion (she needs me to carry the bundles upstairs). However, that doesn’t mean that I may not need these home care services someday. What if she falls and breaks a hip? I am not strong enough to take physical care of her. I would definitely need someone to come to her house and help me out!

Your first step should be to speak to the doctor and ascertain what type of care they need and for how long. Many insurance companies will pick up at least some of the cost of in home care services. It is worth a phone call, especially if the person just got out of the hospital or is so incapacitated that they can not even bath themselves, or get to the bathroom without assistance but wish to remain in their own homes.

There are companies all over this country that specialize in home nursing and out patient care and I would be willing to bet that they will help you get reimbursement. Even if you only need a couple of hours a day of help most of these companies can accommodate you—24 hour care is also available. There are also different levels of care—you don’t necessarily need the services of an RN—maybe an LPN or a Nurses Aide will be sufficient.

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement.


Unknown said... 1

Thankfully I have not had to deal with this issue yet. But I know a day will come when I will have to face it with my own parents. I am glad to know there are options that we can use to get the best for our elderly parents when the time comes.

Unknown said... 2

Thankfully my parents are well. I don't know how I'll deal when the time comes and they are not. I have watched my parents deal with the issue with my grandparents though and its hard, emotional and takes a toll!

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said... 3

My parents are still young, so there is no need to worry about this. But once the time comes....I doubt they would move to a retirement home. They like being independent. Knowing there are many options for them is a relief.

Allyson Bossie said... 4

I don't want to think about my parents needing help. I think a nice elderly community is a great place to put them when that time comes!

Shannon said... 5

This is great info. I hopefully have years before I have to worry about this.

Unknown said... 6

What great information. I will tuck this away for future use. thanks!

Unknown said... 7

Unfortunately, I will have to look into this in the next few years. I am not looking forward to it. =( Thanks for the info!

Krystle(Baking Beauty) said... 8

I'll keep these idea for when my Mom gets older! I hope to move away, but don't want to leave her on her own!

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