Normally I love to watch fish swimming around in a fish tank. I can normally sit and watch them for hours-relaxing as I do. Until I went to my eye doctor’s office a couple of years back. As I sat there waiting in the examining room—I was being stared at—the fish was not moving-just facing me and staring. I had no idea what kind of fish this was so when the doctor walked in I immediately asked. Oh, that is a piranha he said—looks like he thinks you would be a good snack! That eye doctor had a LOT of trouble examining my eyes-I kept my eyes on the piranha and the piranha didn’t move—just kept staring at me. Needless to say I have not returned to that office since!! It was a magnificent tank—large and roomy—large enough for several fish to live happily ever after. Of course with a piranha in there—I never did ask what he fed it—I didn’t want to know. According to Wikipedia “A piranha or piraña is a member of family Characidae in order Characiformes, an omnivorous (eats both veggies and MEAT) freshwater fish that inhabits South American rivers.”

I definitely prefer watching fish swim around in tropical and cold water fish tanks!! Tropical fish need warmer water and tend to be colorful. Cold water fish, one of which is the goldfish) need water that is cooler. Although they may come to view who is viewing them—they don’t think about you as a food source—a food giver maybe as they rise to the top of their aquarium in search of food you have hopefully sprinkled in.
If you have never been to one-I suggest you take yourself and your family to one of the Aquariums that dot this nation. Watching fish can be a very relaxing experience.

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Thanks for the laugh, I can just see you and the piranha staring at each other. I wonder if the doctor's office waits until the end of the day to feed him so no one watches him tear apart his prey.
Bobbie Anne
Oh my goodness. I don't think I would have been able to even stay for the eye exam.
We own a fairly large sized aquarium. My grandchildren as well am myself enjoy watch the fish daily.
One of my younger granddaughter tells me she is talking to the fish when she pushed her face against the glass. lol So, it's washed daily.
Uh oh! that piranha has something against you lol. just kidding. Did you try to poke the fish (just on the glass though) if it swim away or not? that's very interesting
That is too funny! I would have been freaked out too!
I've never seen one in a fish tank. Not something I would find enjoyable to watch but might be a good start of a mystery book.
I don't think I have seen one in a tank before, but I could be mistaken. We have done the Aquarium in Chicago and did not like it much. The Aquarium in New Orleans is amazing though!
LOL that's too funny! I don't think I've ever seen a pihanha.
That is different, I prefer the salt water tank at the dentist office.
Haha! I have often wondered what the fish in our tank are thinking about us. I would have been so freaked out if a fish just stared at me. We have actually had pacu (look like piraña but get much bigger and have less sharp teeth) in our tank before and they can just sit for HOURS in one spot; very creepy!
Laughing with you on this one!!! Their fish tanks are wonderful..YOu know I never thought about getting Brody a fish!! Maybe he wouldn't clobber it like he does our dogs!! You're always a delight to visit.
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I agree- watching fish can be very relaxing. At our zoo we have an aquarium with a tunnel under water. I love sitting in it and just watching all the sharks and turtles and sting rays just swim by!
Not sure I would want a piranha staring at me while I was having an eye exam. I do love watching fish though.
Someone bought me this dried/stuffed piranha as a souvenir gift years back. I had it for years (although it creeped me out). :) I sold it in a yard sale... someone thought it was cool. lol.
Oh my... I am trying to stifle a giggle. Hopping by to say Hi!
Stopping by from Tuesday's Thoughtful Comments Hop.
That was hilarious!
There was a fish (the yellow tropical one) in a South Beach hotel that everytime i got close, they would swim back and it only did it to me. I never found out the reason why!
Stopping by from Tuesday's Thoughtful Comments Hop.
That was hilarious!
There was a fish (the yellow tropical one) in a South Beach hotel that everytime i got close, they would swim back and it only did it to me. I never found out the reason why!
I can just see how you would not be able to stop looking at the fish looking at you!
Too funny!
Stopped by from Tuesday's Thoughtful!
Haha- I would have freaked out with the fish just looking at me! TOO FUNNY!
Too funny! My son has been asking for a "Nemo" fish for the longest but I have the worst time keeping an aquarium up. We'll have to settle for enjoying the ones we see at the different places we visit.
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