Anyone who has coached in the NFL can tell you that the key to success is as much about motivating players on the field as it is about good play calling.
Leadership consists of technical knowledge but it also consists of being able to motivate your employees to give their all. Employee motivation affects every area of your organization from productivity to your ability to recruit. So whose responsibility is it if your workers are not motivated? Yours, of course.
One of GoDaddy Founder Bob Parsons’ sixteen rules for success is that anything not managed will deteriorate. Leadership is an active role and not an easy one. The task of motivating workers is made more difficult by the fact that no one thing is likely to motivate all your workers.
Individuals tend to be motivated by different things, there is no single formula that works for everyone. However, you can motivate your staff by aligning your goals with their individual goals, which brings us to:
Get Them to See That Your Success Equals Their Success
The achievements of the team are achievements for each individual player, as well. As a leader you need to understand what drives each member of your staff so that you can direct their energies and ambitions towards fulfilling common goals. Know their strengths and their weaknesses. Another Bob Parsons rule is to measure all significant factors; this should include the abilities of your team.
Of course, no coach in professional football would go into a game without a plan and no player would feel confident playing for a coach who did not have a strategy mapped out for an upcoming game. Having clear plans reassures your staff that you know where you are going. A game-plan creates purpose, and having a clearly defined purpose is one of the greatest motivators in existence. It may sound hard, but your plan should clearly map out each individual’s role in getting to the objective and those roles should be suited to their strengths.
Stress Teamwork
One of the reasons football is a good analogy for business is the pure teamwork needed to fulfill objectives. Sure, coaches and quarterbacks get blamed and credited more than they deserve but the only way a team can win is with each member understanding they are functioning parts of a whole. Each employee has to see themselves as having a responsibility to help their team (your company) succeed.
Recognize the Importance of Communication
For you to learn anything about your workers, you need to be willing to listen and create an environment where your workers feel free to communicate. You will also need to be able to make yourself understood; you do this by adapting your communication style to your listeners. Ensure your words are understood the way you mean them and that you and those who work for you are on the same page.
Finally, one of the most important tips is to always remain positive. Bob Parsons says you always have a reason to smile. A positive attitude by management creates a positive environment that will encourage workers to be creative and productive. It shows that quiet grumbling really isn't accepted, while still encouraging open discussion of problems. This attitude can be passed on down the ranks and create a positive atmosphere throughout your company.
Teamwork is so important. Without teamwork, you truly have nothing. That is in every facet of life!
I so agree! I worked as a manager of a team of 12 for some time in the communications industry...teamwork was key.
Teamwork is totally vital in a family too!
Team work is a key to success in every day life too.
Team work is very important..
communication and working like a team is key!
I tell my kids everyday to smile and be thankful because there is always something to smile and be thankful about even if its just the air we breathe.
Those are fantastic tips! If we can get the kids to understand that when they do what we ask they get benefits from it, then things work so much smoother. It works in home life as well as in business!
I second the importance of communication. At with spouses and children as well as with co-workers.
Teamwork is so important and not stressed enough these sprays.
Teamwork is definitely very important! Great tips, thanks!
I agree in that team work is very important! Thanks for the great tips :)
Listening is important as well as team work. Gotta teach my oldest son that.
I am a person that believes communication is everything. It can't be stressed enough to communicate effectively.
These are great tips. I don't have employees, but I do have family members I'd like to motivate to do certain things around the house. :-) Going to try some of these techniques.
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