Meghan said... 1
Decadent deceptions looks good!
I follow via GFC: Meghan Stith
I like this post on FB: Meghan Stith
I follow your blog via email: mestith at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
February 19, 2013 at 8:44 AM
werejumpinbooks said... 4
GFC: Jenna
Follow Keta on Twitter: JennaJbearden
February 27, 2013 at 11:47 AM
Both of you have won an e-copy of "Sky Tinted Water". This really is a sweet little romance and I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did. I will be sending out e-mails to each of you in just a few minutes--all you have to do is respond to that email within 48 hours with the email address you would like the e-book sent to and I will forward it to the author so that she can send it to you!
This is the story of a family who moved to Minnesota from the Boston area back in the time of the civil war and Indian uprisings. It is the story of their everyday life—the ups and downs, the joys and the worries. It depicts how people stuck together and helped each other. When an Indian family shows up at their door with a very pregnant wife-she is helped-and a son is born. That act of kindness is repaid-how I will not tell you or I will give away part of the story! It is also the story of a true love—between a husband and wife of long standing and the sweet romance and marriage of a young couple.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this—it was refreshing. I will be watching out for the sequel!

PREFACE (from the E-Book)
The name Minnesota is based on the Dakota Sioux Indian word for sky tinted water, which refers to the Minnesota River and the state's many lakes.
Before European settlement of North America, Minnesota was populated by the Dakota people. As Europeans settled the east coast, Native American movement caused migration of Native Americans into the Minnesota area.
Treaties between European settlers and the Dakota and Ojibwe gradually forced the natives off their lands and on to smaller reservations. As conditions deteriorated for the Dakota, tensions rose, leading to the Dakota War of 1862. The result of the six–week war was the execution of 38 Dakota — the largest mass execution in United States history — and the exile of most of the rest
of the Dakota to the Crow Creek Reservation in Dakota Territory. As many as 800 white settlers died during the uprising.
Sky Tinted Water and the second book in the series, Sky Dance are fiction novels 'loosely' themed around several events of the Civil War and the Dakota Sioux uprising in Minnesota.
About the Author
Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest part of the country on six acres of woodland. When she isn't writing or gardening, she loves to commune with nature. Keta is a multi-published author in both erotic romance and gay fiction. Her latest paranormal novel, Where The Rain Is Made, has been nominated for a Bookie Award by Authors After Dark in the Best e-novel category. In addition, Keta's books have received numerous Top Pick, Book of the Month, and Recommended Reads awards from the top professional review sites.
You can find her on the net at the following places:
Keta's Keep,
The Stuff of Myth and Men,
Keta on Twitter:
Keta’s Amazon Page
This e-book can be purchases in many e-book formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere!
The author has graciously offered 2 of my readers an e-book copy of Sky Tinted Water.
Please remember to put your name and email address in each and every comment you make so that I can contact you if you are one of the 2 winners!
Mandatory: Go to Keta’s Amazon Page then in a comment tell me
which book you might like to read.
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I was not paid cash for this post. I did receive a free PDF copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.
Decadent deceptions looks good!
I follow via GFC: Meghan Stith
I like this post on FB: Meghan Stith
I follow your blog via email: mestith at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Hello Miki, thank you so much for hosting me on your lovely blog. I visit here now often now and always find a wealth of info & good stuff.
Thank you too for reading and reviewing Sky Tinted Water, and for your kind words about the book.
I'm so happy you enjoyed reading it!
I appreciate everyone stopping by today. Good luck in the contest. If you win/read Sky Tinted Water, please be sure to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads.
Blessings to all, Keta
I'm an email subscriber. thankyou, ken
GFC: Jenna
Follow Keta on Twitter: JennaJbearden
Decadent Deceptions looks good
Carrie M
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