Book Review-It’s Nothing Personal – Kate O’Reilley | Miki's Hope

Book Review-It’s Nothing Personal – Kate O’Reilley

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

If you have ever been involved with lawyers this book will get to you. I was embroiled once in a case where someone I worked with was accused of something he could not have done—5 years later he was finally proved innocent-after spending 5 years in jail. Because I was served with a subpoena my life was hell for those five years as well. I was harassed by both sides—the lawyers calling me at midnight to make sure I hadn’t gone anywhere—a policeman who knew me through a different job threatening me if I went against the cop who accused this man of something he didn’t do! I can not begin to explain the mood swings, the depression, the absolute fear I went and was put through. I barely slept for those five years. And I can attest to the fact that it certainly is personal—though the lawyers try to tell you after the fact that it wasn’t!! Kate O’Reilley has put this into words. So when I read this book I kind of re lived those years all over again—that said—this is a fast paced very well written book and the story line all too believable. I highly recommend this book to anyone-but especially those who like medical and/or legal thrillers!! I think I am going to go and buy her other book-In Good Hands-Kate O’Reilley is one heck of a good suspense writer!!

From the back of the book:

On a chilly January morning, anesthesiologist Dr. Jenna Reiner made her daily drive to St. Augustine Hospital, completely unaware that her life was about to change forever. One of the surgical scrub technicians in her hospital has been stealing syringes and infecting patients with hepatitis C. The battle against the thieving surgical tech was only the beginning. Jenna Reiner was about to begin the fight of her life—the fight for her reputation, her pride, and her sanity. Beautifully composed, and inspired by true events, It’s Nothing Personal is a suspenseful, riveting, and emotional thriller which chronicles the story of faith and fortitude when an innocent woman finds herself surrounded by corruption and greed.

About the Author: (from Pump up you Book)

Kate O’Reilley is a physician, specializing in anesthesiology. In late 2009, Kate was plunged into a painful battle in a high-profile, medical malpractice suit. The calamity that ensued nearly destroyed Kate and her family. After the suit ended and the wounds started to heal, Kate was urged by close friends and co-workers to document her experiences. The words flowed, and It’s Nothing Personal was born from Kate’s journey through her temporary hell.

Kate’s second book, In Good Hands, is a moving, gripping, and tragic story of an anesthesiologist who dispenses her own version of justice after being the innocent victim of a brutal crime.

Kate currently resides in Colorado with her husband and beautiful daughter. In her spare time, she enjoys running, writing, reading, and spending time with her family. Her vacations are always spent in Hawaii, a place that Kate and her family hold dear to their hearts. Having lived on Oahu while her daughter was young, Kate and her family relish the day when they can return to the islands permanently.

This book can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and where ever fine books are sold!!

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Tracee said... 1

How terrible that you went through such an ordeal - thanks for being part of this tour and I'm glad you enjoyed the book

Unknown said... 2

Such a horrible ordeal you had to go through. I'm glad it is over for you and the man was proved innocent, but still! That is horrible. It would definitely be hard not ot take it personal.

This book sounds like quite the thriller, although I'm not sure if i could handle the emotional thrill. lol. I'm much more of an easy fantasy YA fiction reader.

Kate O'Reilley said... 3


Thank you so much for the review, as well as hosting me. I'm sorry for what you had to endure. But I am so thrilled that you liked my book.



Grandma Bonnie said... 4

Lawyers and our legal system need a big overhaul. I am glad to hear your friend got proved innocent. Sounds like a very interesting book. Hope you have a great week.

Shannon said... 5

How stressful to go through that! Thanks for sharing a bit about the book. I haven't heard of it before, but may check it out if I have time to read another book anytime soon.

Happy Gardening, Kim said... 6

I bet your life is/was as exciting as all those books you read!! You're going to make me a ready yet Michele. This book sounds pretty good, I've got to admit!!

thanks for stopping by TTC on MA

Unknown said... 7

Very interesting review! You definitely have me wanting to read this book!

Unknown said... 8

Wow, what a terrible thing to go through. Sounds like an interesting book.

TerinAleah said... 9

Wow, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but am glad that it is far behind you now! :)

This book sounds great! I'll add it to my list of books to read! Thank you!

Unknown said... 10

I love reading and thrillers are my favorite. Especially medical and legal. I will have to read this.

hippie_mom said... 11

I bet that was stressful, but I also bet your friend was so glad to have your support. I love suspense books so I will have to check that out!

Lynn @ Books on the Bay said... 12

As someone who is studying law, it makes me SO upset that you were treated like that. The book sounds incredible though!

Beck Valley Books said... 13

My husband would love this book, although its really terrible that something similar happened in real life to you and those around you.

Cheap Is The *New* Classy said... 14

I love medical thrillers! This looks like something that I would love. Thanks :)


Ashley S said... 15

Oh wow, how horrible! I can't even imagine going through that type of ordeal... however this book does sound like a great thriller. THanks for sharing!!

Unknown said... 16

I've been finding so many great book recommendations on your site, I started digging around in your archives to find more and stumbled upon this one. Looks like a great one! Adding it to my reading list.

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